This study evaluated the health-related weighted ultraviolet radiation (UVR) due to the total ozone content (TOC) and the aerosol optical depth (AOD) changes. Clear-sky Ultraviolet Index (UVI), daily doses, and exposure times for erythema induction (D and T) and vitamin D synthesis (D and T) were computed by a radiative transfer estimator. TOC and AOD data were provided by six Earth System Models (ESMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent research has provided evidence of the self-lofting capacity of smoke aerosols in the stratosphere and their self-confinement by persistent anticyclones, which prolongs their atmospheric residence time and radiative effects. By contrast, the volcanic aerosols-composed mostly of non-absorptive sulphuric acid droplets-were never reported to be subject of dynamical confinement. Here we use high-resolution satellite observations to show that the eruption of Raikoke volcano in June 2019 produced a long-lived stratospheric anticyclone containing 24% of the total erupted mass of sulphur dioxide.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThroughout spring and summer 2020, ozone stations in the northern extratropics recorded unusually low ozone in the free troposphere. From April to August, and from 1 to 8 kilometers altitude, ozone was on average 7% (≈4 nmol/mol) below the 2000-2020 climatological mean. Such low ozone, over several months, and at so many stations, has not been observed in any previous year since at least 2000.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent studies show that the ozone layer will recover by the middle part of this century. This is a significant result arising from the Montreal Protocol, and highlights the success of this environmental protection agreement. Climate change projections show that Total Ozone Content (TOC) levels will increase significantly by the end of this century, mainly at higher latitudes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have derived values of the Ultraviolet Index (UVI) at solar noon using the Tropospheric Ultraviolet Model (TUV) driven by ozone, temperature and aerosol fields from climate simulations of the first phase of the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI-1). Since clouds remain one of the largest uncertainties in climate projections, we simulated only the clear-sky UVI. We compared the modelled UVI climatologies against present-day climatological values of UVI derived from both satellite data (the OMI-Aura OMUVBd product) and ground-based measurements (from the NDACC network).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have implemented a first-principle optimal estimation method to retrieve ozone density profiles using simultaneously tropospheric and stratospheric differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurements. Our retrieval extends from 2.5 km to about 42 km in altitude, and in the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere (UTLS) it shows a significant improvement in the overlapping region, where the optimal estimation method (OEM) can retrieve a single ozone profile consistent with the measurements from both lidars.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Dermatol Venereol
December 2018
Background: To better understand the potential risk associated with sun exposure during the school year, we decided to evaluate behaviour, risk [UV index (UVI), minimal erythema dose (MED)] and benefits (vitamin-D synthesis) of sun exposure in primary schoolchildren in France, as well as the various sun protection methods used for children.
Material And Methods: We performed the study on a sunny day (July 24) in a school in Antony (France). Evaluation of UVI (with calculation of MED) and the amount of vitamin D synthesized according to exposed body surface area and phototype were performed every 15minutes from 9 a.
The ozone profile records of a large number of limb and occultation satellite instruments are widely used to address several key questions in ozone research. Further progress in some domains depends on a more detailed understanding of these data sets, especially of their long-term stability and their mutual consistency. To this end, we made a systematic assessment of fourteen limb and occultation sounders that, together, provide more than three decades of global ozone profile measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe benefits and the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure have been well discussed. Most studies show concern for the solar overexposure in the tropics and low latitude sites and its scarcity at higher latitudes. Both cases are of concern, the first for diseases such as skin cancer and the second for the lack of vitamin D production in the skin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Ultraviolet (UV) exposure is one of the most important risk factor for skin cancers. If UV hazard has been evaluated in tropical countries or in some population - children, outdoor activities - little information is available about UV hazard in high latitude towns like Paris, considered as the most 'charismatic city' in the world.
Objective: To evaluate UV exposure in Paris in spring, in sun and shade, in real life conditions.
Background: Excessive ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure can cause skin cancers, skin photoageing and cataracts. Children are targeted by sun-protection campaigns because high sun exposure and sunburn in childhood increase the risk of melanoma in adulthood. Little information is available about UV radiation risk and exposure in children who take part in outdoor sports.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, skin cancer and other related diseases are not just subjects of scientific literature. Nowadays, these themes are also discussed on television, newspapers and magazines for the general public. Consequently, the interest in prevention of sun overexposure is increasing, as the knowledge of photoprotection methods and UVR levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of assimilation tools for satellite validation requires true estimates of the accuracy of the reference data. Since its inception, the Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) has provided systematic lidar measurements of ozone and temperature at several places around the world that are well adapted for satellite validations. Regular exercises have been organised to ensure the data quality at each individual site.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLong term stratospheric DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) ozone lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) measurements have been performed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP) since 1985 and as part of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Changes (NDSC) since 1991. This paper provides a detailed description of the DIAL lidar instrument implemented at OHP and a discussion of the ozone retrieval analysis. The instrument includes the detection of atmospheric nitrogen Raman scattering wavelengths, which is required for ozone measurements in the presence of strong volcanic aerosol loading.
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