The role of compassion in healthcare is receiving increased attention as emerging research demonstrates how compassionate patient care can improve health outcomes and reduce workplace stress and burnout. To date, proposals to encourage empathy, kindness, and compassion in healthcare have focused primarily on training individual care providers. This article argues that increasing the awareness and skills of individuals is necessary but insufficient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLes préjudices que subissent les patients recevant des soins de santé représentent un fardeau considérable et peuvent avoir de graves répercussions sur les patients et les familles ainsi que sur la capacité des systèmes de santé de gérer l'accès des patients, leurs déplacements dans le système et les temps d'attente. L'intérêt pour la science de la haute fiabilité, mise au point à l'origine dans des secteurs comme l'aviation commerciale, qui ont un bilan exceptionnel en matière de sécurité, est une nouvelle tendance en soins de santé qui pourrait aider les organisations et les systèmes à atteindre le but ultime : zéro préjudice subi par les patients. Cet article fait valoir que zéro préjudice au patient est un impératif fondamental et que la science de la haute fiabilité peut aider à accélérer et à soutenir les progrès vers ce but vital.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOccurrences of patient harm in healthcare represent a significant burden, with serious implications for patients and families and for the capacity of health systems to manage patient access, flow, and wait times. Interest in the science of high reliability, developed originally in industries such as commercial airlines that have demonstrated exceptional safety records, is an emerging trend in healthcare with the potential to help organizations and systems achieve the ultimate goal of zero patient harm. This article argues that zero patient harm is a fundamental imperative, and that high-reliability science can help to accelerate and sustain progress toward this vital goal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAu Canada, l'amélioration de l'expérience des patients est devenue une priorité des politiques de santé. Le perfectionnement et la normalisation des outils et systèmes pour surveiller les mesures de l'expérience des patients augmentent, tandis que la tendance vers une plus grande reddition de compte sur des améliorations durables et abordables se confirme. Pour de nombreux professionnels de la santé, ce phénomène fait foi d'un intérêt renouvelé pour les besoins et priorités fondamentaux des patients, après des décennies où les changements structurels et technologiques ont dominé les programmes de santé.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImproving patient experience has emerged as an important healthcare policy priority across Canada. Tools and systems for monitoring patient experience metrics are becoming increasingly refined and standardized, and the trend toward greater accountability for improvements that are sustainable and affordable is well underway. For many healthcare professionals, this represents a renewed focus on core patient needs and priorities, following decades during which structural and technological changes have dominated healthcare agendas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolicymakers frequently face the need to increase funding in isolated and frequently heterogeneous (clinically and in terms of resource consumption) patient subpopulations. This article presents a methodologic solution for testing the appropriateness of using existing grouping and weighting methodologies for funding subsets of patients in the scenario where a case-mix approach is preferable to a flat-rate based payment system. Using as an example the subpopulation of trauma cases of Ontario lead trauma hospitals, the statistical techniques of linear and nonlinear regression models, regression trees, and spline models were applied to examine the fit of the existing case-mix groups and reference weights for the trauma cases.
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