Publications by authors named "Gerger H"

Integration of child mental health services in general practice may improve early detection and treatment and reduce strain on specialized services. In this study we investigated whether outpatient mental health care utilization and associated costs in children and adolescents were affected by the introduction of youth mental health practice nurses (YMHPNs) in general practice. We linked healthcare data of the Rijnmond Primary Care Database to municipal registry data on child outpatient mental health care expenditures between 2019 and 2022.

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Background: Worldwide, there are concerns about declining mental health of children and young people (CYP).

Objectives: To examine trends in GP consultation rates for psychosocial problems and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: We performed a population-based cohort study using electronic GP records of CYP (0-24 years) living in the Rotterdam metropolitan area between 2016 and 2021.

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This review is an update of a previous systematic review and assesses the evidence for the association of work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors and specific disorders of the shoulders. Medline, Embase, Web of Science Core Collection, Cochrane Central and PsycINFO were searched and study eligibility and risk of bias assessment was performed by two independent reviewers. A total of 14 new articles were added with the majority focusing on rotator cuff syndrome (RCS) with seven studies.

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Background: Child mental health services are under major pressure worldwide. In the Netherlands, Youth Mental Health Practice Nurses (YMHPNs) have been introduced in general practice to improve access to care. In this study, we evaluated care delivered by YMHPNs.

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Background: Advance care planning (ACP) is becoming increasingly important in medical care. Some suggest standardized approaches to initiate ACP with all older adults. However, the idea of patient-centered care suggests more nuanced approaches tailored to individual older adults' needs.

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This systematic review summarizes the evidence on associations between physical and psychosocial work-related exposures and the development of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Relevant databases were searched up to January 2020 for cohort studies reporting associations between work-related physical or psychosocial risk factors and the incidence of CTS. Two independent reviewers selected eligible studies, extracted relevant data, and assessed risk of bias (RoB).

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Little is known about the contribution of placebo effects and changes observed with no treatment in interventions for nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP). This systematic review assessed the proportions of the overall treatment effect that may be attributable to specific treatment effects, placebo effects, and changes observed with no treatment in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in patients with NSLBP. Trials published before 2019 were identified from a published systematic review, and the search was updated in MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Central for trials published between January 2019 and March 2023.

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Research indicates that patients consider empathy as a key factor contributing to the quality-of-care. However, ambiguities in the definition of this multidimensional construct complicate definite conclusions to-date. Addressing the challenges in the literature, and using a hypothetical physician-patient interaction which explored patient-perceived differences between expressions of affective empathy, cognitive empathy, compassion and no empathy, this study aimed to test whether lay participants' evaluations of the quality-of-care depend on the type of empathic physician behavior, and on the physician's gender.

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There are several meta-analyses of treatment effects for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The conclusions of these meta-analyses vary considerably. Our aim was to synthesize the latest evidence of the effectiveness of psychological, pharmacological treatment options and their combination in a systematic overview and meta-meta-analyses.

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Objective: Anxiety and pain during medical procedures may have adverse short and long-term consequences. We summarize the effectiveness of hospital clown interventions, as compared with medication, the presence of a parent, standard care, and other non-pharmacological distraction interventions on anxiety and pain in minors undergoing medical procedures.

Method: Randomized trials were identified in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus and CINAHL, and previous reviews.

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This study provides an overview of the relationships between exposure to work-related hand-arm vibration and the occurrence of pre-defined disorders of the hands. We searched Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Central, and PsycINFO for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on the association between work-related vibration exposure and the occurrence of hand-arm vibration syndrome (including vibration-induced white finger), Dupuytren's contracture, or hypothenar hammer syndrome. We used a 16-item checklist for assessing the risk of bias.

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Goals: We aim to summarize the current management of pruritus in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) by evaluating the efficacy and safety of pharmacological therapies.

Background: Pruritus is a common symptom of PBC, and evidence regarding the most effective antipruritic agents available is lacking. New pharmacotherapy for PBC has shown promising antipruritic effects.

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This systematic review updates a previous systematic review on work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors for elbow disorders. Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Central and PsycINFO were searched for studies on associations between work-related physical or psychosocial risk factors and the occurrence of elbow disorders. Two independent reviewers selected eligible studies and assessed risk of bias (RoB).

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Background: Anxiety problems are common in both children and adolescents, and many affected children do not receive appropriate treatment. Understaffing of mental healthcare services and long waiting lists form major barriers. In the Netherlands, practice nurses have been introduced into general practice to support general practitioners (GPs) in the management of psychosocial problems.

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Background: The evaluation of psychotherapy is guided by established concepts, such as efficacy and effectiveness, and acceptability. Although these concepts serve as valid proxies, little is known about corresponding criteria for those directly involved in this treatment. This study aimed to explore inpatients' and health professionals' definitions of a good treatment in the inpatient setting.

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Background: Due to a large strain on youth mental health care, general practice is suggested as an alternative treatment setting for children and adolescents with anxiety problems. However, research on the current management of these children and adolescents within general practice is scarce.

Aim: To investigate the incidence of coded anxiety in general practice using the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC), and GPs' management of children and adolescents presenting with anxiety problems.

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Objectives: The impact of the quality of discharge communication between physicians and their patients is critical on patients' health outcomes. Nevertheless, low recall of information given to patients at discharge from emergency departments (EDs) is a well-documented problem. Therefore, we investigated the outcomes and related benefits of two different communication strategies: Physicians were instructed to either use empathy (E) or information structuring (S) skills hypothesizing superior recall by patients in the S group.

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: Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) are increasingly applied for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms albeit its effectiveness is unclear.: To examine the effectiveness of AAI for treating PTSD symptoms.: We searched 11 major electronic databases for studies reporting quantitative data on effects of AAI for children and adults with PTSD symptoms.

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While children and adolescents placed in child welfare or juvenile justice out-of-home care show higher prevalence rates of mental disorders compared to the general population, it remains unclear whether this pattern persists into adulthood. A quantitative synthesis of existing studies is lacking. The aim of this meta-analysis was to estimate the prevalence rates for mental disorders among adults with a foster or residential child welfare or juvenile justice care history, comparing them where possible to rates among the general population.

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Little is known about the effectiveness of placebo interventions in patients with nonspecific low back pain (LBP). This systematic review assessed the magnitude of the effects of placebo interventions as compared to no intervention in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) including patients with LBP. Embase, MEDLINE (Ovid), and Cochrane CENTRAL databases were searched from inception to December 5, 2019.

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Insomnia predicts the onset, course, and reoccurrence of unipolar depression. However, systematic reviews of treatment options for insomnia in unipolar depression are lacking. After screening 7725 records, 17 trials comprising 1645 patients randomized to 13 treatments were included for quantitative synthesis.

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Background: Expressive writing about a traumatic event is promising in treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in adult trauma survivors. To date, the comparative efficacy and acceptability of this approach is uncertain. Therefore, we aimed to examine the comparative efficacy and acceptability of expressive writing treatments.

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