Publications by authors named "Gongbing Shan"

Jump rope is a widely applied basic training technique in various sports, yet it is understudied biomechanically. This study investigates the impact of cycle-tempo-induced motor control changes in elite jump rope athletes, addressing the biomechanical gap of cyclic skill control. The hypothesis posited two accelerations per jump cycle-one in front of and one behind the body-and anticipated that increased cycle frequency would alter the distribution of acceleration time within a cycle.

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Objective: To investigate the impact of practicing the health Qigong-Baduanjin exercise on lower limb balance among elderly individuals.

Methods: Two intervention methods, Baduanjin and brisk walking, were applied to study the effect of exercise on senior balancing. Sixty elderly individuals aged 65 to 79 were selected and randomly divided into the Baduanjin group, the brisk walking group, and the control group that did not engage in exercise.

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The Planche is a challenging, the most required, and a highly valued gymnastic skill. Yet, it is understudied biomechanically. This article aims to explore the anthropometric variations that could affect the quality of balancing control in the Planche and to identify the body types that have an advantage in learning and training.

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Developing real-time biomechanical feedback systems for in-field applications will transfer human motor skills' learning/training from subjective (experience-based) to objective (science-based). The translation will greatly improve the efficiency of human motor skills' learning and training. Such a translation is especially indispensable for the hammer-throw training which still relies on coaches' experience/observation and has not seen a new world record since 1986.

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Background: Scientifically, both temporal and spatial variables must be examined when developing programs for training various soccer scoring techniques (SSTs). Unfortunately, previous studies on soccer goals have overwhelmingly focused on the development of goal-scoring opportunities or game analysis in elite soccer, leaving the consideration of player-centered temporal-spatial aspects of SSTs mostly neglected. Consequently, there is a scientific gap in the current scoring-opportunity identification and a dearth of scientific concepts for developing SST training in elite soccer.

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Playing the piano at expert levels typically involves significant levels of trial-and-error learning since the majority of practice occurs in isolation. To better optimize musical outcomes, pianists might be well served by emulating some of the practices found in sports, where motor learning strategies are grounded in biomechanics and ergonomics in order to improve performance and reduce risk of performance-related injuries. The purpose of the current study is to examine trunk-hand coordination and preparatory movement strategization in piano performance, while considering the influence of anthropometry, skill level of the performer, and musical context.

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Currently, there are pros and cons of research results related to weight cutting in combat sports, resulting in inconclusive results regarding the effects of weight-cut on athletes' performance, and biomechanical investigations are hardly seen. Therefore, this pilot study tried to fill the gap by initiating an exploration in real-life competitions. It is our hope to add biomechanical insights (advantages/disadvantages) that would discern the impact of weight cutting on competitive performance and help to structure hypotheses in future research.

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Background: Wheelchair users are disadvantaged when it comes to accruing the benefits of physical activities. Hence, promoting various sports is crucial for keeping this population healthy. Since wheelchair curling can be played by individuals from a wide range of ages, strengths, and endurance levels, it has potential to improve wheelchair users' well-being.

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Personality traits have close relationships with risky behaviors in various domains, including physical education, competition, and athletic training. It is yet little known about how trait personality dimensions associate with risk events and how vital factors, such as risk perception, could affect the happening of risk events in adolescent athletes. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the prediction of risk events by regression analysis with dimensions of personality, risk perception and sports, relations between risk events, risk perception, and the facets of the personality dimensions via data collecting from 664 adolescent athletes aged 13-18 years (male 364, female 300).

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One of the greatest challenges in reducing high rates of performance injuries among musicians is in providing them usable tools to address playing-related musculoskeletal problems (PRMP) before they become disorders. Studies in biomechanics have the potential to provide such tools. In order to better understand the mechanisms through which PRMP manifest in pianists, especially in the distal segments of the upper limbs, the current study quantifies wrist internal loading (WIL) and wrist impact loading frequency.

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Piano performance motor learning research requires more "artful" methodologies if it is to meaningfully address music performance as a corporeal art. To date, research has been sparse and it has typically constrained multiple performance variables in order to isolate specific phenomena. This approach has denied the fundamental ethos of music performance which, for elite performers, is an act of interpretation, not mere reproduction.

