A new species of the chromidotilapiine genus Thysochromis, is described from the Noumbi and Kouilou River drainages in the Republic of Congo. Based on the current investigation, Thysochromis is resolved as containing two geographically disjunct species, T. ansorgii from localities in the upper Guinean ichthyofaunal province (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin and Nigeria) and Thysochromis emili sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree new 'Aphyosemion' species are described from the upper Louessé River in the Massif du Chaillu, Republic of the Congo, based on a combination of DNA, habitat preference, male colour pattern, and morphological data. 'Aphyosemion' cyanoflavum, new species, is a member of the 'A'. ogoense group.
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