Publications by authors named "Gubler M"

A new concept of shoulder arthroscopy is presented based on experience with 800 shoulder arthroscopies. All open surgical procedure on the shoulder are preceded by arthroscopy. The procedure is performed with the patient lying on his or her side.

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A large kindred with adult-type X-linked Alport syndrome was studied with regard to a defect in the recently described COL4A5 collagen gene. Southern blot analysis with COL4A5 cDNA probes showed loss of a MspI restriction site. Direct sequencing of cDNA amplified from lymphoblast mRNA demonstrated a single-base substitution converting a glycine codon to arginine at position 325 in the alpha 5 chain of type IV collagen.

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EcoR124 and EcoDXXI are allelic type I restriction-modification (R-M) systems whose specificity genes consist of common structural elements: two variable regions are separated by a constant, homologous region containing a number of repetitive sequence elements. In vitro recombination of variable and constant elements has led to fully active, hybrid R-M systems exhibiting new and predictable target site specificities. Methylation of synthetic DNA sequences with purified, hybrid modification methylases was used to confirm the proposed recognition sequences.

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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates the mitosis and differentiation of a variety of cellular types. It also delays the cell senescence in vitro. Because of its multiple functions, the effects of EGF on cells from isolated, explanted calf renal glomeruli have been studied.

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Between September 1955 and January 1990, 94 pediatric patients were managed for renovascular hypertension caused by renal artery occlusive disease. Patients (50 boys and 44 girls) were aged 4 days to 17 years (median age: 7 years). At initial evaluation, 34 patients had symptoms of hypertensive encephalopathy or acute heart failure, 36 had moderate symptoms, and 24 were symptom-free.

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We have investigated the role of a four amino acid element that is repeated twice and three times, respectively, in the specificity polypeptides of the two allelic restriction-modification systems EcoR124 and EcoR124/3. We had earlier shown that this difference in amino acid sequence between the two systems is solely responsible for the different DNA sequence specificities of the two systems. The effect of single amino acid substitutions and small insertion and deletion mutations on restriction activity and modification specificity was determined in vivo by phage infection assays and in vitro by methylation of DNA with purified modification methylases.

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The protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique was applied to reveal the monomeric elements M1, M2* and M3 from the non-collagenous globular domain (NC1) of type IV collagen over various renal basement membranes from control and long-term streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. This study includes the basement membranes of the proximal tubule, the Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus as well as the extracellular matrix of the mesangium. The labellings obtained were confined to basement membrane material.

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Heterogeneity in the distribution of major components, namely laminin, entactin/nidogen, heparan sulfate proteoglycan and type IV collagen among renal basement membranes, was previously demonstrated (Desjardins and Bendayan, J Histochem Cytochem 37:885-897, 1989). To further investigate the nature of basement membranes, we applied high resolution immunocytochemistry to reveal monomers M1, M2* and M3 composing the NC1 domain of type IV collagen of various rat renal basement membranes. Labeling for the three monomers was confined to basement membranes.

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Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) has been reported in patients treated with cyclosporin A (CsA) following bone, hepatic and kidney transplantation. We report two patients with Behçet's disease (BD) under CsA treatment because of severe uveitis, who developed HUS several months after the initiation of treatment. Renal biopsies showed lesions consistent with the diagnosis of the arterial form of thrombotic microangiopathy: vascular thrombosis with extensive glomerular ischemia.

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Over a 22-year period, eight patients affected with severe systemic or polyarticular juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) developed systemic amyloidosis with nephrotic syndrome. They were treated with chlorambucil over 5-192 months (mean = 44 months). With treatment, an abrupt decrease in the severity of JCA was observed in six patients but two patients were chlorambucil resistant.

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We observed an unusual glomerular disease in eight pediatric patients. Clinical features of this early, progressive renal disease included increased blood pressure in many cases, extrarenal hematologic and pulmonary symptoms, and, in one of our patients and two genetically related children, hemolytic uremic syndrome with thrombotic microangiopathy resulting in permanent renal failure. Histologic studies showed major and complex modifications of glomerular capillary walls and electron microscopy disclosed numerous bundles of fibrillar collagen within the extracellular glomerular matrix.

