Publications by authors named "Gordon Spencer"

During meiosis, the parental chromosomes are drawn together to enable exchange of genetic information. Chromosomes are aligned through the assembly of a conserved interface, the synaptonemal complex, composed of a central region that forms between two parallel chromosomal backbones called axes. Here, we identify the axis-central region interface in , containing a conserved positive patch on the axis component HIM-3 and the negative C terminus of the central region protein SYP-5.

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During meiosis, the parental chromosomes are drawn together to enable exchange of genetic information. Chromosomes are aligned through the assembly of a conserved interface, the synaptonemal complex, composed of a central region that forms between two parallel chromosomal backbones called axes. Here we identify the axis-central region interface in , containing a conserved positive patch on the axis component HIM-3 and the C-terminus of the central region protein SYP-5.

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Article Synopsis
  • Comparative approaches show that different organisms can have both similar and different developmental outcomes, highlighting the need for multiple case studies to understand biological principles.
  • The nematode Pristionchus pacificus serves as a model for studying plasticity and epigenetic regulation due to its ability to change morphs based on environmental factors.
  • In comparing P. pacificus to Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers found common epigenetic genes but noted the absence of the PRC2 complex in P. pacificus, suggesting the evolution of new mechanisms for epigenetic regulation.
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The successful delivery of genetic material to gametes requires tightly regulated interactions between the parental chromosomes. Central to this regulation is a conserved chromosomal interface called the synaptonemal complex (SC), which brings the parental chromosomes in close proximity along their length. While many of its components are known, the interfaces that mediate the assembly of the SC remain a mystery.

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Objectives: Treatment guidelines are key drivers of prescribing practice in the management of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), but recommendations on best practice can vary. We conducted a cost-utility analysis to compare the treatment pathway recommended by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) guideline with the pathway proposed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline, from the perspective of the UK National Health Service.

Methods: A decision tree modelling approach was adopted to reflect the treatment pathway for CDI as outlined in ESCMID and NICE guidelines.

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During meiosis, programmed double-strand DNA breaks are repaired to form exchanges between the parental chromosomes called crossovers. Chromosomes lacking a crossover fail to segregate accurately into the gametes, leading to aneuploidy. In addition to engaging the homolog, crossover formation requires the promotion of exchanges, rather than non-exchanges, as repair products.

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Alignment of the parental chromosomes during meiotic prophase is key to the formation of genetic exchanges, or crossovers, and consequently to the successful production of gametes. In almost all studied organisms, alignment involves synapsis: the assembly of a conserved inter-chromosomal interface called the synaptonemal complex (SC). While the SC usually synapses homologous sequences, it can assemble between heterologous sequences.

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Sexual reproduction shuffles the parental genomes to generate new genetic combinations. To achieve that, the genome is subjected to numerous double-strand breaks, the repair of which involves two crucial decisions: repair pathway and repair template. Use of crossover pathways with the homologous chromosome as template exchanges genetic information and directs chromosome segregation.

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During sexual reproduction the parental homologous chromosomes find each other (pair) and align along their lengths by integrating local sequence homology with large-scale contiguity, thereby allowing for precise exchange of genetic information. The Synaptonemal Complex (SC) is a conserved zipper-like structure that assembles between the homologous chromosomes, bringing them together and regulating exchanges between them. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the SC carries out these functions remain poorly understood.

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Background: It is estimated that 1 billion people in the world have a point mutation in the gene encoding the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) enzyme, the primary enzyme responsible for the metabolism of acetaldehyde. The presence of this mutation is called ALDH2 deficiency. Because of limited ability to metabolize acetaldehyde, individuals with ALDH2 deficiency experience elevated levels of blood acetaldehyde after exposure to various common sources such as recreational alcohol.

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Angiosperm flowers are usually determinate structures that may produce seeds. In some species, flowers can revert from committed flower development back to an earlier developmental phase in a process called floral reversion. The allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica displays photoperiod-dependent floral reversion in a subset of its flowers, yet little is known about the environmental conditions enhancing this phenotype, or the morphological processes leading to reversion.

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