Publications by authors named "Gengtan Li"

Fungal effector proteins function at the interfaces of diverse interactions between fungi and their plant and animal hosts, facilitating interactions that are pathogenic or mutualistic. Recent advancements in protein structure prediction have significantly accelerated the identification and functional predictions of these rapidly evolving effector proteins. This development enables scientists to generate testable hypotheses for functional validation using experimental approaches.

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Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) integrate active, discovery-based learning into undergraduate curricula, adding tremendous value to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) education. There are multiple challenges in transforming a research project into a CURE, such as the readiness of students, the time commitment of the instructor, and the productivity of the research. In this article, we report a CURE course developed and offered in the University of Massachusetts Amherst BMB Department since 2018 that addresses these challenges.

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The species complex (FOSC) includes both plant and human pathogens that cause devastating plant vascular wilt diseases and threaten public health. Each genome comprises core chromosomes (CCs) for housekeeping functions and accessory chromosomes (ACs) that contribute to host-specific adaptation. This study inspects global transcription factor profiles (TFomes) and their potential roles in coordinating CC and AC functions to accomplish host-specific interactions.

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Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) integrate active, discovery-based learning into undergraduate curriculums, adding tremendous value to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) education. There are multiple challenges in transforming a research project into a CURE, such as the readiness of students, the time commitment of the instructor, and the productivity of the research. In this article, we report a CURE course developed and offered in the University of Massachusetts Amherst BMB Department since 2018 that addresses these challenges.

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The species complex (FOSC) includes both plant and human pathogens that cause devastating plant vascular wilt diseases and threaten public health. Each genome comprises core chromosomes (CCs) for housekeeping functions and accessory chromosomes (ACs) that contribute to host-specific adaptation. This study inspected global transcription factor profiles (TFomes) and their potential roles in coordinating CCs and ACs functions to accomplish host-specific pathogenicity.

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Bioorthogonal catalysis using transition-metal catalysts (TMCs) provides a toolkit for the generation of imaging and therapeutic agents in biological environments. Integrating TMCs with nanomaterials mimics key properties of natural enzymes, providing bioorthogonal "nanozymes". ZnS nanoparticles provide a platform for bioorthogonal nanozymes using ruthenium catalysts embedded in self-assembled monolayers on the particle surface.

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Bioorthogonal catalysis provides a promising strategy for imaging and therapeutic applications, providing controlled in situ activation of pro-dyes and prodrugs. In this work, the use of a polymeric scaffold to encapsulate transition metal catalysts (TMCs), generating bioorthogonal "polyzymes," is presented. These polyzymes enhance the stability of TMCs, protecting the catalytic centers from deactivation in biological media.

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The application and consumption of nanoparticles (NPs) inevitably result in the contamination of environmental water. The internalized NPs in unicellular organisms could travel to human bodies along food chains and raise health concerns. Current research failed to determine the characteristics of cellular uptake of NPs by unicellular organisms at extremely low concentration in the real environment.

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Bioorthogonal activation of prodrugs provides a strategy for on-demand on-site production of therapeutics. Intracellular activation provides a strategy to localize therapeutics, potentially minimizing off-target effects. To this end, nanoparticles embedded with transition metal catalysts (nanozymes) were engineered to generate either "hard" irreversible or "soft" reversible coronas in serum.

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