Publications by authors named "Grignani P"

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  • Recent advancements in stage III melanoma treatment focus on adjuvant therapies, leading to a decrease in completion lymph node dissection (CLND) procedures after positive sentinel node biopsy (SLNB).
  • A study from the University of Turin compared relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) in 157 melanoma patients, finding no significant difference between those who underwent CLND and those who did not.
  • The findings suggest that while CLND has minimal impact on RFS or OS, adjuvant therapies significantly lower the risk of relapse, highlighting their importance in treating melanoma patients.
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The identification of human fire victims is a challenging task in forensic medicine. The heat-induced alterations of biological tissues can make the conventional anthropological analyses difficult. Even if the DNA profile of the victim is achieved, it is possible that no match can be found in a forensic DNA database, thus hindering positive identification.

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Bones and teeth represent a common finding in ancient DNA studies and in forensic casework, even after a long burial. Genetic typing is the gold standard for the personal identification of skeletal remains, but there are two main factors involved in the successful DNA typing of such samples: (1) the set-up of an efficient DNA extraction method; (2) the identification of the most suitable skeletal element for the downstream genetic analyses. In this paper, a protocol based on the processing of 0.

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Asbestos-related diseases still represent a major public health problem all over the world. Among them, malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a poor-prognosis cancer, arising from the serosal lining of the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum, triggered by asbestos exposure. Literature data suggest the key role of iron metabolism in the coating process leading to the formation of asbestos bodies, considered to be both protective and harmful.

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Body fluid identification by means of mRNA profiling provides valuable supplementary information in forensic investigations. In particular, the detection of vaginal mucosa mRNA markers is highly relevant in sexual assault cases. Although the vagina undergoes characteristic age-related physiological changes over a lifetime, few studies have evaluated the efficacy of vaginal mRNA markers in women of different ages.

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In this article, we describe multiple analytical strategies that were first developed for forensic purposes, on a set of three bone samples collected in 2011. We analyzed a single bone sample (patella) collected from the artificially mummified body of the Baron Pasquale Revoltella (1795-1869), as well two femurs which allegedly belonged to the Baron's mother (Domenica Privato Revoltella, 1775-1830). Likely due to the artificial mummification procedures, the inner part of the Baron's patella allowed the extraction of high-quality DNA yields, which were successfully used for PCR-CE and PCR-MPS typing of autosomal, Y-specific, and mitochondrial markers.

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In April 2015, a fishing boat that departed from Libya with about 1,000 migrants on board sank in the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the migrants were packed in the hull of the boat and drowned in the shipwreck. After fifteen months, the ship was recovered from the seabed and brought to a Sicilian naval area for forensic investigations.

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The collection of liquid biological matrices onto paper cards (dried matrix spots [DMS]) is becoming an alternative sampling strategy. The stability over time of molecules of interest for therapeutic, sport drug monitoring, and forensic toxicology on DMS has been recently investigated representing a reliable alternative to conventional analytical techniques. When a tampering of a urine sample in drug monitoring or doping control cases is suspected, it could be relevant to know whether genetic profiles useful for individual identification could be generated from urine samples spotted onto paper (dried urine spot [DUS]).

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Dried urine spots (DUS) represent a potential alternative sample storage for forensic toxicological analysis. The aim of the current study was to develop and validate a liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric procedure for the detection and quantitative determination of cannabinoids and metabolites in DUS. A two-step extraction was performed on DUS and urine samples.

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Purpose: Whatman™ 903 cards represent a valid type of support for collection, storage, and analysis of dried blood spots (DBS). Whatman™ FTA (Flinders Technology Associates) are a type of cards soaked in chemicals that cause denaturation of proteins, while preserving DNA and ensuring the safe handling of DBS; to date, these cards are still rarely employed in forensic toxicology. The aim of this study was to analyze several psychoactive substances on not-dried blood on the two different cards and to compare the qualitative and quantitative results.

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The performance of the Precision ID Identity Panel (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was assessed on a set of 87 forensic samples with different levels of degradation for which a reference sample from the "same donor" or from a "first degree relative" was available. PCR-MPS analysis was performed with DNA input ranging from 1 ng to 12 pg and through 21-26 PCR cycles, in replicate tests, and a total number of 255 libraries were sequenced on the Ion Personal Genome Machine™ (PGM™) System. The evaluation of the molecular data allowed to set a fix threshold for locus call at 50 x which suitably worked even when low amounts of degraded DNA (12 pg) were investigated.

