Publications by authors named "Gerardo Prieto"

Current models for elastin-like recombinamer (ELR) design struggle to predict the effects of nonprotein fused materials on polypeptide conformation and temperature-responsive properties. To address this shortage, we investigated the novel functionalization of ELRs with cholesterol (CTA). We employed GROMACS computational molecular dynamic simulations complemented with experimental evidence to validate the predictions.

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Although the (CNT) is the most consensual theory to explain protein nucleation mechanisms, experimental observations during the shear-induced assays suggest that the CNT does not always describe the insulin nucleation process. This is the case at intermediate precipitant (ZnCl) solution concentrations (2.3 mM) and high-temperature values (20 and 40 °C) as well as at low precipitant solution concentrations (1.

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Current research on emotion knowledge and competence emphasises the role of language. Emotion vocabulary is one of the indicators of emotion knowledge that can be objectively measured; however, the metric properties of the scores obtained in tests and tasks to measure it have seldom been adequate. In this study we designed and validated a Spanish emotion vocabulary test (MOVE) employing a corpus approach to construct cloze multiple-choice items, administered the test to a Spanish-speaking sample from two countries, Spain and Argentina, and analysed structural validity of the test items with the Rasch model measurement approach.

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Metal nanoparticles (NPs), particularly gold nanorods (AuNRs), appear as excellent platforms not only to transport and deliver bioactive cargoes but also to provide additional therapeutic responses for diseased cells and tissues and/or to complement the action of the carried molecules. In this manner, here, we optimized a previous developed metal-based nanoplatform composed of an AuNR core surrounded by a polymeric shell constructed by means of the layer-by-layer approach, and in which very large amounts of the antineoplasic drug doxorubicin (DOXO) in a single loading step and targeting capability thanks to an outer hyaluronic acid layer were incorporated by means of an optimized fabrication process (PSS/DOXO/PLL/HA-coated AuNRs). The platform retained its nanometer size with a negative surface charge and was colloidally stable in a range of physiological conditions, in which only in some of them some particle clustering was noted with no precipitation.

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Background: Little is known about the role of emotion regulation in driving. This study analyzed the psychometric properties of one of the most commonly-used tests for the evaluation of emotion regulation in a drivers' sample.

Methods: A total of 318 male drivers (M age = 41.

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Hybrid hydrogels composed of chitosan (CS) and hyaluronic acid (HA) and collagen (Coll) were prepared by polyelectrolyte complex self-assembly. These scaffolds displayed a good intermingling of the polymeric chains, with porosities above 80% and good interconnected structures with pore sizes lying between 30-115 μm. The ionic interactions between CS and HA make the scaffolds have larger storage modulus and longer LVR regions than their pure counterparts.

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Atherosclerosis is an underlying risk factor in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The combination of drugs with microRNAs (miRNA) inside a single nanocarrier has emerged as a promising anti-atherosclerosis strategy to achieve the exploitation of their complementary mechanisms of action to achieve synergistic therapeutic effects while avoiding some of the drawbacks associated with current systemic statin therapies. We report the development of nanometer-sized polymeric PLGA nanoparticles (NPs) capable of simultaneously encapsulating and delivering miRNA-124a and the statin atorvastatin (ATOR).

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Polyethylenimine (PEI) has been demonstrated as an efficient DNA delivery vehicle both in vitro and in vivo. There is a consensus that PEI-DNA complexes enter the cells by endocytosis and escape from endosomes by the so-called "proton sponge" effect. However, little is known on how and where the polyplexes are de-complexed for DNA transcription and replication to occur inside the cell nucleus.

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: Interviews to obtain statements in judicial procedures need to be adapted to the witnesses' abilities to testify. Moreover, knowing the cognitive abilities involved in testifying provides relevant criteria to assess statement credibility. As age or intelligence quotient is not enough to estimate these capabilities, an instrument to evaluate witnesses' specific abilities to testify is needed.

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Objective: We aimed to assess whether native spleen preservation during visceral transplantation (VT) affects graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) incidence.

Summary Background Data: GVHD is one of the most severe and frequently lethal hematological complications after VT procedures. Because there is no specific treatment for GVHD, it is imperative to develop a strategy to reduce donor lymphocyte engraftment and proliferation.

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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are particles originating from the exfoliation of the cellular membrane. They are involved in cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix signaling, exchange of bioactive molecules, tumorigenesis and metastasis, among others. To mitigate the limited understanding of EVs transfer phenomena, we developed a simplistic model that mimics EVs and their interactions with cells and the extracellular matrix.

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Various traditions have investigated the relationship between emotion and language. For the basic emotions view, emotional prototypes are lexically sedimented in language, evidenced in cultural convergence in emotional recognition and expression tasks. For constructionist theories, conceptual knowledge supported by language is at the core of emotions.

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Gemini surfactants (GS) have been highlighted as attractive gene carriers for a few years now; however, key aspects of the role of the GS chemical structure on the DNA-GS complexation and subsequent biological activity remain to be determined. Aiming to elucidate the effects of the GS spacer hydrophobicity, this work was focused on the biophysical characterization of the self-assembly, DNA complexation, cytocompatibility, and DNA transfection of a series of bis-quaternary ammonium GS with fixed side alkyl chains of 14 carbons and varying head-to-head alkyl chain spacers of 4, 6, and 14 carbons (referred to as GS4, GS6, and GS14, respectively). The characterization was carried out by a battery of experimental techniques including UV-vis and fluorescence sprectroscopies, ζ potential, dynamic light scattering (DLS), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and flow cytometry, among others.

