Purpose: To assess the cost-effectiveness of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA, P095 kit) compared to karyotyping.
Methods: A cost-minimization analysis alongside a nationwide prospective clinical study of 4,585 women undergoing amniocentesis on behalf of their age (≥36 years), an increased risk following first trimester prenatal screening or parental anxiety.
Results: Diagnostic accuracy of MLPA (P095 kit) was comparable to karyotyping (1.
Objective: To estimate whether multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), a molecular technique used for detecting the most common chromosomal aneuploidies, is comparable with karyotyping for the detection of aneuploidies of chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 in routine clinical practice and to estimate the costs differences of both techniques.
Methods: In this prospective, nationwide cohort study, we consecutively included 4,585 women who had an amniocentesis because of their age (36 years or older), increased risk after prenatal screening, or maternal anxiety. Amniotic fluid samples were tested independently with both MLPA and karyotyping.