Aims And Objectives: To report the challenges faced by the nursing workforce in refugee health.
Background: Nurses are in the forefront of care provision for refugees who are recognised as one of the most vulnerable population groups in the world. The number of refugees in Australia is increasing, and more nurses are needed as care providers.
Aims And Objectives: To develop a tool to measure the influencing nurses' enjoyment of nursing.
Background: Enjoyment in the workplace is an influential aspect found to boost work morale, job satisfaction leading to higher work retention which is important in nursing given the availability of nurses in the workforce. This study looks to refine the determinants of enjoyment from nurses in a large metropolitan hospital in western Sydney.
Aims And Objectives: To present findings from a qualitative study which aimed to explore and describe experiences of enjoyment in nursing.
Background: The topic of 'enjoying nursing' is often part of job satisfaction surveys conducted in the workplace and in some studies it has been found to be the prime reason that nurses stay in the workforce. However, there is little research which explores the concept fully.