Background: Promoting bonding and neurodevelopmental care is an important element in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (CICU); however, holding of infants by family members is inconsistently practiced.
Objectives: This quality improvement study aimed to safely increase the holding of medically complex infants in the CICU by developing a holding guideline and offering simulation-based staff education.
Methods: Using consensus methodology and high-fidelity simulation, an expert work group created a holding guideline and training to increase staff confidence and competence in holding critically ill infants in the CICU.
Objectives: To develop an objective, structured observational tool to enable identification and measurement of hazards in the built environment when applied to audiovisual recordings of simulations by trained raters.
Background: Simulation-based facility design testing is increasingly used to optimize safety of healthcare environments, often relying on participant debriefing or direct observation by human factors experts.
Methods: Hazard categories were defined through participant debriefing and detailed review of pediatric intensive care unit in situ simulation videos.