Publications by authors named "Gibadulin R"

Phage display epitope library technology and a novel computer algorithm have been used for the localization of CD4 epitopes specific for monoclonal antibody (mAb) T6 and autoimmune antibodies found in an HIV infected patient. Both predicted epitope clusters have been shown to overlap and to be localized within the domain 4 of CD4. They included Cys303, Glu304, Glu330, and Lys331 amino acids.

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Conformational dynamics of human T-helper cell receptor protein CD4 has been studied with the help of monoclonal antibody (mAb) T6. The mAb T6 discriminates between s- and m-forms of CD4 and recognizes a specific conformation of the soluble (s) form of CD4 including the first nine amino acids of CD4 transmembrane sequence. However, change of tryptophan for serine in position 2 in this sequence destabilizes the T6-type conformation.

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Recombinant antigen ORF2 from porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) was produced, by using the baculovirus expression system, with histidine tags to allow purification by metal-chelate affinity chromatography. The purity of the protein was verified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; and its immunospecificity was confirmed by the immunoblotting test using reference PCV-2-positive and PCV-2-negative porcine sera and monoclonal antibodies. The protein was used as an antigen to develop an indirect enzyme immunoassay (EIA) of PCV-2 antibodies.

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Full-length Bos taurus PrPC protein was obtained in the eu- and prokaryotic expression systems. Immunoblotting and indirect enzyme immunoassay demonstrated high specificity and antigenic activity of full-length proteins in the reactions with monoclonal antibodies (anti-SAF-32 and VRQ-84). Membrane location of recombinant PrPC protein in insect cells was shown by immunofluorescent analysis.

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The frequency of anti-CD4 antibodies was determined in the sera or plasma derived from the patients infected with HIV-1 belonging to different genetic subgroups. The anti-CD4-antibodies in a dilution of > or = 1:1000 were found in 14% of the patients infected with the gagA/envA virus characteristic for injectable drug users in East Europe. The frequency of autoimmune antibodies among the HIV-infected patients with envB virus was substantially less (4.

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The baculovirus expression system was made use of to derive the recombinant nucleocapsid (N) proteins of the American and European virus types and of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). The obtained products were purified by metal-affine chromatography and their specificity was confirmed in immunechemical reactions with reference monoclonal antibodies. The antigenic activity of recombinant proteins was studied by indirect immune enzyme assay (IEA) with porcine serum, which had been in advance characterized by the "HerdCheck" kit (IDEXX Co.

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Recombinant E2 protein from vaccine strain of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and from SCFV virulent strain Shimen was synthesized in SF-21 and High-Five cell culture with baculovirus as the expressing vector. For secretion, hydrophobic C-terminal transmembrane domain was removed and N-terminal signal polypeptide of 38 amino acids was added. Maximum accumulation of recombinant products in SF-21 cells was observed after 48 h and in medium 96 h after infection with recombinant baculovirus.

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For studies of intracellular Vpr transport and the effect of the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein on the process, a recombinant baculovirus strain was constructed, which directs the synthesis of Vpr fused with the baculovirus secretory polypeptide. During infection the majority of Vpr has been observed in the cell nuclear fraction. These data suggest that Vpr nucleophilic signal is more active than the secretory one.

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The polypeptide composition of HIV-I virus-like particles produced by CV-I cells during mono- and coinfection with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) strains containing the whole (p55) and carboxyterminal truncated (p48) gag genes and gag-pol sequence is studied. In monoinfection both the gag-strains actively produced virus-like particles consisting of non-processed p55Gag and p48Gag polyprotein without p6 domain. In case of a coinfection of the cells with one of these strains and the rVV producing p160Gag-Pol polyprotein the virus-like particles consisted of p24 protein and a negligible amount of non-processed Gag precursors.

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The synthesis of gag antigens of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by recombinant vaccinia virus strains containing the expressed genes gag and gag-pol and the capacity of these proteins to formation of virus-like particles during infection of various cell cultures were studied. The recombinant strain containing the truncated gag gene (p48gag) was shown to effectively synthesize gag polypeptides and to form immature virus-like particles during infection of all the cell cultures tested (CV-1, Hep-2, HT-29). The morphogenesis of mature virus-like particles was detected by electron microscopy only in infection of Hep-2 cells with a strain containing a complete gag-pol sequence of HIV.

