Publications by authors named "Glen Cook"

Introduction: Exertion-related injuries (ERIs) affect Service Members (SM) worldwide with a direct impact on force readiness. Recent evidence has identified that the diagnostic coding of heat-related clinical illnesses can be subjective and prone to errors. Furthermore, ERIs, often have complex presentations impacting multiple organ systems.

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Background: Long-term neurological health risks associated with oil spill cleanup exposures are largely unknown. We aimed to investigate risks of longer-term neurological conditions among U.S.

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The National Institutes of Health hosted a workshop in 2019 to build consensus around the current state of understanding of the pathophysiology of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and to identify knowledge gaps that must be addressed to enhance clinical care of POTS patients through research. This second (of two) articles summarizes current knowledge gaps, and outlines the clinical and research priorities for POTS. POTS is a complex, multi-system, chronic disorder of the autonomic nervous system characterized by orthostatic intolerance and orthostatic tachycardia without hypotension.

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Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a chronic and often disabling disorder characterized by orthostatic intolerance with excessive heart rate increase without hypotension during upright posture. Patients often experience a constellation of other typical symptoms including fatigue, exercise intolerance and gastrointestinal distress. A typical patient with POTS is a female of child-bearing age, who often first displays symptoms in adolescence.

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Introduction: Peripheral nerve injuries are a leading cause of disability within the Military Health System (MHS) patient population. Many peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) are amenable to therapeutic intervention but require a timely diagnosis and prompt referral to a specialty center capable of intervention, as functional outcomes are directly related to the duration between injury and intervention. Even when appropriately identified, PNI management in the MHS is often challenged by the lack of an established pathway for care coordination and a limited awareness of available diagnostic and therapeutic resources.

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Primary headache syndromes and chronic pain syndromes are common in patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). There is overlap in potential mechanisms for migraine, chronic pain, and POTS symptomatology. Management of chronic pain and headaches in POTS requires a judicious use of pharmacotherapies that takes into account patient comorbidities and co-existing symptoms.

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Pure autonomic failure is a rare form of chronic autonomic failure manifesting with neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and evidence of sympathetic noradrenergic denervation unaccompanied by signs of central neurodegeneration. It has been proposed that pure autonomic failure is a Lewy body disease characterized by intra-neuronal deposition of the protein alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies and neurites. A middle-aged man with previously diagnosed pure autonomic failure experienced a sudden, fatal cardiac arrest.

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Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) or concussion is a common battlefield and in-garrison injury caused by transmission of mechanical forces to the head. The energy transferred in such events can cause structural and/or functional changes in the brain that manifest as focal neurological, cognitive, or behavioral dysfunction. Current diagnostic criteria for mTBI are highly limited, variable, and based on subjective self-report.

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Repeated, high-dose methamphetamine (METH) administrations cause persistent dopaminergic deficits in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans. In rats, this treatment also causes the formation of high-molecular mass (greater than approximately 120 kDa) dopamine transporter (DAT)-associated complexes, the loss of DAT monomer immunoreactivity, and a decrease in DAT function, as assessed in striatal synaptosomes prepared 24 h after METH treatment. The present study extends these findings by demonstrating the regional selectivity of DAT complex formation and monomer loss because these changes in DAT immunoreactivity were not observed in the nucleus accumbens.

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