Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of one (fixed-on-1, Fo1) versus two (fixed-on-2, Fo2) implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Twenty patients with edentulous or to be rendered edentulous mandibles were randomised to the Fo1 group (10 patients who received three intraforaminal implants but only the mesial implant was actually loaded) and to the Fo2 group (10 patients who received two intraforaminal implants) according to a parallel-group design. To be immediately loaded implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 60 Ncm.
Eur J Oral Implantol
February 2020
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of three (fixed-on-3 = Fo3) vs four (fixed-on-4 = Fo4) implants immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses in fully edentulous jaws.
Materials And Methods: Forty-eight edentulous or to be rendered edentulous patients were randomised in six centres (eight patients per centre) to the Fo3 group (24 patients: 12 maxillae and 12 mandibles) and to the Fo4 group (24 patients: 12 maxillae and 12 mandibles) according to a parallel group design. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 40 Ncm.
Purpose: To compare the outcome of cross-arch prostheses supported either by 5 mm long or 11.5 mm long implants placed flapless and immediately restored with a metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Thirty patients with edentulous or to-be- rendered edentulous mandibles, and 30 with edentulous maxillas, having sufficient bone to allow the placement of four and six implants respectively, of at least 11.
Purpose: To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of 6.6 mm long flapless-placed single implants loaded immediately or early loaded at 6 weeks.
Materials And Methods: Thirty patients each received two single Nanotite External Hex Biomet 3i implants, which were then randomly allocated to be either immediately or early loaded, according to a split-mouth design.
Purpose: To compare implants with machined vs roughened surfaces placed flapless in totally edentulous jaws and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses. Mandibles were rehabilitated with two implants (Fixed-on-2 or Fo2) and maxillae with three implants (Fixed-on-3 or Fo3).
Materials And Methods: Forty edentulous or to be rendered edentulous patients (20 in the mandible and 20 in the maxilla) were randomised to the machined group (20 patients: 10 mandibles and 10 maxillae) and to the roughened group (20 patients: 10 mandibles and 10 maxillae) according to a parallel group design.
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of two vs four implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: A total of 60 patients from two different centres were randomised: 30 to the fixed-on-2 group and 30 to the fixed-on-4 group according to a parallel group design. To be immediately loaded implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 40 Newton/cm (Ncm).
Purpose: To compare the clinical outcome of single implants placed immediately after tooth extraction with implants placed 6 weeks after tooth extraction (immediate-delayed placement), and with implants placed after 4-month extraction and socket healing (delayed placement).
Materials And Methods: Two-hundred and ten (210) patients requiring a single implant-supported crown to replace a tooth to be extracted were randomised to receive immediate post-extractive implants (70 patients), immediate-delayed implants at 6 weeks (70 patients), and delayed implants after 4 months of healing (70 patients) according to a parallel group design. When needed, patients of the immediate and immediate-delayed group had the socket grafted with a bone substitute and covered with a resorbable membrane at implant placement.
Purpose: To compare the clinical outcome of single implants placed immediately after tooth extraction with implants placed 6 weeks after tooth extraction (immediate-delayed placement), and with implants placed after 4 months of extraction and socket healing (delayed placement).
Materials And Methods: Two hundred and ten patients requiring a single implant-supported crown to replace a tooth to be extracted were randomised to receive immediate post-extractive implants (70 patients), immediate-delayed implants at 6 weeks (70 patients), and delayed implants after 4 months of healing (70 patients), according to a parallel group design. When needed, patients of the immediate and immediate-delayed group had the socket grafted with a bone substitute and covered with a resorbable membrane at implant placement.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of two implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses 5 years after loading.
Materials And Methods: Eighty consecutive patients were recruited. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 80 Ncm.
Purpose: To compare the outcome of immediately loaded single implants with a machined or a roughened surface.
Materials And Methods: Fifty patients had two implant sites randomly allocated to receive flaplessplaced single Syra implants (Sweden & Martina), one with a machined and one with a roughened surface (sand-blasted with zirconia powder and acid etched), according to a split-mouth design. To be loaded immediately, implants had to be inserted with a torque superior to 50 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of two (fixed-on-2 = FO2) versus three (fixed-on-3 = FO3) implants placed flapless in fully edentulous jaws and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained crossarch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Forty edentulous or to be rendered edentulous patients (20 in the maxilla and 20 in the mandible) were randomised to the FO2 group (20 patients: 10 in the maxilla and 10 in the mandible) and to the FO3 group (20 patients: 10 in the maxilla and 10 in the mandible) according to a parallel group design. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 60 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of fully edentulous patients rehabilitated with immediately loaded bimaxillary screw-retained metal-resin prostheses supported by five implants placed flapless: two in the mandible and three in the maxillae.
Materials And Methods: Twenty-five consecutively treated patients were recruited. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 80 Ncm.