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Diffuse mesangial sclerosis (DMS) has been described as a distinct morphological pattern observed in patients presenting with a congenital or infantile nephrotic syndrome (NS) leading to end stage renal failure (ESRF) before the age of 3 years (Habib & Bois: Helv. Peadiat. Acta 28: 91-107, 1973).

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Twenty-four biopsies of generally cadaveric renal allografts from 20 patients with cystinosis were examined by light, polarization, phase contrast and electron microscopy. Cystine crystals, or cytoplasmic crystalline spaces compatible with cystine, were observed in interstitial cells in 23 of the 24 biopsies and in glomeruli in six. Among the six, crystalline spaces were identified by electron microscopy in cells compatible with macrophages in the mesangium in two, and, in one of the latter, dark, presumably cystine-containing cells were also present in the mesangium.

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Within two years we have had the opportunity of observing seven leukemic children who were referred to our Pediatric Nephrology Unit for delayed renal failure following bone marrow transplantation (BMT). These children (3 to 12 years old), six with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and one with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL), underwent BMT (4 autologous BMT, 3 allogeneic BMT) after the first remission in two, and after the second remission in five. Preparative regimen for BMT included cyclosphosphamide in three, cyclosphosphamide, vepeside and cytosine A in four, and a total body irradiation in a single dose of 10 grays (1000 R) in all of them.

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Twenty-four biopsies of renal allografts, generally cadaveric, from 20 patients with cystinosis were examined by light, polarization, phase contrast, and electron microscopy. The unusual dark cells previously reported in the native kidneys and livers of patients with cystinosis were observed in 12 of the 24 biopsies. The cells were present in the interstitium in all of these 12 biopsies, in glomeruli in one biopsy, and in the tubular lumen in two biopsies.

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The significance of Bradyrhizobium japonicum upstream activator sequences (UASs) for differential NifA-mediated fix and nif gene expression was investigated by two means: (i) hybrid fixA- and fixB-lacZ fusions were constructed by transposing a nifH-UAS cartridge in front of their promoters; and (ii) B. japonicum mutants were generated carrying specific chromosomal deletions or UAS cartridge insertions within the fixA, fixB or nifH promoter-upstream regions. Expression of fixA was not affected, and expression of fixB decreased only to 42%, when the respective fixA and fixB promoter-upstream DNAs were deleted.

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The Bradyrhizobium japonicum fixX gene was identified and shown to be essential for symbiotic and free-living, microaerobic nitrogen fixation. The fixX gene encodes a ferredoxin-like protein which may be involved in a redox process (electron transport?) essential for nitrogenase activity. This gene was localized downstream of fixC and its expression was dependent on the fixB promoter, providing evidence for the existence of a fixBCX operon.

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For 15 to 20 years, electron microscopy studies have shown that some hereditary renal diseases are characterized by various abnormalities of the basement membranes. In the nail-patella syndrome, in Alport's syndrome and variants, and in benign familial hematuria, the changes involve the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). In nephronophthisis, the tubular basement membrane (TBM) is affected.

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We have examined the effects of dietary retinoids upon the growth and differentiation of seven embryonal carcinoma lines in mice. The control diet contained 4000 IU/mg retinyl palmitate; the other diets contained 2 x 10(5) IU/mg retinyl palmitate, 50 mg/kg all-trans-retinoic acid (RA), 100 mg/kg RA, and no retinoid. The RA-containing diets had little influence on tumor latency or incidence but did suppress growth of many of the tumors.

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The incidence of de novo membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) in transplanted kidneys is around 1 to 2%. In our series, of the 310 grafts that were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy (IF), 29 (9.3%) showed subepithelial IgG deposits, a pattern consistent with the diagnosis of MGN.

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The transcriptional start site of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum fixBC operon was identified by nuclease S1 mapping. It was located approximately 700 base pairs upstream of fixB and was preceded by a promoter sequence that showed strong homology to the B. japonicum fixA promoter and thus to the general nif consensus promoter sequence.

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