The present study focused on the molecular, morphological, and nutritional characterisation of a globe artichoke landrace at risk of genetic erosion still cultivated in the municipality of Orte (Lazio Region, Central Italy) and therefore named "Carciofo Ortano". Molecular analysis based on SSR and ISSR markers was carried out on 73 genotypes selected at random from 20 smallholdings located in the Orte countryside and 17 accessions of landraces/clones belonging to the main varietal types cultivated in Italy. The results confirmed that "Carciofo Ortano" belongs to the "Romanesco" varietal typology and revealed the presence within the landrace of two distinct genetic populations named Orte 1 and Orte 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommon bean cultivation has historically been a typical component of rural economies in Italy, particularly in mountainous and hilly zones along the Apennine ridge of the central and southern regions, where the production is focused on local landraces cultivated by small-scale farmers using low-input production systems. Such landraces are at risk of genetic erosion because of the recent socioeconomic changes in rural communities. One hundred fourteen accessions belonging to 66 landraces still being grown in the Lazio region were characterized using a multidisciplinary approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Bois noir is an important disease of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), caused by phytoplasmas. An interesting, yet elusive aspect of the bois noir disease is "recovery", i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant response mechanisms to deficiency of a single nutrient, such as sulfur (S) or iron (Fe), have been described at agronomic, physiological, biochemical, metabolomics, and transcriptomic levels. However, agroecosystems are often characterized by different scenarios, in which combined nutrient deficiencies are likely to occur. Soils are becoming depleted for S, whereas Fe, although highly abundant in the soil, is poorly available for uptake because of its insolubility in the soil matrix.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study addresses the question of the interference between iron (Fe) nutrition and cadmium (Cd) toxicity at the level of growth performance, phytosiderophores (PS) release, micronutrient accumulation and expression of genes involved in Fe homeostasis in barley seedlings, a plant with strategy II-based response to Fe shortage. Cd exposure induced responses similar to those of genuine Fe deficiency also in Fe-sufficient plants. Most genes involved in PS biosynthesis and secretion (HvNAS3, HvNAS4, HvNAS6, HvNAS7, HvNAAT-A, HvDMAS1 and HvTOM1) induced by Fe deprivation were also significantly upregulated in the presence of Cd under Fe sufficient conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCharacterization of the relationship between sulfur and iron in both Strategy I and Strategy II plants, has proven that low sulfur availability often limits plant capability to cope with iron shortage. Here it was investigated whether the adaptation to iron deficiency in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants was associated with an increased root sulfate uptake and translocation capacity, and modified dynamics of total sulfur and thiols accumulation between roots and shoots.
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