Purpose: To compare the outcome of cross-arch prostheses supported either by supershort (5 mm) or long (11.5 mm) implants, placed flapless and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Thirty patients with edentulous (or to be rendered edentulous) mandibles and 30 with edentulous maxillas, who had sufficient bone to allow the placement of four and six implants respectively, which were at least 11.
Objectives: To evaluate whether 6.6-mm long implants could be a suitable alternative to longer implants placed in vertically augmented atrophic posterior mandibles.
Materials And Methods: Sixty partially edentulous patients having 7 to 8 mm of residual crestal height and at least 5.
Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of two different techniques to lift the maxillary sinus via a crestal approach: the Summers versus the Cosci technique.
Materials And Methods: Fifteen partially edentulous patients missing bilaterally maxillary molars and/ or premolars, having 4 to 7 mm of residual crestal height and at least 5 mm thickness below the maxillary sinuses measured on CT scans, were randomised to have implants placed in sinuses crestally lifted according to the Cosci or the Summers techniques, with bone substitutes according to a split-mouth design. Implants were left to heal submerged for 6 months.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of two implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with a metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses 3 years after loading.
Materials And Methods: Eighty consecutively patients were recruited. Implants for immediate loading had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 80 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate whether 6 mm long by 4 mm wide dental implants could be an alternative to implants at least 10 mm long placed in bone augmented with bone substitutes in posterior atrophic jaws.
Materials And Methods: A total of 20 patients with bilateral atrophic mandibles and 20 patients with bilateral atrophic maxillae, having 5 to 7 mm of bone height above the mandibular canal or below the maxillary sinus, had each side of the jaws randomly allocated according to a split-mouth design. They were allocated to receive one to three 6 mm long and 4 mm wide implants, or implants at least 10 mm long in augmented bone by two different surgeons in different centres.
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of 2 versus 4 implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Sixty patients from two different centres were randomised: 30 to the allon- 2 group and 30 to the all-on-4 group according to a parallel group design. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 40 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of long implants (10-16 mm) inserted in maxillary sinuses augmented according to a lateral approach versus short (8 mm) implants placed in crestally augmented sinuses, early loaded after 45 days.
Materials And Methods: Forty partially or fully edentulous patients having 3 to 6 mm of residual crestal height and at least 4 mm in thickness below the maxillary sinuses were randomised according to a parallel group design to receive either one to three 10 to 16 mm-long hydroxyapatite-coated implants (20 patients) after lateral sinus lifting with 50% an organic bovine (Bio-Oss) and 50% autogenous bone, or 8 mm implants (20 patients) after crestal sinus lifting with autogenous bone. Implants were submerged and left healing for 45 days before loading the implants.
Purpose: To compare the outcome of immediately loaded single implants inserted with medium (from 25 to 35 Ncm) or high insertion torques (>80 Ncm).
Materials And Methods: Fifty patients received two single non-adjacent implants, each randomly inserted flapless with a torque between 25 to 35 Ncm or >80 Ncm according to a split-mouth design. Non-occluding temporary crowns were immediately placed on provisional abutments and definitive crowns were delivered after 6 weeks.
Purpose: To evaluate the medium-term effectiveness of 6.5 mm-long flapless-placed single implants immediately or early loaded at 6 weeks.
Materials And Methods: Thirty patients received two single NanoTite external hex Biomet 3i implants each, which were then randomly allocated to be immediately or early loaded according to a splitmouth design.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of 2 implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with a metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prosthesis 1 year after loading.
Materials And Methods: Eighty consecutive patients were recruited. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 80 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate whether 6 mm-long by 4 mm-wide dental implants could be an alternative to at least 10 mm-long implants placed in bone augmented with bone substitutes in posterior atrophic jaws.
Materials And Methods: Twenty patients with bilateral atrophic mandibles and 20 patients with bilateral atrophic maxillae, having 5 to 7 mm of bone height above the mandibular canal or below the maxillary sinus, were randomised according to a split-mouth design to receive one to three 6 mm-long and 4 mm-wide implants or at least 10-mm long implants in augmented bone at two centres. Mandibles were vertically augmented with interpositional equine bone blocks and resorbable barriers, and implants were placed after 3 months.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of 2 implants versus 4 implants placed flapless in fully edentulous mandibles and immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch prostheses.
Materials And Methods: Sixty patients from two different centres were randomised: 30 to the allon- 2 group and 30 to the all-on-4 group. To be immediately loaded, implants had to be inserted with a minimum torque of 40 Ncm.
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of flapless versus open flap implant placement in partially edentulous patients.
Materials And Methods: Forty patients with two separate edentulous areas characterised by residual bone at least 5 mm thick and 10 mm in height had these sites randomised following a split-mouth design to receive at least one implant to each side after flap elevation or not. Implants were first placed in one site, and after 2 weeks in the other site freehand.