J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
January 2015
Ultrasound-driven avoidance responses have evolved repeatedly throughout the insecta as defenses against predation by echolocating bats. Although the auditory mechanics of ears and the properties of auditory receptor neurons have been studied in a number of groups, central neural processing of ultrasound stimuli has been examined in only a few cases. In this review, I summarize the neuronal basis for ultrasound detection and predator avoidance in crickets, tettigoniids, moths, and mantises, where central circuits have been studied most thoroughly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
April 2013
Calling song of the cricket Gryllus assimilis is unusual among Gryllus spp. in the high sound-pulse rate, ca. 80 Hz, within its chirps.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDecision making in invertebrates often relies on simple neural circuits composed of only a few identified neurons. The relative simplicity of these circuits makes it possible to identify the key computation and neural properties underlying decisions. In this review, we summarize recent research on the neural basis of ultrasound avoidance in crickets, a response that allows escape from echolocating bats.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe analyzed the courtship song of the field cricket Gryllus assimilis. The song comprises two elements: groups of ca. 10 pulses (chirps) with low fundamental frequency (3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
April 2010
Cricket ultrasound avoidance is a classic model system for neuroethology. Avoidance steering is triggered by high-firing-rate bursts of spikes in the auditory command neuron AN2. Although bursting is common among sensory neurons, and although the detailed structure of bursts may encode information about the stimulus, it is as yet unclear whether this information is decoded.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAuditory receptor neurons of crickets are most sensitive to either low or high sound frequencies. Earlier work showed that the temporal coding properties of first-order auditory interneurons are matched to the temporal characteristics of natural low- and high-frequency stimuli (cricket songs and bat echolocation calls, respectively). We studied the temporal coding properties of receptor neurons and used modeling to investigate how activity within populations of low- and high-frequency receptors might contribute to the coding properties of interneurons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe auditory thresholds of the AN2 interneuron and the behavioural thresholds of the anti-bat flight-steering responses that this cell evokes are less sensitive in female Pacific field crickets that live where bats have never existed (Moorea) compared with individuals subjected to intense levels of bat predation (Australia). In contrast, the sensitivity of the auditory interneuron, ON1 which participates in the processing of both social signals and bat calls, and the thresholds for flight orientation to a model of the calling song of male crickets show few differences between the two populations. Genetic analyses confirm that the two populations are significantly distinct, and we conclude that the absence of bats has caused partial regression in the nervous control of a defensive behaviour in this insect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBursts of action potentials in sensory interneurons are believed to signal the occurrence of particularly salient stimulus features. Previous work showed that bursts in an identified, ultrasound-tuned interneuron (AN2) of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus code for conspicuous increases in amplitude of an ultrasound stimulus, resulting in behavioral responses that are interpreted as avoidance of echolocating bats. We show that the primary sensory neurons that inform AN2 about high-frequency acoustic stimuli also produce bursts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlight-dimorphic insects have been used extensively to study trade-offs between energetically costly traits. Individuals may develop and maintain structures required for flight, or alternatively they may invest in reproduction. Previous experiments have not examined whether flight itself might affect investment into reproduction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCricket ears are sensitive to ultrasound as well as to lower, cricket-like sound frequencies. Ultrasound stimuli evoke negative phonotaxis in flying crickets, a behavior that has been interpreted as a defensive response against predation by echolocating bats. A recent study on a wing-dimorphic species, Gryllus texensis, showed that short-winged individuals, which are incapable of flight, are less sensitive to ultrasound, but not to lower sound frequencies, than their long-winged counterparts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSignal processing in the auditory interneuron Omega Neuron 1 (ON1) of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus was compared at high- and low-carrier frequencies in three different experimental paradigms. First, integration time, which corresponds to the time it takes for a neuron to reach threshold when stimulated at the minimum effective intensity, was found to be significantly shorter at high-carrier frequency than at low-carrier frequency. Second, phase locking to sinusoidally amplitude modulated signals was more efficient at high frequency, especially at high modulation rates and low modulation depths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe studied frequency sensitivity of flight-capable and flight-incapable forms of the wing-dimorphic cricket Gryllus texensis, using both behavioral and neurophysiological measurements. Behavioral thresholds for negative phonotaxis in response to ultrasound stimuli are lower for long-winged (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrief episodes of high-frequency firing of sensory neurons, or bursts, occur in many systems, including mammalian auditory and visual systems, and are believed to signal the occurrence of particularly important stimulus features, i.e., to function as feature detectors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the central projections of physiologically characterized auditory receptor neurons of crickets as revealed by confocal microscopy. Receptors tuned to ultrasonic frequencies (similar to those produced by echolocating, insectivorous bats), to a mid-range of frequencies, and a subset of those tuned to low, cricket-like frequencies have similar projections, terminating medially within the auditory neuropile. Quantitative analysis shows that despite the general similarity of these projections they are tonotopic, with receptors tuned to lower frequencies terminating more medially.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe studied the temporal coding properties of identified interneurons in the auditory system of crickets, using information theory as an analytical tool. The ascending neuron 1 (AN1), which is tuned to the dominant carrier frequency (CF) of cricket songs, selectively codes the limited range of amplitude modulation (AM) frequencies that occur in these signals. AN2, which is most sensitive to the ultrasonic frequencies that occur in echolocation calls of insectivorous bats, codes a broader range of AM frequencies, as occur in bat calls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
April 2005
We compare the temporal and directional processing properties of an identified auditory interneuron, ON1, between species with calling songs containing relatively low and high pulse rates (Teleogryllus oceanicus and Gryllus texensis, respectively). Using information theory, we find that the ON1 of G. texensis encodes higher amplitude-modulation frequencies than that of T.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe labeling of neurons in the central nervous system of two cricket species, Teleogryllus commodus and T. oceanicus, with both mono- and polyclonal antibodies against the PER protein. Western blots reveal that the monoclonal antibodies recognize a single protein with a molecular weight of approximately 94 kDa, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn important cue for sound localization is binaural comparison of stimulus intensity. Two features of neuronal responses, response strength, i.e.
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