Publications by authors named "Gerstner W"

Communication by rare, binary spikes is a key factor for the energy efficiency of biological brains. However, it is harder to train biologically-inspired spiking neural networks than artificial neural networks. This is puzzling given that theoretical results provide exact mapping algorithms from artificial to spiking neural networks with time-to-first-spike coding.

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Memory engrams in mice brains are potentially related to groups of concept cells in human brains. A single concept cell in human hippocampus responds, for example, not only to different images of the same object or person but also to its name written down in characters. Importantly, a single mental concept (object or person) is represented by several concept cells and each concept cell can respond to more than one concept.

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We link Ivancovsky et al.'s novelty-seeking model (NSM) to computational models of intrinsically motivated behavior and learning. We argue that dissociating different forms of curiosity, creativity, and memory based on the involvement of distinct intrinsic motivations (e.

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In humans and animals, surprise is a physiological reaction to an unexpected event, but how surprise can be linked to plausible models of neuronal activity is an open problem. We propose a self-supervised spiking neural network model where a surprise signal is extracted from an increase in neural activity after an imbalance of excitation and inhibition. The surprise signal modulates synaptic plasticity via a three-factor learning rule which increases plasticity at moments of surprise.

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Cortical populations of neurons develop sparse representations adapted to the statistics of the environment. To learn efficient population codes, synaptic plasticity mechanisms must differentiate relevant latent features from spurious input correlations, which are omnipresent in cortical networks. Here, we develop a theory for sparse coding and synaptic plasticity that is invariant to second-order correlations in the input.

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Goal-directed behaviors involve coordinated activity in many cortical areas, but whether the encoding of task variables is distributed across areas or is more specifically represented in distinct areas remains unclear. Here, we compared representations of sensory, motor, and decision information in the whisker primary somatosensory cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and tongue-jaw primary motor cortex in mice trained to lick in response to a whisker stimulus with mice that were not taught this association. Irrespective of learning, properties of the sensory stimulus were best encoded in the sensory cortex, whereas fine movement kinematics were best represented in the motor cortex.

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Empirical evidence shows that memories that are frequently revisited are easy to recall, and that familiar items involve larger hippocampal representations than less familiar ones. In line with these observations, here we develop a modelling approach to provide a mechanistic understanding of how hippocampal neural assemblies evolve differently, depending on the frequency of presentation of the stimuli. For this, we added an online Hebbian learning rule, background firing activity, neural adaptation and heterosynaptic plasticity to a rate attractor network model, thus creating dynamic memory representations that can persist, increase or fade according to the frequency of presentation of the corresponding memory patterns.

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Curiosity refers to the intrinsic desire of humans and animals to explore the unknown, even when there is no apparent reason to do so. Thus far, no single, widely accepted definition or framework for curiosity has emerged, but there is growing consensus that curious behavior is not goal-directed but related to seeking or reacting to information. In this review, we take a phenomenological approach and group behavioral and neurophysiological studies which meet these criteria into three categories according to the type of information seeking observed.

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Deep spiking neural networks (SNNs) offer the promise of low-power artificial intelligence. However, training deep SNNs from scratch or converting deep artificial neural networks to SNNs without loss of performance has been a challenge. Here we propose an exact mapping from a network with Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs) to an SNN that fires exactly one spike per neuron.

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Notions of surprise and novelty have been used in various experimental and theoretical studies across multiple brain areas and species. However, 'surprise' and 'novelty' refer to different quantities in different studies, which raises concerns about whether these studies indeed relate to the same functionalities and mechanisms in the brain. Here, we address these concerns through a systematic investigation of how different aspects of surprise and novelty relate to different brain functions and physiological signals.

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Birds of the crow family adapt food-caching strategies to anticipated needs at the time of cache recovery and rely on memory of the what, where and when of previous caching events to recover their hidden food. It is unclear if this behavior can be explained by simple associative learning or if it relies on higher cognitive processes like mental time-travel. We present a computational model and propose a neural implementation of food-caching behavior.

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Assemblies of neurons, called concepts cells, encode acquired concepts in human Medial Temporal Lobe. Those concept cells that are shared between two assemblies have been hypothesized to encode associations between concepts. Here we test this hypothesis in a computational model of attractor neural networks.

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Learning how to reach a reward over long series of actions is a remarkable capability of humans, and potentially guided by multiple parallel learning modules. Current brain imaging of learning modules is limited by (i) simple experimental paradigms, (ii) entanglement of brain signals of different learning modules, and (iii) a limited number of computational models considered as candidates for explaining behavior. Here, we address these three limitations and (i) introduce a complex sequential decision making task with surprising events that allows us to (ii) dissociate correlates of reward prediction errors from those of surprise in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); and (iii) we test behavior against a large repertoire of model-free, model-based, and hybrid reinforcement learning algorithms, including a novel surprise-modulated actor-critic algorithm.

