Publications by authors named "Genne R"

Fragments of the embryonic hippocampus, septum, cerebellum and substantia nigra were grafted into the lesioned brain areas of 151 animals with phenotypical (bilateral destruction of the CA1 and CA4 hippocampal areas or the basolateral amygdalar regions in Wistar rats) and genotypic (in Krushinskiĭ-Molodkina strain) high seizure readiness. The parameters of long-term memory were improved after embryonic septal and cerebellar graftings, normalized after embryonic hippocampal graftings and were not improved after embryonic nigral graftings in both strains. Learning ability of the animals of both the strains with ceased audiogenic seizures was kept at the control level after the transplantation of embryonic tissue from the different brain areas.

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Effect of intracerebral allotransplantation of neocortex, hippocampus, septum, cerebellum, substantia nigra embryonic nerve tissue have been studied in white non-inbred, Wistar and Krushinski-Molodkina rats with phenotypically (portal destruction of hippocampus, gyrus serratus, corpus amygdaloideum and cerebral hypoxia) and genotypically conditioned by the low threshold of convulsive cerebral activity (TCCA). In focal cerebral affection transplants with monoergic neurones increase TCCA, while polyergic neurones of embryonic neocortex increase TCCA in diffuse cerebral affection. Phenotypically conditioned low TCCA increases in 4-6 days after transplantation and genotypically one--in 39-44 days because of the more complicated mechanisms of cerebral epileptization.

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Experiments were made on rats of two lines during 120-140 days. A study was made of the effect of transplanting the embryonal hippocamp tissue and the septum (E 18) on the phenotypically (mechanical destruction in Wistar rats of the areas CA1 and CA4 of the fields of the hippocamp and dentate gyrus) and genotypically (Krushinskiĭ-Molodkina rats, all responding to graded acoustic stimulations (86 dB) by audiogenic convulsive fits) determined high convulsive activity of the brain. It has been shown that from days 4-6, in 19 out of 23 Wistar rats, the transplantation was followed by a steady increase of the threshold of convulsive activity.

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Comparative quantitative analysis of the synaptic pool of the neuropil in the molecular layer at the temporal epilepsy and cerebral chronic hypoxia (brain tumor, that is not accompanied with a convulsive syndrome) has been performed using biopsy material. As a control the brain of practically healthy persons, who died a sudden death, has been used. The contrasting method of the phosphoric tungsten acid alcohol solution and OsO4 has been applied.

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The structural-functional organization of psychic epileptic seizures was studied from the findings of complex clinicophysiological examination of 323 patients with epilepsy with the application of stereotaxically implanted long-term multiple intracerebral electrodes. Systemic organization of psychic seizures was determined with the presence of intermediate epileptic foci in the structures of the limbic system. It is shown that selective amygdalohippocampectomy is the most effective intervention in surgical correction of psychic seizures.

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The synaptoarchitectonics of different structural formations (cortex, hippocampus, amygdaloid complex) were assayed in 3 patients with epilepsia and 2 patients with associated temporal lobe glioma and epileptic syndrome using a selective technique of staining synapses with phosphotungstic acid and their morphometric study. It has been established that in the mechanism of brain epileptization, of paramount importance is the formation of new immature contacts, hypertrophy of functionally active synapses followed by their splitting and complication of the synaptic arrangement by the convergent and divergent type in the presence of derangement and death of a part of synapses. This is characteristic to a greater measure of the cortex from the area marked by regular epileptic activity and to a less measure of the hippocampus and amygdaloid complex.

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The authors present the results of examining 138 patients whose disease could be classed with the so-called "diencephalic epilepsy" proceeding from the structure of the paroxysmal vegetovisceral manifestations, the degree of the neuroendocrinal syndromes, the complicate scope of the organic and functional anomalies, and hydrocephalus of the IIId ventricle. Stereoelectroencephalographic examinations made in the course of spontaneous vegetovisceral and polymorph seizures have shown that the aura correlates with the reaction of desynchronization in the deep and cortical structures of the brain; the specific manifestations of the seizures are combined with epileptic discharges in the limbic and neocortical structures and absence of the discharges in the thalamus and hypothalamus. It has been shown that the limbic system, the neocortical and truncal divisions of the brain take part in the structural and functional organization of the vegetovisceral paroxysms.

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Results of studying the electrographic cortical and subcortical correlates of temporal epilepsy seizures in 23 patients with complicated forms of the disease are presented. To these patients permanent intracerebral electrodes were implanted stereotaxically into the cortical, limbic and thalamic structures of both hemispheres: this was done for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A comparison of the clinical and electrographic manifestations of the seizures showed that the aura correlated with the desynchronization reaction in the deep and cortical structures; seizures of automatism, temporal pseudo-absences, vegetovisceral and polymorphic focal attacks took their course with synchronized epileptic activity in the cortical and limbic structures.

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