Publications by authors named "Giuseppe Timpanaro"

Prickly pear seed oil is becoming increasingly popular in green cosmetics due to its skin benefits. However, there is a lack of research on consumer demand and perception of products containing this ingredient in Italy. This study aims to address this gap by examining the factors that influence Italian consumers' demand for prickly pear seed oil.

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Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is essential for sustainable agriculture, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and combating climate change. The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), designed to encourage farmers to implement sequestration practices, is a recent innovation in Europe, in contrast to the well-established American system. Consequently, there is limited understanding of farmers' intentions to participate.

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The events of recent years (pandemic and conflict in the European area) have led to a rethink of traditional policies on trade and support for domestic production. The concept of national "self-sufficiency" is being consolidated to the detriment of globalization and the possibility of buying raw materials on the world market at the lowest price. European agriculture, affected by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) review for the 2023/2027 programming period, is not exempt from this process.

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Durum wheat is one of the most important food sources in the world, playing a key role in human nutrition, as well as in the economy of the different countries in which its production areas are concentrated. Its grain also represents a staple and highly versatile ingredient in the development of health foods. Nonetheless, the aspects determining durum wheat's health quality and their interactions are many, complex, and not entirely known.

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The paper addresses the consumption issue in the post-Covid-19 pandemic era, finding a possible interpretative model in the theory of planned behaviour. To this end, a sample was selected, and multivariate statistical analysis showed that the aspects of sustainability, health and well-living represent possible keys to understanding purchasing and consumption behaviour in the recovery and return to "normality". The mass media, the advice of experts, and the optimism of small things (from an emotional and social point of view) also have a correlated effect on the purchase of food, health and the environment, as well as production methods, origin and supply chain, packaging and ethical and social responsibility, in line with the much desired ecological transition.

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Citrus bacterial canker (CBC) is a known disease caused by subsp , which affects many species and varieties of Rutaceae. It causes evident damage on the epigeal parts of plant (leaves and branches) and, in particular, on the fruits, causing their fall and/or deterioration, making them unsuitable for sale. EPPO has signaled its presence in many Asian countries and in the Middle East, in South and Central America and in some regions of the African continent, but not yet in Europe.

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Investigating the feasibility of betanin and pectin extraction from peel via microwave-assisted hydrodiffusion and gravity, this study identifies selected important economic and technical aspects associated with this innovative production route starting from prickly pear fruit discards. Which benefits would be derived from this process? Would production be limited to -growing countries or, likewise to what happens with dried lemon peel chiefly imported from Argentina, would production take place abroad also? Can distributed manufacturing based on clean extraction technology compete with centralized production using conventional chemical processes?

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