Publications by authors named "Gilissen Joni"

Background: One in three older adults in the United States dies with or from dementia. Little is known about whether end-of-life caregiving experiences differ by dementia diagnosis.

Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of two qualitative studies.

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Introduction: Perinatal loss, encompassing stillbirth and neonatal death, can have profound physical and psychological consequences for parents. Effective communication by healthcare professionals during this sensitive period is critical. This study aimed to explore how bereaved parents and professionals experienced verbal and non-verbal communication during perinatal loss.

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Objectives: To explore the support needs that patients and relatives experience throughout their medical aid in dying (MAID) trajectories.

Methods: A qualitative study in Belgium in 2022 using 1) semi-structured interviews with and personal written narratives of patients requesting MAID and 2) semi-structured interviews with relatives of patients requesting MAID. We performed a qualitative content analysis.

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Introduction: Women with a migration background face significant barriers to accessing perinatal mental health support. This study aims to explore the needs, barriers and facilitators regarding perinatal mental health support in women with a first-generation migration background and how they experience support within their own community.

Methods: We conducted qualitative in-depth face-to-face interviews with mothers who gave birth within 12 months preceding the interview, recruited from an Antwerp maternity ward between August and September 2022.

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Background: Cancer navigation programs aim to support, educate, and empower patients and families, addressing barriers to diagnostics, treatment, and care. Navigators engage with people to ensure timely access to services and resources. While promising for older people with cancer, these programs are scarce in Europe, and research on their effectiveness and implementation is limited.

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Background: We developed the ACP+ intervention to support nursing home staff with implementation of advance care planning. While ACP+ was found to improve staff's self-efficacy, it did not change their knowledge about advance care planning.

Aim: To describe the level of implementation, mechanisms of impact, and contextual factors.

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Background: Advance care planning (ACP) has been reconceptualized as a health behavior. Action plans (APs), or patient-directed mini contracts, improve behavior change. However, no prior studies have assessed whether APs can increase ACP documentation and engagement.

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Introduction: Research efforts to characterize and evaluate care delivery and outcomes for older adults with cancer and comorbid dementia are limited by varied methods used to classify Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). The purpose of this study is to evaluate differences in demographic, clinical, and cancer characteristics of people newly diagnosed with cancer and concomitant dementia comparing two common methods to identify ADRD using administrative claims data.

Materials And Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare data.

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Article Synopsis
  • - Palliative care is recommended for all dementia patients from diagnosis to end-of-life, but specific needs and effective strategies for early dementia stages are not clearly defined in current research.
  • - A scoping review of 77 studies found that, although "early" palliative care isn't well-articulated, needs arise even before diagnosis, especially during pivotal moments when symptoms or caregiving dynamics shift.
  • - Key palliative care needs identified for early dementia include future care planning, reassurance for caregivers, and building strong relationships with care providers, alongside tailored care and resource support for families.
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Introduction: Early-career researchers contribute significantly to dementia research and clinical practice. However, a growing group of early-career dementia researchers (ECDRs) lack appropriate support throughout their careers. Thus, we aim to (i) explore support needs, (ii) determine recommendations, and (iii) set the agenda for organizations to better support ECDRs.

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This paper aims to 1) describe current levels of Advance Care Planning (ACP) development since 2002 in Belgium, 2) report on challenges and opportunities to inspire other countries with similar contextual characteristics and 3) support further development of ACP practice and research in Belgium. To address these aims, we consulted local researchers, 12 domain experts and (grey) literature (regulatory documents, reports, policy documents and practice guidelines) on ACP, palliative care, and related healthcare topics. Since 2002, when the Patient's Right Law was passed in the federal Parliament, Belgium has had a specific medicolegal context for ACP.

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Introduction: People with suspected Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their families experience a burdensome process while seeking a diagnosis. These challenges are problematic in the most common dementia syndromes, but they can be even more distressing in rarer, atypical syndromes such as rapidly progressive dementias (RPDs), which can be fatal within months from onset. This study is an examination of the diagnostic journey experience from the perspective of caregivers of people who died from the prototypic RPD, sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (sCJD).

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Background: Shelter-in-place orders during the COVID-19 pandemic created unmet health-related and access-related needs among older adults. We sought to understand the prevalence of these needs among community-dwelling older adults.

Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of pandemic-related outreach calls to older adults between March and July 2020 at four urban, primary care clinics: a home-based practice, a safety net adult medicine clinic, an academic geriatrics practice, and a safety net clinic for adults living with HIV.

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Background: Uptake of advance care planning in routine nursing home care is low. Through extensive literature review, theoretical development, and stakeholder involvement, we developed the ACP+ intervention.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of ACP+ on the knowledge and self-efficacy (confidence in own skills) of nursing home care staff concerning advance care planning.

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Article Synopsis
  • The BOOST pACP (Benefits of Obtaining Ownership Systematically Together in paediatric Advance Care Planning) intervention aims to improve advance care planning for adolescents with cancer, their parents, and pediatric oncologists by integrating a behavior change model.
  • The intervention development involved various methods, including interviews with healthcare professionals, literature reviews, and expert meetings, ultimately leading to refined and adaptable materials based on feedback from families and professionals.
  • Key components of the intervention consist of four structured conversation sessions guided by a trained facilitator, using interactive cards to cover various themes, which were found to be feasible and acceptable by participating families.
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We aimed to identify targets for neuropalliative care interventions in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by examining characteristics of patients and sources of distress and support among former caregivers. We identified caregivers of decedents with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from the University of California San Francisco Rapidly Progressive Dementia research database. We purposively recruited 12 caregivers for in-depth interviews and extracted associated patient data.

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Background: Research has highlighted the need for evidence-based interventions to improve paediatric advance care planning (pACP) in adolescents with cancer. Although adolescents express the desire and ability to share their values, beliefs and preferences for treatment, there is a lack of structured multicomponent interventions to improve parent-adolescent communication on different ACP themes including those not limited to end-of-life care. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation, context and mechanisms of impact of a novel ACP program in paediatric oncology.

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Although advance care planning (ACP) is highly relevant for nursing home residents, its uptake in nursing homes is low. To meet the need for context-specific ACP tools to support nursing home staff in conducting ACP conversations, we developed the ACP+intervention. At its core, we designed three ACP tools to aid care staff in discussing and documenting nursing home resident's wishes and preferences for future treatment and care: (1) an extensive ACP conversation guide, (2) a one-page conversation tool and (3) an ACP document to record outcomes of conversations.

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Introduction: While the need for palliative care for people living with dementia has widely been recognised, they continue to be a disadvantaged group when it comes to timely initiation, and controversies remain regarding appropriate timing, or what elements constitute high quality palliative care early in the disease trajectory. To date, no literature review has summarised this debate or offered insights. The aim of this scoping review is to provide a general overview of research regarding palliative care in mild or moderate dementia, to identify existing controversies, and to examine what are key components of palliative care in dementia, specifically when initiated earlier in the disease trajectory.

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Background/objectives: Electronic Health (eHealth) tools offer opportunities for people to access health information online; yet, most tools are not designed to meet the unique needs of diverse older adults, leading to health disparities. Our goal was to provide guidance for the development of eHealth tools for diverse older populations for use in geriatric care models.

Design: Guidance for eHealth tools was compiled from user design resources and eHealth design literature.

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Background: A team-based approach has been advocated for advance care planning in nursing homes. While nurses are often put forward to take the lead, it is not clear to what extent other professions could be involved as well.

Objectives: To examine to what extent engagement in advance care planning practices (e.

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COVID-19 mortality disproportionally affects nursing homes, creating enormous pressures to deliver high-quality end-of-life care. Comprehensive palliative care should be an explicit part of both national and global COVID-19 response plans. Therefore, we aimed to identify, review, and compare national and international COVID-19 guidance for nursing homes concerning palliative care, issued by government bodies and professional associations.

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Background: Considering social cognitive theory and current literature about successful advance care planning in nursing homes, sufficient knowledge and self-efficacy are important preconditions for staff to be able to carry out advance care planning in practice.

Aim: Exploring to what extent nurses' knowledge about and self-efficacy is associated with their engagement in advance care planning in nursing homes.

Design: Survey study as part of a baseline measurement of a randomised controlled cluster trial (NCT03521206).

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