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In adult dentate gyrus neurogenesis, the link between maturation of newborn neurons and their function, such as behavioral pattern separation, has remained puzzling. By analyzing a theoretical model, we show that the switch from excitation to inhibition of the GABAergic input onto maturing newborn cells is crucial for their proper functional integration. When the GABAergic input is excitatory, cooperativity drives the growth of synapses such that newborn cells become sensitive to stimuli similar to those that activate mature cells.

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Classic reinforcement learning (RL) theories cannot explain human behavior in the absence of external reward or when the environment changes. Here, we employ a deep sequential decision-making paradigm with sparse reward and abrupt environmental changes. To explain the behavior of human participants in these environments, we show that RL theories need to include surprise and novelty, each with a distinct role.

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The neuronal mechanisms generating a delayed motor response initiated by a sensory cue remain elusive. Here, we tracked the precise sequence of cortical activity in mice transforming a brief whisker stimulus into delayed licking using wide-field calcium imaging, multiregion high-density electrophysiology, and time-resolved optogenetic manipulation. Rapid activity evoked by whisker deflection acquired two prominent features for task performance: (1) an enhanced excitation of secondary whisker motor cortex, suggesting its important role connecting whisker sensory processing to lick motor planning; and (2) a transient reduction of activity in orofacial sensorimotor cortex, which contributed to suppressing premature licking.

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Surprise-based learning allows agents to rapidly adapt to nonstationary stochastic environments characterized by sudden changes. We show that exact Bayesian inference in a hierarchical model gives rise to a surprise-modulated trade-off between forgetting old observations and integrating them with the new ones. The modulation depends on a probability ratio, which we call the Bayes Factor Surprise, that tests the prior belief against the current belief.

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Experiments have shown that the same stimulation pattern that causes Long-Term Potentiation in proximal synapses, will induce Long-Term Depression in distal ones. In order to understand these, and other, surprising observations we use a phenomenological model of Hebbian plasticity at the location of the synapse. Our model describes the Hebbian condition of joint activity of pre- and postsynaptic neurons in a compact form as the interaction of the glutamate trace left by a presynaptic spike with the time course of the postsynaptic voltage.

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This is a PLOS Computational Biology Education paper. The idea that the brain functions so as to minimize certain costs pervades theoretical neuroscience. Because a cost function by itself does not predict how the brain finds its minima, additional assumptions about the optimization method need to be made to predict the dynamics of physiological quantities.

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Coarse-graining microscopic models of biological neural networks to obtain mesoscopic models of neural activities is an essential step towards multi-scale models of the brain. Here, we extend a recent theory for mesoscopic population dynamics with static synapses to the case of dynamic synapses exhibiting short-term plasticity (STP). The extended theory offers an approximate mean-field dynamics for the synaptic input currents arising from populations of spiking neurons and synapses undergoing Tsodyks-Markram STP.

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Synaptic changes induced by neural activity need to be consolidated to maintain memory over a timescale of hours. In experiments, synaptic consolidation can be induced by repeating a stimulation protocol several times and the effectiveness of consolidation depends crucially on the repetition frequency of the stimulations. We address the question: is there an understandable reason why induction protocols with repetitions at some frequency work better than sustained protocols-even though the accumulated stimulation strength might be exactly the same in both cases? In real synapses, plasticity occurs on multiple time scales from seconds (induction), to several minutes (early phase of long-term potentiation) to hours and days (late phase of synaptic consolidation).

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In many daily tasks, we make multiple decisions before reaching a goal. In order to learn such sequences of decisions, a mechanism to link earlier actions to later reward is necessary. Reinforcement learning (RL) theory suggests two classes of algorithms solving this credit assignment problem: In classic temporal-difference learning, earlier actions receive reward information only after multiple repetitions of the task, whereas models with eligibility traces reinforce entire sequences of actions from a single experience (one-shot).

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Training deep neural networks with the error backpropagation algorithm is considered implausible from a biological perspective. Numerous recent publications suggest elaborate models for biologically plausible variants of deep learning, typically defining success as reaching around 98% test accuracy on the MNIST data set. Here, we investigate how far we can go on digit (MNIST) and object (CIFAR10) classification with biologically plausible, local learning rules in a network with one hidden layer and a single readout layer.

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While most models of randomly connected neural networks assume single-neuron models with simple dynamics, neurons in the brain exhibit complex intrinsic dynamics over multiple timescales. We analyze how the dynamical properties of single neurons and recurrent connections interact to shape the effective dynamics in large randomly connected networks. A novel dynamical mean-field theory for strongly connected networks of multi-dimensional rate neurons shows that the power spectrum of the network activity in the chaotic phase emerges from a nonlinear sharpening of the frequency response function of single neurons.

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