Publications by authors named "Glazman L"

Charge density wave (CDW) instability drastically affects the surface electron spectrum of a Weyl semimetal. We show that in the CDW phase, the Fermi arcs reconnect into either closed Fermi loops or Frieze patterns traversing the reconstructed surface mini Brillouin zone. For the closed reconnection topology, application of an out of plane magnetic field leads to a cyclotron motion of the surface electrons.

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We show that two-dimensional fermions with dispersion k^{2} or k^{4} undergo a first-order Stoner transition to a fully spin-polarized state despite the fact that the spin susceptibility diverges at the critical point. We extend our analysis to systems with dispersion k^{2α} and spin and valley isospin and show that there is a cascade of instabilities into fractional-metal states with some electron bands fully depleted; narrow intermediate ranges of partially depleted bands exist for α<1 or α>2. The susceptibility becomes large near each transition.

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Motivated by an experiment on a superconducting quantum processor [X. Mi et al., Science 378, 785 (2022).

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The density of quasiparticles typically observed in superconducting qubits exceeds the value expected in equilibrium by many orders of magnitude. Can this out-of-equilibrium quasiparticle density still possess an energy distribution in equilibrium with the phonon bath? Here, we answer this question affirmatively by measuring the thermal activation of charge-parity switching in a transmon qubit with a difference in superconducting gap on the two sides of the Josephson junction. We then demonstrate how the gap asymmetry of the device can be exploited to manipulate its parity.

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Extensive efforts have been undertaken to combine superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect so that Cooper-pair transport between superconducting electrodes in Josephson junctions is mediated by one-dimensional edge states. This interest has been motivated by prospects of finding new physics, including topologically protected quasiparticles, but also extends into metrology and device applications. So far it has proven challenging to achieve detectable supercurrents through quantum Hall conductors.

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Two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays frustrated by a perpendicular magnetic field are predicted to form a cascade of distinct vortex lattice states. Here, we show that the resistivity tensor provides both structural and dynamical information on the vortex-lattice states and intervening phase transitions, which allows for experimental identification of these symmetry-breaking ground states. We illustrate our general approach by a microscopic theory of the resistivity tensor for a range of magnetic fields exhibiting a rich set of vortex lattices as well as transitions to liquid-crystalline vortex states.

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We evaluate the differential conductance measured in an STM setting at arbitrary electron transmission between STM tip and a 2D superconductor with arbitrary gap structure. Our analytical scattering theory accounts for Andreev reflections, which become prominent at larger transmissions. We show that this provides complementary information about the superconducting gap structure beyond the tunneling density of states, strongly facilitating the ability to extract the gap symmetry and its relation to the underlying crystalline lattice.

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Two-impurity Kondo models are paradigmatic for correlated spin-fermion systems. Working with Mn atoms on Au(111) covered by a monolayer of MoS_{2}, we tune the interadatom exchange via the adatom distance and the adatom-substrate exchange via the location relative to a moiré structure of the substrate. Differential-conductance measurements on isolated adatoms exhibit Kondo peaks with heights depending on the adatom location relative to the moiré structure.

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We develop a theory of charge transport along the quantum Hall edge proximitized by a superconductor. We note that generically Andreev reflection of an edge state is suppressed if translation invariance along the edge is preserved. Disorder in a "dirty" superconductor enables the Andreev reflection but makes it random.

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Electrostatic charging affects the many-body spectrum of Andreev states, yet its influence on their microwave properties has not been elucidated. We developed a circuit quantum electrodynamics probe that, in addition to transition spectroscopy, measures the microwave susceptibility of different states of a semiconductor nanowire weak link with a single dominant (spin-degenerate) Andreev level. We found that the microwave susceptibility does not exhibit a particle-hole symmetry, which we qualitatively explain as an influence of Coulomb interaction.

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The current response to an electromagnetic field in a Weyl or Dirac semimetal becomes nonlocal due to the chiral anomaly activated by an applied static magnetic field. The nonlocality develops under the conditions of the normal skin effect and is related to the valley charge imbalance generated by the joint effect of the electric field of the impinging wave and the static magnetic field. We elucidate the signatures of this nonlocality in the transmission of electromagnetic waves.

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We report on finite bias spectroscopy measurements of the two-electron spectrum in a gate defined bilayer graphene (BLG) quantum dot for varying magnetic fields. The spin and valley degree of freedom in BLG give rise to multiplets of six orbital symmetric and ten orbital antisymmetric states. We find that orbital symmetric states are lower in energy and separated by ≈ 0.

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Spontaneous decay of a single photon is a notoriously inefficient process in nature irrespective of the frequency range. We report that a quantum phase-slip fluctuation in high-impedance superconducting waveguides can split a single incident microwave photon into a large number of lower-energy photons with a near unit probability. The underlying inelastic photon-photon interaction has no analogs in nonlinear optics.

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We investigate inelastic microwave photon scattering by a transmon qubit embedded in a high-impedance circuit. The transmon undergoes a charge-localization (Schmid) transition upon the impedance reaching the critical value. Because of the unique transmon level structure, the fluorescence spectrum carries a signature of the transition point.

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Hybrid semiconductor-superconductor nanowires have emerged as a promising platform for realizing topological superconductivity (TSC). Here, we present a route to TSC using magnetic flux applied to a full superconducting shell surrounding a semiconducting nanowire core. Tunneling into the core reveals a hard induced gap near zero applied flux, corresponding to zero phase winding, and a gapped region with a discrete zero-energy state around one applied flux quantum, corresponding to 2π phase winding.

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We evaluate the rates of energy and phase relaxation of a superconducting qubit caused by stray photons with energy exceeding the threshold for breaking a Cooper pair. All channels of relaxation within this mechanism are associated with the change in the charge parity of the qubit, enabling the separation of the photon-assisted processes from other contributions to the relaxation rates. Among the signatures of the new mechanism is the same order of rates of the transitions in which a qubit loses or gains energy, which is in agreement with recent experiments.

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We generalize the Landauer formula to describe the dissipative electron transport through a superconducting point contact. The finite-temperature, linear-in-bias, dissipative dc conductance is expressed in terms of the phase- and energy-dependent scattering matrix of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the quantum point contact. The derived formula is also applicable to hybrid superconducting-normal structures and normal contacts, where it agrees with the known limits of Andreev reflection and normal-state conductance, respectively.

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Power laws in physics have until now always been associated with a scale invariance originating from the absence of a length scale. Recently, an emergent invariance even in the presence of a length scale has been predicted by the newly-developed nonlinear-Luttinger-liquid theory for a one-dimensional (1D) quantum fluid at finite energy and momentum, at which the particle's wavelength provides the length scale. We present experimental evidence for this new type of power law in the spectral function of interacting electrons in a quantum wire using a transport-spectroscopy technique.

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We consider the ground-state energy and the spectrum of the low-energy excitations of a Majorana island formed of topological superconductors connected by a single-mode junction of arbitrary transmission. Coulomb blockade results in e-periodic modulation of the energies with the gate-induced charge. We find the amplitude of modulation as a function of reflection coefficient R.

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The modern semiclassical theory of a Bloch electron in a magnetic field encompasses the orbital magnetization and geometric phase. Beyond this semiclassical theory lies the quantum description of field-induced tunneling between semiclassical orbits, known as magnetic breakdown. Here, we synthesize the modern semiclassical notions with quantum tunneling-into a single Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule that is predictive of magnetic energy levels.

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In the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling, a magnetic field can drive a proximitized nanowire into a topological superconducting phase [R. M. Lutchyn, J.

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