Publications by authors named "Giorgetti C"

Recent large-scale seismological observations have shown that off-fault strain localization and foreshock migration could serve as an early warning of an impending earthquake. However, this process is still largely unknown. In this study, state-of-the-art friction experiments were conducted in a oil-confined biaxial shear apparatus to investigate the link between stick-slip nucleation and off-fault deformation.

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Laboratory acoustic emissions (AEs) serve as small-scale analogues to earthquakes, offering fundamental insights into seismic processes. To ensure accurate physical interpretations of AEs, rigorous calibration of the acoustic system is essential. In this paper, we present an empirical calibration technique that quantifies sensor response, instrumentation effects, and path characteristics into a single entity termed instrument apparatus response.

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Background: Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) preterm infants are at increased risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). There is limited information on pulmonary oxygen diffusion of SGA preterm infants, particularly in those without BPD.

Objective: To compare the pulmonary oxygen diffusion of SGA to that of appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) preterm infants without BPD.

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Objective: To identify prenatal and postnatal risk factors associated with surfactant redosing.

Study Design: Retrospective, single-regional center study including all infants born from 24 + 0 to 31 + 6 weeks of gestation in the Marche Region, Italy, and admitted to a single level III regional NICU from January 1, 2004, to February 28, 2021. Clinical factors associated with surfactant redosing were identified through logistic regression analysis.

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Fault surfaces are rough at all scales, and this significantly affects fault-slip behavior. However, roughness is only occasionally considered experimentally and then often in experiments imposing a low-slip velocity, corresponding to the initiation stage of the earthquake cycle. Here, the effect of roughness on earthquake nucleation up to runaway slip is investigated through a series of dry load-stepping biaxial experiments performed on bare rock surfaces with a variety of roughnesses.

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Background: Surfactant dosing and effective delivery could affect continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP)-failure. Nevertheless, information on exogenous surfactant dosing with current administration methods is limited.

Objective: To describe the effect of 100 or 200 mg/kg of surfactant as first-line treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants of less than 32 weeks gestation.

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Purpose: This analysis evaluated the relationship between treatment-free interval (TFI, in PALOMA-2)/disease-free interval (DFI, in PALOMA-3) and progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS, in PALOMA-3), treatment effect in patients with bone-only disease, and whether intrinsic subtype affects PFS in patients receiving palbociclib.

Methods: Data were from phase 3, randomized PALOMA-2 and PALOMA-3 clinical studies of hormone receptor‒positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2‒negative (HR+ /HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC) patients receiving endocrine therapy plus palbociclib or placebo. Subpopulation treatment effect pattern plot (STEPP) analysis evaluated the association between DFI and PFS and OS.

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Manipulation of intrinsic electronic structures by electron or hole doping in a controlled manner in van der Waals layered materials is the key to control their electrical and optical properties. Two-dimensional indium selenide (InSe) semiconductor has attracted attention due to its direct band gap and ultrahigh mobility as a promising material for optoelectronic devices. In this work, we manipulate the electronic structure of InSe by surface electron doping and obtain a significant band gap renormalization of ∼120 meV directly observed by high-resolution angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy.

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Purpose: A large-panel gene expression analysis was conducted to identify biomarkers associated with the effectiveness of adding palbociclib to fulvestrant.

Methods: The PALOMA-3 ( identifier: NCT01942135) trial randomly assigned 521 endocrine-pretreated patients with metastatic breast cancer to receive palbociclib plus fulvestrant or placebo plus fulvestrant.

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We investigate black phosphorus by time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The electrons excited by 1.57 eV photons relax down to a conduction band minimum within 1 ps.

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Background: The cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibitor palbociclib, in combination with fulvestrant therapy, prolongs progression-free survival among patients with hormone-receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative advanced breast cancer. We report the results of a prespecified analysis of overall survival.

Methods: We randomly assigned patients with hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer who had progression or relapse during previous endocrine therapy to receive palbociclib plus fulvestrant or placebo plus fulvestrant.

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Background: The addition of palbociclib to fulvestrant improved clinical outcomes over placebo-fulvestrant in endocrine-pretreated metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients in PALOMA-3. Here, we examined factors predictive of long-term benefit.

Methods: Premenopausal-peri/postmenopausal patients with endocrine-resistant, hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative MBC were randomised 2:1 to fulvestrant (500 mg) and either palbociclib (125 mg/d; 3/1 schedule; n = 347) or placebo (n = 174).