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Full-sized gen vif of human immunodeficiency virus has been synthesized and cloned into plasmid pGEX-2T. Vif-gene expression was found in Escherichia coli cells resulting in production of a hybrid GST-protein. The recombinant protein studied by the immunoblotting technique reacted with 8 of 22 probes of human HIV-positive sera.

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Analysis of the immunological properties of recombinant proteins of HIV-1 gene gag-pol secreted by yeast cells S. cerevisiae was carried out. The proteins under study interacted with antibodies from HIV-1-seropositive human subjects and with antibodies of rabbit immune serum to the native virus as effectively and specifically as natural HIV-1 proteins.

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The paper describes the enzyme immunoassay system for detection of human immunodeficiency virus antigens, which is based on the use of rabbit anti-HIV antibodies and monoclonal antibodies to HIV-1 gene proteins gag. The system may be useful in the examination of laboratory and clinical samples to reveal both free and conjugated antigens in the composition of immune complexes. The sensitivity of the assay system under development is 0.

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By using three different linkage methods with carbodiimide, glutaraldehyde and periodite, immunoenzyme conjugates of beta-lactamase from Bacillus licheniformis 749/c and horse radish peroxidase with human antibodies to HIV-1 were prepared. The human antibodies were purified by the affinity procedure on Protein-A-Sepharose 6B. The conjugates were tested in a solid phase immunoenzymatic system for the HIV-1 antigen.

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The paper describes a method using plasmid construction pSC11 for generation of recombinant vaccinia viruses supporting coexpression of heterologous genes and beta-galactosidase. The Ca2+-phosphate method of cell transfection by recombinant DNAs generated on the basis of pSC11, and selection of recombinant viruses from blue plaques of virus-infected cells in the presence of X-gala are reported at length.

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A recombinant vaccinia virus (VV) strain containing a cloned gene of influenza A/Udorn/307/72 (H3N2) hemagglutinin (HA) gene has been produced. HA expression in CV-1 cells infected with the recombinant virus was determined by enzyme immunoassay. The influenza virus HA titer was 1:64-1:128.

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The DNA of simian adenovirus SA7P was cloned in pBR322. The nucleotide sequences of the leftmost 2238 bp and the rightmost 188 bp of the viral genome were determined. SA7P DNA has an inverted terminal repeat of 183 bp.

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The effect of chemical inhibitors on reproduction of 2 laboratory and 3 vaccine strains of herpes simplex virus (HSV), types 1 and 2, was studied. By the time of the study the vaccine strains had undergone from 27 to 69 passages in chick embryo fibroblast cultures. All the vaccine strains (L2, Us, and VN) exhibited 100-1000 fold higher resistance to phosphonoacetic acid than did the laboratory F+ and G strains, and the vaccine L2 strain (HSV-1) was also 1000-fold resistant to 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosine thymine.

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By successive passages and triple cloning of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in Vero cell culture in the presence of increasing concentrations of phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) a mutant of HSV-1 resistant to PAA (PAAr) was derived and characterized. The resistance to the inhibitor was transmitted from PAAr-mutant to a sensitive strain (L2) by recombination performed by the marker rescue method using DNA fragmented by Hpa-1 restrictase. The resulting recombinant (R-551) was resistant to the inhibitor and had an altered primary structure of DNA.

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The paper describes physical maps of SA-7P DNA drawn with the help of XhoI, HpaI and BglII enzymes. DNA nucleotide sequence in the left side of the viral genome was found to have the length of 150 nucleotides. It contains codon for initiation of protein synthesis and coincides in this area with the known primary structure of Ela operon for human adenoviruses Ad5, Ad7, and Ad12.

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Serological, biological, and physico-chemical properties of a new antigenic variant of simian adenovirus SA7P were studied. Neutralization tests with hyperimmune specific antisera demonstrated the new antigenic variant SA7P to have very significant antigenic similarity with the prototype SA7 strain. Same as the latter, SA7P does not agglutinate rat red blood cells, is highly oncogenic for newborn Syrian hamsters and capable of transforming rat kidney cell cultures.

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Analysis of the products of viral DNAs cleavage by restrictive endonucleases showed the strains of herpes simplex virus Us and L2 used for herpes vaccine manufacture to belong to type 1 and the VN strain to type 2 of herpes simplex virus. This method is found to be optimal for typing of herpes simplex virus strains.

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The antigenic variant of simian adenovirus 7 (SA7) DNA was cleaved by restriction endonucleases EcoRI, XbaI, BamHI, SalI. The resulted digests of viral DNA were tested for transforming activity using the "calcium" technique. It was shown that BamHI.

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