Publications by authors named "Gervaziev V"

31 bioptates in the antral mucosa of 24 patients with a chronic gastritis and a body of a stomach for revealing H. pylori were being analysed and for the further studying morpho-immunology communications. The presence of H.

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A study was made of the course of phlebothrombosis ana pulmonary thromboembolism in 54 patients with thrombophilia. Of these, 23 patients had factor la resistance to protein C, 15 presented with antiphospholipid syndrome, four with protein C deficit, one with protein S deficit, three with antithrombin III deficiency, and three patients with hyperhomocysteinemia. Five patients presented with the following combined forms of thrombophilia: thrombophilia due to protein C deficit and antiphospholipid syndrome; protein C deficit and hyperhomocysteinemia; protein C and antithrombin III deficit; factor Va resistance to protein C and hyperhomocysteinemia; antiphospholipid syndrome and hyperhomocysteinemia.

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Literature and own experience in surgical, surgical-pharmacological and contact electro-pharmacological influence on the celiac plexus for correction of dysfunctions in the upper abdominal diseases are analyzed. Original surgical procedures on sympathetic nerves in celiac neuro-ischemic syndrome, chronic duodenal obstruction, duodenal ulcer, and also methods of catheterization and electro-pharmacological impact on celiac plexus in celiac ganglioneuritis and surgical trauma of the stomach are described.

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Duplex scanning of the subcutaneous, deep and perforating veins was performed to examine venous return and to establish the diagnosis of valvular venous insufficiency of the lower extremities in 32 clinically healthy subjects (64 extremities) and 38 patients suffering from varicose disease (VD), when the patient was in the horizontal and vertical position. It has been established that in VD patients, the diameter of the deep and subcutaneous veins is greater than that in healthy subjects. When the patient is in the vertical position, the venous lumen expands 1.

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A new system of evaluation of efficacy of varicosity surgery is proposed. This system considers regress of chronic venous insufficiency based on it 4-degree classification and recurrences of the disease. Based on these criteria comparative study of efficacy in long-term period (from 6 months to 6 years) of new method of varicosity surgery--ligation of changed subcutaneous major veins and inflows, perforants of Achilles fat window (104 patients) and standard phlebectomy with open ligation of perforants (94 patients) was carried out.

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The second and the third elements of surgical treatment of a varicose disease and chronic venous insufficiency by concealed exclusion of perforant and varicose subcutaneous veins are outlined. The exclusion of perforant veins of the shin is limited by the zone of Achilles (sub- and retromalleolar) cellular space in muscular channel of the lower extremity. Blunt supra- and infrafascial dissection of cellular tissue with passing there extramuscular perforant veins is performed between two incisions-punctures of the skin of internal surface of the shin at the level of 7 and 20 cm from the sole of the foot using firm ligature and Jigly's hand-saw.

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A new method of concealed exclusion of major and minor subcutaneous veins by application of subcutaneous ligatures with the use of special instrument--intravenous elevator was described. The application of this method in 53 patients with varicose disease after complex operations resulted in good and excellent follow-up outcomes.

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The authors describe the first in Russia cases of thrombophilia caused by factor Va resistance to activated protein C. This abnormality was diagnosed in 6 of 25 patients (24%) with recurrent early thrombosis. The diagnosis was conducted according to a modified method implying the addition of protac (activator of protein C) to normal platelet poor plasma (PPP) free of factor V containing 100% of protein C.

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New methods of surgical management of chronic duodenal patency impairments (CDPI)--desympathization of the gastroduodenal artery and a longitudinal-sectional cruciform duodenoenteric anastomosis supplemented by the longitudinal cover of the duodenum are described. The former is intended to create a vagal dominant in the nervous control of duodenal motility and indicated in functional diseases. The latter is designed for alimentary masses and digestive juices to move from the duodenum to the abducting part of the small bowel under force, which allows it to be used in all types of CDPI.

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The article describes a cava filter "volan" suggested by the authors and the methods of its implantation through the subclavian or femoral vein for primary or secondary prevention of thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries. The simplicity of the device, universality in size and character of its use for temporary and permanent percutaneous implantation, and the possibility of its application in peripheral nonspecialized therapeutic institutions are noted. The experience in its use in 93 patients with phlebothrombosis of the lower limbs and thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries is discussed.