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We have developed a reproducible and facile one step strategy for the synthesis of doxorubicin loaded magnetoliposomes by using a thin-layer evaporation method. Liposomes of around 200 nm were made of 1,2-dipalmitoyl--glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) with negative, positive, and hydrophobic surfaces that were incorporated outside, inside, or between the lipid bilayers, respectively. To characterize how NPs are incorporated in liposomes, advanced cryoTEM and atomic force microscope (AFM) techniques have been used.

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Objective: The objective of this study was to provide normative data for the 5 Objects Test in a large Spanish community sample, as well as some validity evidence.

Methods: The sample was composed of 427 participants (of which 220 females, age 15 to 95 years old; educational level range: 2-17 years). Normative data are provided, as well as correlations with test scores from Benton Visual Retention test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and Mini Mental State Examination.

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Differential item functioning (DIF) is of the utmost importance in order to corroborate the generalized validity of test scores in different groups. DIF indicates that an item does not function equally in different groups such as age, gender or cultural ones. Our objective was to contrast the generalized validity of the Emotion Knowledge (EK) test scores in a heterogeneous Argentinian sample composed of 100 females and 100 males (age range: 18-65).

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Objective: The present study aims to analyze the psychometric characteristics of the TeLPI (Irregular Words Reading Test), a Portuguese premorbid intelligence test, using the Rasch model for dichotomous items.

Results: The results reveal an overall adequacy and a good fit of values regarding both items and persons. A high variability of cognitive performance level and a good quality of the measurements were also found.

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The results of several studies suggest that spatial ability can be improved through direct training with tasks similar to those integrated in the tests used to measure the ability. However, there is a greater interest in analyzing the effectiveness of indirect training such as games or of learning subjects that involve spatial processes to a certain extent. Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze whether the indirect training in Technical Drawing improved the Spatial Visualization ability of Architecture students.

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Background: Psychological constructionist models like the Conceptual Act Theory (CAT) postulate that complex states such as emotions are composed of basic psychological ingredients that are more clearly respected by the brain than basic emotions. The objective of this study was the construction and initial validation of Emotion Knowledge measures from the CAT frame by means of an invariant measurement approach, the Rasch Model (RM). Psychological distance theory was used to inform item generation.

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Aim:  The onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in patients younger than the age of 5 years is rare. Moreover, when there is exclusive colonic inflammation, diagnosis can be challenging. Our aim was to describe the difficulties and pitfalls in the diagnosis of early-onset IBD (eoIBD) and their repercussions in treatment decisions.

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Article Synopsis
  • Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a major cause of intestinal failure in children, and the study aimed to assess the long-term outcomes of ultrashort bowel syndrome (USBS) in an Intestinal Rehabilitation Unit (IRU).
  • The research involved 30 pediatric patients with USBS, mostly caused by neonatal midgut volvulus, who underwent various treatments including parenteral nutrition and intestinal transplantation from 2000 to 2015.
  • Results showed that 71% achieved digestive autonomy after intestinal transplant, and new lipid emulsions introduced in 2010 improved liver disease related to intestinal failure, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for better patient outcomes.
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Intestinal failure (IF) requires a multidisciplinary management based on nutritional support, surgical and medical rehabilitation, and transplantation. The aim of this study is to review our experience with surgical rehabilitation techniques (SRTs: enteroplasty, Bianchi, Serial Transverse Enteroplasty Procedure [STEP]) in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS) and poor prognosis due to complex abdominal pathology. We performed a single-center retrospective study of patients with IF evaluated for intestinal transplantation in the Intestinal Rehabilitation Unit who underwent an SRT.

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Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms, disgust vulnerability, and the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality.

Method: The sample consisted of 100 adult patients with OCD as a primary diagnosis and 246 with other anxiety disorders (OADs), who responded to OCD, disgust vulnerability, anxiety, depression and personality questionnaires. To perform parametric statistical calculations, all questionnaire scores were transformed from raw ordinal-scale scores to Rasch measures, with interval properties.

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This investigation aimed to develop and collect psychometric data for two tests assessing listening comprehension of Portuguese students in primary school: the Test of Listening Comprehension of Narrative Texts (TLC-n) and the Test of Listening Comprehension of Expository Texts (TLC-e). Two studies were conducted. The purpose of study 1 was to construct four test forms for each of the two tests to assess first, second, third and fourth grade students of the primary school.

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The psychometric properties of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were examined by using the Partial Credit Model. The study sample included 897 participants who were distributed into two main subgroups: (I) the clinical group (90 patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment, 90 patients with Alzheimer's disease, 33 patients with Frontotemporal Dementia, and 34 patients with Vascular dementia, whose diagnoses were previously established according to a consensus that was reached by a multidisciplinary team, based on the international criteria) and (II) the healthy group (composed of 650 cognitively healthy community dwellers). The results show (i) an overall good fit for both the items and the persons' values, (ii) high variability for the cognitive performance level of the cognitive domains (ranging between 1.

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