Purpose: To analyze the performance of normal-hearing adults with communication complaints in the Dichotic Sentences Test.
Methods: We selected from the database 15 normal-hearing participants with normal results in the Digits Dichotic Test, aged between 19 and 44 years, right-handed, who reported communicative complaints. The Dichotic Sentences Test was applied using two protocols consisting of four different combinations of lists called sequences 1 and 2, in the following order: training, divided attention step, right and left directed attention steps.
Purpose: to investigate the variability of the Dichotic Sentence Test through the test and retest in normal-hearing adults.
Method: We evaluated thirty-six individuals aged 19 to 44 years old, right-handed and with normal hearing thresholds. We performed the basic audiological evaluation and then we applied the Dichotic Digit Test and Dichotic Sentence Test.
Purpose: To compare the ability to recognize sentences in silence and in noise in monolingual normal-hearing Brazilian Portuguese speakers, and bilingual speakers of Brazilian Portuguese and German, and bilingual speakers of Brazilian Portuguese and Italian, as well as to analyze the influence of age of second language acquisition on the performance of bilinguals.
Methods: 87 normal-hearing individuals aged between 18 and 55 years participated of this research. They were categorized into: Control Group, composed by 30 monolingual Brazilian Portuguese speakers; German Research Group, 31 simultaneous bilingual native speakers of Portuguese and speakers of German as a second language and; Italian Research Group, consisting of 26 successive bilinguals, native speakers of Portuguese and speakers of Italian as a second language.
Introduction: Long-latency auditory evoked potentials represent the cortical activity related to attention, memory, and auditory discrimination skills. Acoustic signal processing occurs differently between verbal and nonverbal stimuli, influencing the latency and amplitude patterns.
Objective: To describe the latencies of the cortical potentials P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3, as well as P3 amplitude, with different speech stimuli and tone bursts, and to classify them in the presence and absence of these data.