J Comput Neurosci
December 2006
We use a mean-field macrocolumn model of the cerebral cortex to offer an interpretation of the K-complex of the electroencephalogram to complement those of more detailed neuron-by-neuron models. We interpret the K-complex as a momentary excursion of the cortex from a stable low-firing state to an unstable high-firing state, and hypothesize that the related slow oscillation can be considered as the periodic oscillation between two meta-stable solutions of the mean-field model. By incorporating a Hebbian-style learning rule that links the growth in synapse strength to fluctuations in soma potential, we demonstrate a self-organization behaviour that draws the modelled cortex close to the edge of stability of the low-firing state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a mean-field model of the cortex that attempts to describe the gross changes in brain electrical activity for the cycles of natural sleep. We incorporate within the model two major sleep modulatory effects: slow changes in both synaptic efficiency and in neuron resting voltage caused by the ∼90-min cycling in acetylcholine, together with even slower changes in resting voltage caused by gradual elimination during sleep of somnogens (fatigue agents) such as adenosine. We argue that the change from slow-wave sleep (SWS) to rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep can be understood as a first-order phase transition from a low-firing, coherent state to a high-firing, desychronized cortical state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlastic ampoules of Water for Injections, JP, and Injection Sodium Chloride, JP, were investigated to determine their particle load. Four batches were studied. The ampoules were twist-opened as they would be in the clinical setting and the total particle load, both inherent and that created in opening, was determined by reading the contents with a HIAC 420 particle counter with a CMB 60 sensor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTheoretical predictions and computer simulations indicate that it may be impossible to achieve values of the coefficient of variation usually found in large volume parenterals (LVP) when the intrinsic particulate contamination in small volume parenterals (SVP) is investigated. Snap-opened ampoules from Australian manufacturers containing 5, 10 or 20 ml Water for Injections or Sodium Chloride Injection had a high level of particulate contamination, although within the USP XXI SVP limits. Heat-opened ampoules had much lower levels of contamination which were generally below the official LVP limits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo different methods of assessing the reliability of the oxygen electrode of one model of an automatic blood gas analyser (BGA) have been studied. In the first, a single automatic BGA was assessed by using outdated bank blood which was pumped around a small extracorporeal circuit into which known gas mixtures were passed. Oxygen tension was varied between 2 and 16 kPa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFollow-up of the sites of 839 peripheral arterial punctures has confirmed the technique as safe and free from major sequelae. Minor complications, mainly bruising and tenderness, occurred at 39% of sites; this incidence is much less than that previously reported following short-term arterial cannulation. At only 2% of sites was there any significant pain or tenderness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFData on arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) and alveolar-arterial PO2 difference (PAO2--PaO2) have been obtained from 337 patients awaiting elective surgery. Statistical analysis of these data has assessed both the individual and the combined influence of various factors on PaO2 and (PAO2-PaO2). The factors of importance in relation to PaO2 include age, smoking habits, body build and PAO2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Clin Invest
June 1976
A severely anaemic, but asymptomatic patient, who is a heterozygous carrier of haemoglobin Hammersmith (beta42 (CD1) phenylalanine - Serine), has been studied to elucidate the mechanisms resulting in physiological compensation for the anaemia. Four factors have been investigated: the oxygen affinity of her blood, the cardiac output at rest and during exercise, the blood gas indices, and pulmonary function. It was found that due to the presence of Heinz bodies within the erythrocytes, the level of functional, haemoglobin was considerably less (50 g/l) than that measured by standard methods (87 g/l).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhole blood cell separators are being used to achieve partial exchange transfusions in patients with hemoglobin S. The rate and extent of the alteration of whole blood oxygen affinity, incurred by this procedure, has been determined in a patient with Hb S/C disease. The implications in terms of oxygen delivery to the tissues are described for this patient and also for patients with the more severe disease associated with Hb S/S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new variant of haemoglobin A (Hb A) with a high affinity for oxygen has been found in an English family. Five members are affected and all are polycythaemic. This variant (Hb Heathrow) is the first of this class to be found in this country and has the same electrophoretic mobility as Hb A.
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