Publications by authors named "Greggory Davis"

Background: Treatment options for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced angioedema (ACEi-AE) are primarily limited to airway monitoring and protection with intubation. The efficacy of tranexamic acid (TXA) in this context remains poorly understood.

Objective: Examine outcomes among patients treated with and without TXA for ACEi-AE.

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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is to be considered an independent risk factor for developing post-computed tomography (CT) acute kidney injury (AKI); however, current data are limited.

Objectives: Examine the incidence of AKI after intravenous contrast exposure among patients with and without CKD.

Methods: A single-center retrospective study examined patients that presented to the Emergency Department and activated the stroke protocol, which involved an immediate CT angiogram.

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Literature regarding attendance in elective health programs, like the Geaux Get Healthy Clinical Program at Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL), is scarce. This study aimed to investigate reasons for the non-enrollment of eligible, food-insecure individuals from Baton Rouge in the Geaux Get Healthy Clinical Program at Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL), which is a clinic-based community program addressing food insecurity. A prospective qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured phone interviews with 19 participants screened for food insecurity within the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS) but who did not enroll in the program.

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  • One third of organ donors experience catastrophic brain injury (CBI), but there’s no standardized management for traumatic CBI among trauma centers, leading to variability in practices.
  • A multicenter trial involving 33 trauma centers analyzed 790 CBI patients to investigate whether institutions with CBI guidelines had higher organ donation rates.
  • While centers with CBI guidelines showed greater use of certain treatments, the presence of guidelines did not significantly increase organ donation rates; however, hormone therapies were linked to a higher likelihood of donation.
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Several pre-workout supplements contain niacin, although the exercise performance effects of niacin are poorly understood. The purpose of the present study was to examine the performance effects of niacin versus caffeine as a pre-workout supplement. Twenty-five untrained males were recruited to complete three identical ramped aerobic cycling exercise trials.

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The experiment examined the effects 4 weeks of vitamin D (Vit D) supplementation versus placebo on musculoskeletal and psychomotor performance. Thirty-two college age males (Age: 22 ± 4 y, Height: 177.7 ± 8.

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It is important to identify potential underlying factors that can affect the variability of resting metabolic rate (RMR) measurements. The RMRs of 20 college-aged men were tested twice in stable environmental conditions, with each measurement separated by 40 min. Skin temperature, core temperature, and inter-beat interval were monitored throughout the study as identified factors that could affect RMR measurements.

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To determine the effects of short-term Montmorency cherry (MC) supplementation upon exercise performance, total blood nitrate levels, muscle oxygenation, and slow-component [Formula: see text]O kinetics. Twelve healthy male participants ingested a MC or placebo (PL) supplement in a randomized cross-over fashion over a six day period then cycled at a power output achieved at 70% of [Formula: see text]O peak for a maximum of 30 minutes or until exhaustion. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy sensors were used to determine muscle oxygenation.

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Notwithstanding the lack of exercise research, several reviews have championed the use of melatonin to combat metabolic syndrome. Therefore, this study compared substrate utilization during a 30-minute (min) graded exercise protocol following the ingestion of either 6 mg melatonin (M) or a placebo (P). Participants (12 women, 12 men) performed stages 1-5 of the Naughton graded exercise protocol (6 min per stage).

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Background: Determining predictive markers for the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D), particularly in young individuals, offers immense potential benefits in preventative medicine. Previous research examining serum fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in humans has revealed equivocal relationships with clinical markers of metabolic dysfunction. However, it is unknown to what extent, if any, first-degree family history of T2D (mother or father of the participant diagnosed with T2D) level affects serum FGF21 levels.

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  • The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an elastic hamstring assistance device in reducing muscle soreness, increasing strength, and improving range of motion after downhill running.
  • The research involved sixteen healthy male participants, who underwent various pre- and post-exercise tests to measure strength, soreness, range of motion, and biomarkers of muscle damage.
  • Results indicated significant improvements in perceived soreness and isometric strength at a specific angle after using the device, suggesting it may help reduce post-exercise discomfort, though more research is needed with larger sample sizes and different terrains.
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There is a limited supply of sport nutrition supplements currently available for vegan or vegetarian athletes. In addition, the efficacy of a vegan or vegetarian pre-workout supplement that does not contain any processed ingredients or stimulants is currently unknown. The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of an unprocessed vegan pre-workout supplement on high-intensity cycling performance.

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Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the changes in mucosal immunity and pulmonary function among participants in a 36-hour mixed task ultraendurance race.

Methods: Thirteen of the 20 race participants volunteered for the investigation (age 34±5 y). The event consisted of a mixture of aerobic, strong man, and military-style exercise.

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The effects of resistance training on adiponectin have thus far yielded equivocal results. However, the effect of periodized resistance training on plasma adiponectin in offspring of type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic (ND) parents (first-degree family history) has yet to be determined. Untrained healthy young men with and without a first-degree family history of type 2 diabetes were assigned to an exercise intervention group (E) or an active control group (C).

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Serum and plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentration has been associated with several health parameters associated with aging including cognitive function, bone mineral density, and muscular strength. However, the effectiveness of salivary DHEA for the prediction of cognitive function, bone mineral density, and muscular strength in older adults is currently unknown. Thirty elderly African American females provided early morning salivary samples and DHEA levels were determined using a commercially available immunoassay.

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The ability to use data from tests of maximum aerobic capacity to estimate the ventilatory threshold and point of respiratory compensation (RCP) is useful for coaches and practitioners in the development of training schemes. Current methods for determining the RCP generally involve identifying deflections in respiratory variables when examined alongside minute ventilation. This investigation describes a novel mathematical method for determining RCP using standard scores (Z-scores) for minute ventilation (VE) and oxygen consumption (VO2).

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The purpose of this study was to examine tympanic temperature, melatonin, and cognitive function during a 36-hour endurance event. Nine male and three female participants took part in a 36-hour sustained endurance event without sleep (N = 12, mean age = 31.8 ± 5.

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