Publications by authors named "Gerard Gouesbet"

With the model of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) and the extended boundary condition method, describing the interaction between electromagnetic (EM) waves (more specifically laser beams) and particles, an acoustical GLMT-like framework can be used to deal with acoustical wave scattering. The incident acoustical wave may then be encoded in a set of beam shape coefficients (BSCs) similar to the ones used in EM scattering. Following a paper devoted to the evaluation of acoustical BSCs using a localized approximation in the case of on-axis Gaussian acoustical beams, the present paper deals with the evaluation of acoustical BSCs in the case of off-axis Gaussian acoustical beams.

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Electromagnetic Gaussian beams may be described by using a Davis scheme of approximations. It is demonstrated that this scheme also may be used, with minor changes, to manage the description of acoustical waves. The acoustical version of the Davis scheme afterward allows one to establish an efficient and accurate localized approximation to evaluate beam shape coefficients, which encode the structures of acoustical waves, similar to the localized approximation, which has been made famous when dealing with electromagnetic waves.

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Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) describes the interaction between electromagnetic waves (more specifically, laser beams) and homogeneous spherical particles. An acoustical GLMT-like framework can be used to deal with acoustical wave scattering. The incident acoustical wave may then be encoded in a set of beam shape coefficients (BSCs) similar to the ones used in electromagnetic scattering.

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A new formulation of the Debye series based on the Riccati-differential equations was developed to compute electromagnetic wave scattering by non-spherical particles. In this formulation, the T-matrix was expanded in terms of the Debye series. The zeroth-order term, which corresponds to a combination of diffraction and external reflection, is given by unity minus the external reflection matrix.

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Predicting the photophoretic force exerted on an optical absorptive particle in a gaseous medium is a challenging problem because the problems of electromagnetic scattering, heat transfer, and gaseous molecule dynamics are involved and coupled with each other. Based on the calculation of the source function distribution inside a homogeneous sphere excited by a Bessel beam using the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory, analytical expressions of the asymmetry vector, which is the key quantity in the calculation of photophoretic force, are given using the adjoint boundary value method. Numerical simulations are performed to analyze the influences of polarization, the half-cone angle, and the beam order of the incident beam, particle size, and absorptivity of the particle on the asymmetry vector for both on-axis and off-axis illuminations.

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This work aims to provide additional theoretical investigation of a promising class of nondiffracting vector beams-the discrete vector frozen waves (FWs)-in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory. The exact beam shape coefficients for unsymmetrized FWs with linear, azimuth, and radial polarizations are given in analytic form, thus extending previous derivations based on circularly symmetric Davis or aplanatic Bessel beams. Owing to their unique properties, it is believed that FWs will become important wave fields in optical tweezers, optical system alignment, remote sensing, optical bistouries, atom guiding, and so on.

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In this paper we investigate the integral version of the localized approximation (ILA)-a powerful technique for evaluating the beam shape coefficients in the framework of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory-as applied to ideal scalar Bessel beams (BBs). Originally conceived for arbitrary shaped beams with a propagating factor exp(±ikz), it has recently been shown that care must be taken when applying the ILA for the case of ideal scalar BBs, since they carry a propagating factor exp(±ikz cos α), with α being the axicon angle, which cannot be smoothly accommodated into its mathematical formalism. Comparisons are established between the beam shape coefficients calculated from both ILA and exact approaches, assuming paraxial approximation and both on- and off-axis beams.

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Dielectric microparticles are used as simple and low-cost means to achieve strong intensity confinement below the standard diffraction limit. Here we report the demonstration of enhanced light intensity in the vicinity of optical fiber combined with dielectric spheroidal particles. Specific attention is paid to the study of the influences of the spheroid's ellipticity (ratio of horizontal length to vertical length) as well as the refractive index on the intensity enhancement and focal distance.

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Arbitrary electromagnetic shaped beams may be described by using expansions over a set of basis functions, with expansion coefficients containing subcoefficients named "beam shape coefficients" (BSCs). When BSCs cannot be obtained in closed form, and/or when the beam description does not exactly satisfy Maxwell's equations, the most efficient method to evaluate the BSCs is to rely on localized approximations. One of them, named the second modified localized approximation, has been presented in a way that may be found ambiguous in some cases.

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The expression "generalized Lorenz-Mie theories" generically denotes a class of light-scattering theories describing the interaction between an illuminating electromagnetic arbitrary-shaped beam and a particle possessing a high degree of symmetry. This allows one to use the method of separation of variables in which the illuminating beam is expressed as an expansion over a set of basis functions. Such theories have been derived and applied over the past 35 years.

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Localized beam models provide the most efficient and enlightening ways to evaluate beam shape coefficients of electromagnetic arbitrary shaped beams for use in light scattering theories. At the present time, they are valid in spherical and (circular and elliptical) cylindrical coordinates. A misuse of localized beam models in spherical coordinates recently appeared several times in the literature.

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A rigorous theory is developed to predict the radiation pressure force (RPF) exerted on a spheroid by an arbitrarily oriented and located shaped beam. Analytical expressions of RPF are derived for a homogeneous spheroid, which can be prolate or oblate, transparent or absorbing. Exemplifying calculations are performed and RPF calculations for spheroids are compared to RPF calculations for spheres.

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The theory of an arbitrarily oriented, shaped, and located beam scattered by a homogeneous spheroid is developed within the framework of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). The incident beam is expanded in terms of the spheroidal vector wave functions and described by a set of beam shape coefficients (G(m)(n),(TM),G(m)(n),(TE)). Analytical expressions of the far-field scattering and extinction cross sections are derived.

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The beam-shape coefficients of arbitrary off-axis Gaussian beams in spheroidal coordinates are evaluated with a generalized Lorenz-Mie theory. The light-scattering properties of absorbing and nonabsorbing homogeneous spheroidal particles, such as the angular distribution of scattered intensity for a wide range of particles sizes and different complex refractive indices versus the magnitude and location of the beam waist, are investigated.

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