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Purpose: The current study aimed to quantify the main influences and the interactions (joint effects) of gender, leg and type of target on the biomechanics of front kick quality. Through the quantification, we tried to identify the relevant factors related to the kick accuracy and maximum velocity for coaching practice.

Methods: A ten-camera NIR VICON MX40 motion capture system (250 Hz) was used to determine the kicking foot maximum velocity from two well-trained subject groups (8 males and 6 females).

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Purpose: About 70% injury of gymnasts happened during landing - an interaction between gymnast and landing mat. The most injured joint is the ankle. The current study examined the effect of mechanical properties of landing mat on ankle loading with aims to identify means of decreasing the risk of ankle injury.

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No existing studies of badminton technique have used full-body biomechanical modeling based on three-dimensional (3D) motion capture to quantify the kinematics of the sport. The purposes of the current study were to: 1) quantitatively describe kinematic characteristics of the forehand smash using a 15-segment, full-body biomechanical model, 2) examine and compare kinematic differences between novice and skilled players with a focus on trunk rotation (the X-factor), and 3) through this comparison, identify principal parameters that contributed to the quality of the skill. Together, these findings have the potential to assist coaches and players in the teaching and learning of the forehand smash.

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Hammer-throw has a long-standing history in track and field, but unlike some other sports events, men's hammer throw has not seen a new world record since 1986. One of the possible reasons for this stagnation could be the lack of real-time biomechanical feedback training. In this study, we proposed to establish scientifically described training targets and routes, which in turn required tools that could measure and quantify characteristics of an effective hammer-throw.

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Previous studies have shown that muscle repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are often related to sport trainings among young participants. As such, understanding the mechanism of RSIs is essential for injury prevention. One potential means would be to identify muscles in risk by applying biomechanical modeling.

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One of the dominant skills in badminton is the forehand overhead smash, which consists of 1/5 attacks during games. Empirical evidences show that one has to adjust the body position in relation to the coming shuttlecock to produce a powerful and accurate smash. Therefore, positioning is a fundamental aspect influencing smash quality.

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Taekwondo is famous for its powerful kicking techniques and the roundhouse kick is the most frequently used one. In earlier literature, the influence of a physical target (exiting or not) on kicking power generation has not been given much attention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the kinematics of roundhouse kick execution and its factors related to power generation.

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Instrumental music performance ranks among the most complex of learned human behaviors, requiring development of highly nuanced powers of sensory and neural discrimination, intricate motor skills, and adaptive abilities in a temporal activity. Teaching, learning and performing on the violin generally occur within musico-cultural parameters most often transmitted through aural traditions that include both verbal instruction and performance modeling. In most parts of the world, violin is taught in a manner virtually indistinguishable from that used 200 years ago.

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Biomechanics investigation on soccer kicking has a relatively long history, yet the body of knowledge is still small. This paper reviews articles published from 1960s to 2011, summarizing relevant findings, research trends and method development. It also discusses challenges faced by the field.

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In a prisoner's dilemma, constructed narratives are used to demonstrate problems within individual rationality and decision-making. Performing artists can be seen as facing a type of prisoner's dilemma in their careers: they must practice repeated movements for long periods in order to improve, yet despite the short-term perception of gained artistic benefit, the long-term consequences may be playing-related musculoskeletal disorders and injury. To help avoid such an outcome, educators and health and wellness practitioners must function as negotiators, engaging in discussions of artistry as part of establishing credibility and encouraging behaviors that keep artists in efficient, healthy behaviors.

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Music ensemble playing relies heavily on a conductor's gestural cues. Visibility of those cues varies within the ensemble, so conductors typically use compensation strategies selectively to improve the clarity of their gestures for different players. Currently, there are no quantitative studies evaluating the efficacy of such compensatory strategies.

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Performance of instrumental music requires high precision and the automisation of motor control to free the performer to focus on the artistic outcome. To acquire this high skill, training is experience-based, involves one-on-one instruction, and requires long hours of repetitive practice. This approach is consistent with a traditional model of vocational apprenticeship.

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Research on postural stability, motor control, and fall occurrence in seniors is common, but few studies address the influence of exercise and external dynamics on elderly balance. Using pre- and post-training tests, the effects of a Fitball exercise program on performance in eight subjects was documented. The exercise program focused on improving dynamic balance and postural stability of seniors.

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