Publications by authors named "Goffner D"

Plant cell walls are complex structures subject to dynamic remodeling in response to developmental and environmental cues and play essential functions in disease resistance responses. We tested the specific contribution of plant cell walls to immunity by determining the susceptibility of a set of cell wall mutants () to pathogens with different parasitic styles: a vascular bacterium, a necrotrophic fungus, and a biotrophic oomycete. Remarkably, most mutants tested (29/34; 85.

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Microbial spatial distribution has mostly been studied at field to global scales (i.e., ecosystem scales).

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The cytokinin signaling pathway, which is mediated by response regulator (ARR) proteins, has been involved in the modulation of some disease-resistance responses. Here, we describe novel functions of ARR6 in the control of plant disease-resistance and cell-wall composition. Plants impaired in function () were more resistant and susceptible, respectively, to the necrotrophic fungus and to the vascular bacterium , whereas plants that overexpress showed the opposite phenotypes, which further support a role of in the modulation of disease-resistance responses against these pathogens.

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Arabinogalactan protein content in both root extracellular trap and root exudates varies in three Sahelian woody plant species that are differentially tolerant to drought. At the root tip, mature root cap cells, mainly border cells (BCs)/border-like cells (BLCs) and their associated mucilage, form a web-like structure known as the "Root Extracellular Trap" (RET). Although the RET along with the entire suite of root exudates are known to influence rhizosphere function, their features in woody species is poorly documented.

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Restoration interventions to combat land degradation are carried out in arid and semi-arid areas to improve vegetation cover and land productivity. Evaluating the success of an intervention over time is challenging due to various constraints (e.g.

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High-throughput analytical techniques to assess the chemistry of lignocellulosic plant material are crucial to plant cell-wall research. We have established an analytical platform for this purpose and demonstrated its usefulness with two applications. The system is based on analytical pyrolysis, coupled to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry - a technique particularly suited for analysis of lignocellulose.

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PIRIN (PRN) is a member of the functionally diverse cupin protein superfamily. There are four members of the Arabidopsis thaliana PRN family, but the roles of these proteins are largely unknown. Here we describe a function of the Arabidopsis PIRIN2 (PRN2) that is related to susceptibility to the bacterial plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum.

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The plant hormone auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) has a crucial role in plant development. Its spatiotemporal distribution is controlled by a combination of biosynthetic, metabolic and transport mechanisms. Four families of auxin transporters have been identified that mediate transport across the plasma or endoplasmic reticulum membrane.

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In the Sahelian zone, the drought phenomenon, combined with anthropic factors (monoculture, bush fires, defect or deficit of manure, overgrazing, etc.), has seriously affected ecological great balances, involving a degradation of the natural resources as well as a fall in agricultural productions, pointing to a process of desertification. To face these challenges, in the course of the 8th ordinary session of the conference of the Heads of States of the African Union held in January 2007 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 11 countries adopted the Panafrican project called the Green Great Wall (GGW).

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Cell death of xylem elements is manifested by rupture of the tonoplast and subsequent autolysis of the cellular contents. Metacaspases have been implicated in various forms of plant cell death but regulation and execution of xylem cell death by metacaspases remains unknown. Analysis of the type II metacaspase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana supported the function of METACASPASE 9 (AtMC9) in xylem cell death.

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The presence of lignin in secondary cell walls (SCW) is a major factor preventing hydrolytic enzymes from gaining access to cellulose, thereby limiting the saccharification potential of plant biomass. To understand how lignification is regulated is a prerequisite for selecting plant biomass better adapted to bioethanol production. Because transcriptional regulation is a major mechanism controlling the expression of genes involved in lignin biosynthesis, our aim was to identify novel transcription factors (TFs) dictating lignin profiles in the model plant Arabidopsis.

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Plant growth and response to environmental cues are largely governed by phytohormones. The plant hormones ethylene, jasmonic acid, and salicylic acid (SA) play a central role in the regulation of plant immune responses. In addition, other plant hormones, such as auxins, abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins, gibberellins, and brassinosteroids, that have been thoroughly described to regulate plant development and growth, have recently emerged as key regulators of plant immunity.

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Postmortem lignification of xylem tracheary elements (TEs) has been debated for decades. Here, we provide evidence in Zinnia elegans TE cell cultures, using pharmacological inhibitors and in intact Z. elegans plants using Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy, that TE lignification occurs postmortem (i.