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The performance of a new operation, precardial proximal vagotomy, for treatment of chronic duodenal ulcer is substantiated, described, and its results are discussed. It consists in division of the proximal vagal branches, stretching to the gastric acid-producing zones, at the level of the cardia, without cutting the blood vessels and sympathetic fibres. This operation in combination with pyloroplasty and temporary drug blockade of the celiac plexus excels in efficacy all the other methods of surgical management of duodenal ulcer.

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A new method of thrombolytic therapy is described and substantiated. It consists in percutaneous catheterization of the popliteal vein with a system of paired catheters with the inner one being advanced during infusion of the thrombolytics in the thickness of the thrombus along the length of the proximal segments of the main vein. Phlebographic control is accomplished through the outer, short catheter.

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The work deals with the results of SPV in combination with prolonged drug blockade of the celiac plexus in 78 patients with duodenal ulcers. The motor activity of the antral part of the stomach intensified and its blood supply increased after blockade of the celiac plexus. The course of the immediate postoperative period improved after SPV and the number of patients with hypokinesia of the stomach reduced.

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The work analyses the results of examination and operative treatment of 69 patients with chronic duodenal ulcer and concurrent extravasal compression of the celiac trunk. The clinical signs characteristic of this combination are distinguished and it is shown that these patients have low indices of maximal acid production with a high frequency of duodenal reflux. Decrease of the hepatic and gastric blood flow was also found.

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The article analyses the immediate and late-term results of treatment of patients suffering from thromboangiitis of the lower limbs with acute forms of thromboses of the main arteries and shunts (13 persons) and chronic arterial insufficiency (60 patients). The treatment consisted in intraarterial drug infusion with the use of fibrinolysis activators (celiasa, awelysin) as well as other pathogenetically aimed agents in the form of microcrystal suspensions (hydrocortisone, oxytetracycline, zinc insulin). Regional thrombolysis in acute thrombosis allowed authentic lysis of fresh thrombi in the main arteries in two patients (15%).

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Standard operative interventions (thromboendarterectomy, (autovenous shunt) in patients with thromboangiitis obliterans of the lower limbs produce a poor effect. This is explained both by a poor initial condition of the draining channels and by advancement of the primary thromboangitic affection of the vascular wall in the zone of the intervention with its development into a stenotic-occlusive process. The use of some technical (operative) innovations, particularly postoperative arterial infusion of suspended forms of immunosuppresive agents (hydrocortisone, Kenalog), increased essentially the efficacy of restorative operations on the vessels with a high level of limb preservation and patency of the vessels which had been operated on.

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Three variants of endovascular autovenous plasty of the valves are suggested for the treatment of patients with chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs due to primary or secondary incompetence of the valves of the major veins. All are based on the formation of a one-sided cusp with an inner elastic element. The author suggests criteria for appraising the efficacy of methods for plasty of venous valves.

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The technique and results of surgical treatment of 109 patients with extravasal compression of the celiac trunk (ECCT), which in 77 patients was combined with a duodenal ulcer, are described. In the celiac plexus of the patients with ECCT, the inflammatory-sclerotic changes of a different degree of pronouncement were revealed. It was established that periarterial sympathectomy of the celiac artery and its branches had an essential effect on the state of gastric functions.

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The authors analysed the immediate and late-term results of treatment of 351 patients with thromboangiitis++ obliterans of the lower limbs by regional intraarterial infusion with the use of microcrystal line suspensions of hydrocortisone, oxytetracycline, and zinc-insulin. The method is shown to be highly effective in patients with affection of the distal arterial bed. A stable remission in the late-term period was attained in 80.

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In contrast to atherosclerosis, in thromboangiitis in most patients 4-8 mos after the operation, reocclusion, of the operated vessels and shunts occurred. This was conditioned by the progression of thromboangiitis.

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A study of local orthostatic disorders of pulse blood filling, microcirculation and acid-base state in the affected limbs of 84 patients with thrombo-angiitis has suggested that local orthostatic distal vascular hypertension in the lower limbs, along with subsequent vascular tissue metabolic and coagulation response, conditions preferential development and progress of spastic, ischemic and thrombotic manifestations of the disease.

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