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The long-term survival of RNA in postmortem tissues is a tricky topic. Many aged/forensic specimens show, in fact, high rates of null/inconclusive PCR-based results, while reliable outcomes were sometimes achieved from archaeological samples. On the other hand, several data show that the RNA is a molecule that survives even to several physical-chemical stresses.

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On October 3rd, 2013 a boat carrying more than 500 migrants coming mostly from the Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia) sank near Lampedusa, a small Italian Island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. The recovered bodies were examined by a forensic team, and post mortem data (anthropological and odontological records, and DNA) were collected for identification. Genetic profiles based on 16 autosomal STRs were acquired from both victims and putative relatives recruited following an international call.

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This work provides a protocol for the production of damaged DNA samples. In particular, heat-mediated hydrolysis of the samples at 70 °C in ultrapure water was performed in 1.7 mL Eppendorf tubes sealed by Parafilm for 0-36 h.

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In mammals, the sex of the embryo depends on the SRY gene. In the presence of at least one intact and functional copy of this genetic factor (XY embryo) undifferentiated gonads will develop as testicles that subsequently determine the male phenotype. When this factor is not present, i.

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Heat-mediated hydrolysis of DNA is a simple and inexpensive method for producing damaged samples in vitro. Despite heat-mediated DNA hydrolysis is being widely used in forensic and clinical validation procedures, the lack of standardized procedures makes it impossible to compare the intra and inter-laboratory outcomes of the damaging treatments. In this work, a systematic approach to heat induced DNA hydrolysis was performed at 70 °C for 0-18 h to test the role both of the hydrolysis buffer and of the experimental conditions.

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Every year thousands of migrants die during the endeavour to reach the Italian coasts, making the Mediterranean the theatre of one of the greatest tragedies of mankind. Over 60% of these victims is buried unidentified: one of the reasons behind this is related to the specific difficulties and lack of strategies concerning AM and PM data collection. The present article describes how Italy is trying to face the problem of migrant identification, thanks to the collaboration between government, the Italian national police and universities.

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Next generation sequencing (NGS) is the emerging technology in forensic genomics laboratories. It offers higher resolution to address most problems of human identification, greater efficiency and potential ability to interrogate very challenging forensic casework samples. In this study, a trial set of DNA samples was artificially degraded by progressive aqueous hydrolysis, and analyzed together with the corresponding unmodified DNA sample and control sample 2800 M, to test the performance and reliability of the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep kit using the MiSeq Sequencer (Illumina).

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Background: Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia is a genetic disease that leads to multiregional angiodysplasia. Severe recurrent epistaxis is the most common presentation, frequently leading to severe anaemia. Several therapeutic approaches have been investigated, but they are mostly palliative and have had variable results.

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Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is an overgrowth syndrome characterized by fetal macrosomia, macroglossia, and abdominal wall defects. BWS patients are at risk to develop Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, and adrenal tumors. A young woman with BWS features, but with inconclusive genetic evidence for the disease, came to clinical observation for signs of virilization at the age of 16 years.

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The role of DNA damage in PCR processivity/fidelity is a relevant topic in molecular investigation of aged/forensic samples. In order to reproduce one of the most common lesions occurring in postmortem tissues, a new protocol based on aqueous hydrolysis of the DNA was developed in vitro. Twenty-five forensic laboratories were then provided with 3.

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A simple and inexpensive MEKC method, which is able to assess base damage within DNA samples, is illustrated. After heat-acid hydrolysis of the DNA samples, both the percentage of each canonical DNA base and the relative amount of uncanonical DNA bases can be measured. This method is useful for an evaluation of the integrity of PCR templates used in several fields of investigation.

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The 2011 collaborative exercise of the ISFG Italian Working Group GeFI was aimed at validating the five ENFSI/EDNAP miniSTR loci D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248, D12S391 and D22S1045. The protocol required to type at least 50 multilocus profiles from locally resident individuals and two blind bloodstains in duplicate (i.e.

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The assessment of the integrity of the DNA primary structure and the identification of canonical and modified bases are useful tools in medical, pharmaceutical, and forensic applications. In this article we report on the first microwave-assisted hydrolyses of deoxyribonucleoside-triphosphates (dNTPs) and human DNA using "Design of Experiments" methodology. We use hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) and UV detection at 260 nm for the determination of purinic and pyrimidinic bases at levels of 0.

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A DNA sample was partially degraded by scalar heat-acid treatments to study the extent of apurinic-apyrimidinic (A-P) lesions produced along the molecule. A CE-UV method allowed us to measure the rate of depurination at pH 5.0 and 70°C which was calculated to be 5.

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