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Background: This report assesses the efficacy and safety of palbociclib plus endocrine therapy (ET) in women with hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer (ABC) with or without visceral metastases.

Patients And Methods: Pre- and postmenopausal women with disease progression following prior ET (PALOMA-3; N = 521) and postmenopausal women untreated for ABC (PALOMA-2; N = 666) were randomized 2 : 1 to ET (fulvestrant or letrozole, respectively) plus palbociclib or placebo. Progression-free survival (PFS), safety, and patient-reported quality of life (QoL) were evaluated by prior treatment and visceral involvement.

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Purpose: To assess efficacy and safety of palbociclib plus fulvestrant in Asians with endocrine therapy-resistant metastatic breast cancer.

Patients And Methods: The Palbociclib Ongoing Trials in the Management of Breast Cancer 3 (PALOMA-3) trial, a double-blind phase III study, included 521 patients with hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer with disease progression on endocrine therapy. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were assessed on study treatment and at the end of treatment.

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Respiratory distress syndrome is a common problem in preterm infants and the etiology is multifactorial. Lung underdevelopment, lung hypoplasia, abnormal lung water metabolism, inflammation, and pulmonary surfactant deficiency or disfunction play a variable role in the pathogenesis of respiratory distress syndrome. High-quality exogenous surfactant replacement studies and studies on surfactant metabolism are available; however, the contribution of surfactant deficiency, alteration or dysfunction in selected neonatal lung conditions is not fully understood.

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Background: It is unknown whether Whole-Body Hypothermia (WBH) affects pulmonary function. In vitro studies, at relatively low temperatures, suggest that hypothermia may induce significant changes to the surfactant composition. The effect of WBH on surfactant kinetics in newborn infants is unknown.

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Low-dimensional materials differ from their bulk counterparts in many respects. In particular, the screening of the Coulomb interaction is strongly reduced, which can have important consequences such as the significant increase of exciton binding energies. In bulk materials the binding energy is used as an indicator in optical spectra to distinguish different kinds of excitons, but this is not possible in low-dimensional materials, where the binding energy is large and comparable in size for excitons of very different localization.

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Objectives: Pentoxifylline has been used to improve sperm motility in Assisted Reproductive Technology mainly by initiating sperm motility in immotile spermatozoa samples obtained surgically. Indeed, as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection leads to very poor results when using immotile gametes, pentoxifylline gives better results by easing the selection of viable sperm mobilized after incubation. In 2011, the French Haute Autorité de santé decided that pentoxifylline used for in vivo purpose proposed Insufficient Medical Service and pentoxifylline was thus withdrawn from the French materia medica.

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One of the big challenges of theoretical condensed-matter physics is the description, understanding, and prediction of the effects of the Coulomb interaction on materials properties. In electronic spectra, the Coulomb interaction causes a renormalization of energies and change of spectral weight. Most importantly, it can lead to new structures, often called satellites.

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Background: The incidence of type 1 diabetes in childhood is increasing by 3 % per year, placing growing demands on healthcare professionals and medical expenditures. Aim of this study wars to assess the organization of care to children with diabetes in Italy.

Methods: During 2012 a structured questionnaire was sent to all of the members of Italian Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (ISPED).

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Background: Term newborns with pneumonia show a reduced pulmonary compliance due to multiple and ill-defined factors. Surfactant proteins' (SPs) changes could have a role in the reduced compliance but the matter is still unsettled. The aim of this study was to clarify the meaning of SPs changes during pneumonia in term newborns.

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Background: Growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer is dependent on cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4 and CDK6), which promote progression from the G1 phase to the S phase of the cell cycle. We assessed the efficacy of palbociclib (an inhibitor of CDK4 and CDK6) and fulvestrant in advanced breast cancer.

Methods: This phase 3 study involved 521 patients with advanced hormone-receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative breast cancer that had relapsed or progressed during prior endocrine therapy.

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The feasibility of longitudinal metastatic biopsies for gene expression profiling in breast cancer is unexplored. Dynamic changes in gene expression can potentially predict efficacy of targeted cancer drugs. Patients enrolled in a phase III trial of metastatic breast cancer with docetaxel monotherapy versus combination of docetaxel + sunitinib were offered to participate in a translational substudy comprising longitudinal fine needle aspiration biopsies and Positron Emission Tomography imaging before (T1) and two weeks after start of treatment (T2).

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