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Galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides seem to interact with auxin in xylogenic cell culture, thus influencing mainly metaxylem-like tracheary element differentiation depending on timing with hormones and the process kinetics. Complex mapping of Zinnia mesophyll cell transdifferentiation into tracheary elements with or without prior cell division was documented after palisade and spongy parenchyma cell immobilization during the first 4 days of culture. Here, we report a positive effect of galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides on cell viability and density and higher metaxylem-like tracheary element formation in xylogenic cell culture.

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Inactivation of Arabidopsis WAT1 (Walls Are Thin1), a gene required for secondary cell-wall deposition, conferred broad-spectrum resistance to vascular pathogens, including the bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, and the fungi Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum. Introduction of NahG, the bacterial salicylic acid (SA)-degrading salicylate hydroxylase gene, into the wat1 mutant restored full susceptibility to both R.

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The compatible interaction between the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, and the GMI1000 strain of the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum, was investigated in an in vitro pathosystem. We describe the progression of the bacteria in the root from penetration at the root surface to the xylem vessels and the cell type-specific, cell wall-associated modifications that accompanies bacterial colonization. Within 6 days post inoculation, R.

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Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), which catalyses the first committed step of the lignin-specific branch of monolignol biosynthesis, has been extensively characterized in dicot species, but few data are available in monocots. By screening a Mu insertional mutant collection in maize, a mutant in the CCR1 gene was isolated named Zmccr1(-). In this mutant, CCR1 gene expression is reduced to 31% of the residual wild-type level.

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We previously reported the characterization of walls are thin1 (wat1), an Arabidopsis mutant that exhibits two developmental phenotypes in stems: (1) a severe decrease in fiber secondary cell wall thickness and (2) a reduction in stem height. Auxin concentration and transport were also significantly reduced in the stem base of wat1 plants. In the original study, these characteristics were observed in plants grown under short day conditions (9 h light /15 h dark).

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By combining Zinnia elegans in vitro tracheary element genomics with reverse genetics in Arabidopsis, we have identified a new upstream component of secondary wall formation in xylary and interfascicular fibers. Walls are thin 1 (WAT1), an Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of Medicago truncatula NODULIN 21 (MtN21), encodes a plant-specific, predicted integral membrane protein, and is a member of the plant drug/metabolite exporter (P-DME) family (transporter classification number: TC 2.A.

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Background: Silage maize is a major forage and energy resource for cattle feeding, and several studies have shown that lignin content and structure are the determining factors in forage maize feeding value. In maize, four natural brown-midrib mutants have modified lignin content, lignin structure and cell wall digestibility. The greatest lignin reduction and the highest cell wall digestibility were observed in the brown-midrib-3 (bm3) mutant, which is disrupted in the caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene.

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Although cell wall remodeling is an essential feature of plant growth and development, the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. This work describes the characterization of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants with altered expression of ARAF1, a bifunctional alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase/beta-D-xylosidase (At3g10740) belonging to family 51 glycosyl-hydrolases. ARAF1 was localized in several cell types in the vascular system of roots and stems, including xylem vessels and parenchyma cells surrounding the vessels, the cambium, and the phloem.

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The Zinnia elegans cell culture system is a robust and physiologically relevant in vitro system for the study of xylem formation. Freshly isolated mesophyll cells of Zinnia can be hormonally induced to semisynchronously transdifferentiate into tracheary elements (TEs). Although the system has proven to be valuable, its utility is diminished by the lack of an efficient transformation protocol.

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An attractive objective in tree breeding is to reduce the content of lignin or alter its composition, in order to facilitate delignification in pulping. This has been achieved in transgenic angiosperm tree species. In this study we show for the first time that changes in lignin content and composition can be achieved in a conifer by taking a transgenic approach.

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The expression of phenylpropanoid and related genes was investigated in bm1, bm2, bm3, and bm4 near-isogenic maize plants at the 4-5 leaf stage using a gene-specific cell wall macro-array. The bm3 mutant, which is mutated in the caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene, exhibited the lowest number of differentially expressed genes. Although no other phenylpropanoid gene had an altered expression, two distinct OMT and two cytochrome P450 genes were overexpressed suggesting the activation of alternative hydroxylation/methylation pathways.

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An extensive search for maize (Zea mays) genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis and assembly has been performed and 735 sequences have been centralized in a database, MAIZEWALL (http://www.polebio.scsv.

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