Publications by authors named "Ge Shun"

A series of novel Cp*Ir complexes with nitrogen-rich N̂N bidentate ligands were developed for the catalytic dehydrogenation of formic acid in water under base-free conditions. These complexes were synthesized by using pyridyl 1,2,4-triazole, methylated species, or pyridyl 1,2,3-triazole as a N-site regulation ligand and were fully characterized. Complex bearing 1,2,4-triazole achieved a high turnover frequency of 14192 h at 90 °C in 4 M FA aqueous solution.

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The regulation of ancillary ligands is critical to improve catalysis of Cp*Ir complexes for CO hydrogenation. Herein, a series of Cp*Ir complexes with N^N or N^O ancillary ligands were designed and synthesized. These N^N and N^O donors were derived from the pyridylpyrrole ligand.

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Background: Cerebral fat embolism (CFE) syndrome at high altitude was rare complicated with paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) syndrome and septic shock. It is a challenge to differential diagnosis and treatment at high altitude.

Case Presentation: This case presents a CFE with PSH and septic shock of a 23-year-old man occurred at high altitude of 3800 m above sea level, transferred by airplane successfully and cured in the department of neurosurgery, Xi'an Tangdu Hospital.

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Short oligopeptides are some of the most promising and functionally important amide bond-containing components, with widespread applications. Biosynthesis of these oligopeptides may potentially become the ultimate strategy because it has better cost efficiency and environmental-friendliness than conventional solid phase peptide synthesis and chemo-enzymatic synthesis. To successfully apply this strategy for the biosynthesis of structurally diverse amide bond-containing components, the identification and selection of specific biocatalysts is extremely important.

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The hygroscopic properties of BC-containing particles (BCc) are important to determine their wet scavenging, atmospheric lifetime, and interactions with clouds. Such information is still lacking in the real world because of the challenges in isolating BCc from other aerosols to be directly characterized. In this study, the size-resolved chemical components of BCc including the refractory BC core and associated coatings were measured by a soot particle-aerosol mass spectrometer in suburban Nanjing.

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Hydroponic experiment was carried out on M9T337 seedlings using N and C isotope tracer technology to study the effects of different potassium supply levels (K, K, K, K and K were equivalent to 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mmol·L, respectively) on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics and N and C absorption and utilization of M9T337 seedlings. The results showed that dry mass, root length, root surface area, number of tips and root activity of M9T337 seedlings under the K level were significantly higher than those under other levels. The net photosynthetic rate (P) of leaves increased at low K concentration and then decreased with the increases of potassium supply level, and reached the maximum value at K treatment (15.

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To clarify the effects and underlying mechanism of ABA on sugar accumulation in apple fruits, C trace technique was used to examined the effects of different ABA levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg·L) and fluoridone (ABA biosynthesis inhibitor) on translocation of photosynthate to fruit during late stage of fruit rapid-swelling in five-year-old 'Yanfu3'/M26/Malus hupehensis Rehd. The results showed that the activities of related enzyme in sugar metabolism, the relative expression of sucrose transporter gene MdSUT1, MdSUT2.2 and sorbitol transporter gene MdSOT3 tended to increase first and then decrease with increasing ABA concentration, with a peak in 100 mg·LABA treatment.

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A field experiment was carried out in a six-year old 'Fuji3'/M26/Malus hupehensis Rehd. apple with N and C labeled tracers, to understand C assimilation capability and the characteristics of translocation and distribution of C-photosynthate and N to fruit under different nitrogen application levels (urea 0%, 0.6%, 1.

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Fifteen-year-old 'Gala'/M. hupehensis Rehd. trees and N trace technique were used to explore the effects of split combined application of organic-inorganic fertilizers on plant growth, N absorption, utilization and loss.

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Complex diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's disease) or infectious diseases are usually caused by complicated and varied factors, including environmental and genetic factors.

