Publications by authors named "Georges Carrel"

The emergence of non-native fungal pathogens is a growing threat to global health, biodiversity, conservation biology, food security and the global economy. Moreover, a thorough understanding of the spread and emergence of pathogens among invasive and native host populations, as well as genetic analysis of the structure of co-invasive host populations, is crucial in terms of conservation biology and management strategies. Here we combined extensive catchment sampling, molecular detection tools and genomic signatures to i) assess the prevalence of the rosette agent Sphaerothecum destruens in invasive and native fish populations in contrasting french regions, and ii) characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of its co-invasive and asymptomatic carrier Pseudorasbora parva.

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This assesses features of otoliths from laboratory-reared embryos, larvae and juvenile European chub Squalius cephalus from hatching to 180 days post-hatching (dph). We observed the development of the three pairs of otoliths (lapilli, sagittae and asterisci) and more precisely shape changes, as well as timing and deposition rate of increments of the lapilli. The lapilli and the sagittae were present at hatching, whereas the asterisci formed between 20 and 30 dph.

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