We describe a diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr(3+):LiSrAlF(6) laser that produces 50 mW of 70-fs pulses in the 820-890-nm range when pumped by two red diodes of 400 mW each. By using a lower-transmission output coupler we have demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge a self-starting regime with an output power of 10 mW and 55-fs pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a diode-pumped cw Cr(3+):LiSrAlF(6) laser that produces 190-mW cw output at 860 nm. By frequency doubling in a KNbO(3) crystal we generate 13 mW of second-harmonic light tunable from 427 to 443 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate the application of a subpicosecond optical parametric amplifier working at degeneracy to imaging in diffuse media. This optical parametric amplifier exhibits small-signal gains greater than 10(4), thereby acting as a high-gain ultrafast amplifying gate. We have used it to construct the image of a grid pattern hidden behind 20 mean free paths of a highly diffusing solution of latex microspheres with a spatial resolution of 200 microm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimicrob Agents Chemother
February 1995
The first medical cure of Acanthamoeba keratitis was obtained by use of propamidine isethionate. Since then, it has been the basic drug recommended for use in treatment. Because some Acanthamoeba strains have been reported to be resistant to propamidine and propamidine was found to be only weakly cysticidal, superior homologs such as butamidine, pentamidine, hexamidine, heptamidine, octamidine, and nonamidine were tested for their amoebicidal effects on two Acanthamoeba strains isolated from patients with keratitis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHydrophobic photostable dye molecules such as perylenes or pyrromethenes were trapped in xerogel matrices. Using these new materials as solid-state dye lasers, we have demonstrated efficient laser operation. Slope efficiencies of up to 30% were obtained in the millijoule output-energy range.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Acad Natl Med
October 1994
CAP-RAST* i6 was systematically performed in sera of 400 children and adolescents admitted in an allergy unit. The frequency of this sensitisation was 0.238 among allergic subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have developed a 500-mW cw diode-pumped Cr(3+):LiSrAlF(6) laser that produces 72-mW, quasi-continuous-wave output at 850 nm. In actively mode-locked operation, we obtained 100-ps pulses at 860 nm with 30 mW of average power. Pulses with durations of less than 130 ps have been measured between 820 and 880 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have developed a cw krypton-ion-laser-pumped Cr(3+):LiSrAlF(6) regenerative amplifier for femtosecond pulses operating at a 5-kHz repetition rate. After recompression, we obtained 3.6-microJ, 170-fs pulses at 825 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeven mares were infected with 20,000 Trichinella spiralis larvae; 2 of them were reinfected 22 wk later with the same amount of larvae. The course of infection in horses was assessed by serology (ELISA), biochemistry (aldolase activity), parasitology and histopathology. In each animal, infection was followed by a significant rise in specific antibody titers culminating at 5-10 wk post-infection (pi) and decreasing thereafter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Biol Clin (Paris)
December 1992
During a multicenter evaluation, 16 methods for creatinine measurement have been tested according to the guidelines of the Société française de biologie clinique (SFBC) protocol. Kinetic Jaffé methods, widely used in France, performed on different analytical systems (Astra Beckman, IL 508, RA 1000 Technicon, Hitachi 704, 705, 717 Boehringer, Fara Roche, Progress Kone, Kem-O-Mat Coulter, Perspective France Monitor) have been compared to a continuous flow method with aqueous standards, to enzymatic methods using creatinine amidohydrolase with a colorimetric measurement (Boehringer and Ektachem Kodak) and to an HPLC method. Reproducibility, estimated with four different control sera, proved to be unsatisfactory in some cases as compared to current criteria for imprecision (less than +/- 10 mumol/l for intralaboratory and less than +/- 20 mumol/l for interlaboratory imprecision).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Med Interne (Paris)
June 1993
RAST f x 5 (CAP-system, Pharmacia), an in vitro assay testing a mixture of 6 food antigens, was systematically applied to 400 children and adolescents with respiratory pathologies possibly of allergic origin. The clinical aspects of the 293 test-negative patients were compared with those of the 107 positive cases. Furthermore, 84 positive sera were also evaluated against each of the 6 antigens regrouped in the f x 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the amplification of a continuous-wave single-mode ring dye laser in Ti:sapphire. A peak gain of 2 x 10(6) has been obtained in a passive multipass amplifier, which yielded 20-nsec pulses of 0.7-mJ energy at 780 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe propagation of femtosecond pulses in a colliding-pulse mode-locked dye laser near zero group-velocity dispersion is studied. The pulse spectrum is shown to exhibit a double-peak structure. This structure and its dependence on the intracavity dispersion can be explained by nonlinear pulse propagation near zero dispersion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the present investigation, the reversibility of spermine-induced precocious intestinal maturation was studied. Neonatal rats received either saline or spermine (4 mumol, twice daily) solution orally on the 11th and 12th postnatal day. They were killed on the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th postnatal days.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBeating is observed when the two output beams from a colliding-pulse mode-locked laser are recombined outside the cavity. This beating is attributed to nonlinear dephasing in the saturable absorber. An explanation in terms of the soliton period variation is given.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects of TRH on insulin-like growth factor I receptors were investigated on erythrocytes from 7 GH-deficient children having plasma GH levels less than 10 ng/ml during two provocation tests. Intravenous injection of synthetic TRH (0.2 mg/m2) was followed by a marked increase of IGF I binding on erythrocytes, from 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Acad Natl Med
February 1991
Cryptosporidium oocysts are currently found in surface waters. Their incomplete removal by sand filtration and their high resistance to chlorinated disinfectants make possible waterborne cryptosporidiosis outbreaks after drinking treated water. Because ozone is an alternative to chlorine for final drinking water disinfection the aim of our study was to determine the ozonation conditions able to eliminate the infectivity of oocysts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA modification of the FAUST technique allowed a highly regular recovery of Taenia saginata eggs from sewage sludge, as well as their quantification. Despite the low viability (8%) noted, the viable T. saginata egg level remains high (20.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the passive mode locking of a Rhodamine 700 dye laser in the near infrared. Using a short cavity in order to avoid multiple pulses and by adjusting the intracavity dispersion, we have produced 50-fsec pulses at 800 nm with HITCI as the saturable absorber.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe influence of neonatal hypo- and hyperthyroidism on different aspects of tyrosine metabolism in the hypothalamus, striatum, brainstem, adrenal glands, heart and brown adipose tissue (BAT) were studied in 14-day old rats. The synthesis rate of catecholamines (CA) was also determined in vivo after the injection of labelled tyrosine. Hypothyroidism increases tyrosinaemia and endogenous tyrosine concentration in the hypothalamus and BAT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the passive mode locking of a cw Rhodamine 700 dye laser using the saturable absorber DDI. Pulses as short as 36 fsec near 775 nm have been produced in a colliding-pulse mode-locked dye laser with adjustable intracavity group-velocity dispersion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLasing is observed near 630 nm in a sulforhodamine 640-doped silica gel pumped by frequency-doubled radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. A conversion efficiency of 20% is obtained. The laser wavelength is tunable over 40 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA retrospective case-control study within a cohort was carried out to identify factors associated with falling by patients in a rehabilitation hospital. The cohort comprised all patients admitted during a 2-year period from 1984 to 1986. Cases were those who fell one or more times during their hospitalization.
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