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Taking 6-year-old Yanfu3/SH6/Malus hupehensis Rehd. as the test material, the dynamics of plant growth and nitrogen (N) accumulation under seven periods from germination stage to fruit maturity stage were examined by destructive analysis. The absorption, utilization, and distribution of fertilizer N were studied by N isotope tracer technique to clarify the N accumulation dynamics of apple trees and the maximum efficiency period of fertilizer N, and to provide theoretical basis for scientific application of N fertilizer.

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Three kinds of potted one-year-old pear rootstocks (Pyrus calleryana, P. pashia, and P. xerophila) and N trace technique were used to examine the effects of different phosphorus application rates (P, P, P, P and P equivalent to 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg·hm PO, respectively) on plant growth and the characteristics of N-urea absorption and utilization.

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N trace technique was used to explore the characteristics of N-urea absorption, utilization, loss and fruit quality of eight-year-old 'Yanfu3'/M26/Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings. There were three different nitrogen fertilization treatments: one-time nitrogen application in spring (1), two times nitrogen application (2), the intensive technique of nitrogen application with several times application and reduction in amount (3).

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Taking a six-year old 'Orin' apple tree plantation ('Orin'/SH6/ Malus micromalus Makino) as test material, the effects of common urea treatment (CU), bag-controlled release ferti-lizers treatment (BCRF) and controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer treatment (CRNF) on N-urea absorption, utilization, loss and accumulation dynamics of nitrogen content in 0-80 cm soil layer were investigated by N labeled tracer method. The results showed that compared with CU treatment, both CRNF and BCRF treatments increased the inorganic nitrogen content in soil at the late stage of apple growth, the leaf SPAD value, leaf nitrogen content, net photosynthetic rate and N derived from fertilizer (Ndff value) of different organs at fruit maturity stage, with CRNF showing stronger effects than BCRF. The amount of N residue in 0-40 cm soil layer showed a decreasing trend in different phenological stages.

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To explore the effects of different fulvic acid application rates on N-urea absorption, utilization, residue amount, loss and fruit yield and quality, fifteen-year-old 'Red General'/ Malus micromalus Makino was selected as experiment material by using the N-labeled tracer technique. Five treatments were established: single urea (CK), combination of urea and fulvic acid with varied rates (NF, NF, NF and NF represented 75, 150, 300 and 450 kg·hm fulvic acid application rates, respectively). The main results were as follows: the N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) in root, one-year-old branch and leaf were displayed with an order of NF>NF>NF>NF>CK at the fruit maturity stage, and significant difference was observed in Ndff value among the five treatments.

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In order to explore the effects of potassium fertilizer on the absorption and utilization of nitrogen fertilizer, and provide theoretical basis for scientific fertilization in apple orchard, Malus hupehensis seedlings were used to study the effects of different potassium levels (K, K, K, K, K, K, and K equivalent to 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 mmol·L K, respectively) on growth and NO uptake and utilization using the track technology of N and non-damage microtest technique. The results showed that root vigor, nitrate reductase activity and root morphological index of seedlings in K treatment were significantly higher than those in the other treatments. The N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) in different organs of M.

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Seven-year-old 'Yanfu3'/M/M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings and N trace technique were used to explore the characteristics of N-urea absorption, utilization, loss and fruit yield and quality under different nitrogen application rates (N, N and N).

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Two-year-old potted Fuji 3 apple trees on different rootstocks [Fuji 3/M. micromalus Makin (joe), Fuji 3/M7 (semi-dwarf) and Fuji 3/M26/M. micromalus Makin (dwarf)] were used to study leaf morphology and photosynthesis and the characteristics of distribution and utilization of C and N at different nitrogen supply levels (0N, 25%N and 100%N, the N content in 100% N treatment was the same as that in Hoagland complete nutrient solution) under sand culture condition.

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N trace technique were used to explore the fertilizer nitrogen (N) absorption and utilization, soil residue and soil nitrogen pool budget under different nitrogen fertilization levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 kg·hm) for five-year-old 'Yanfu 3'/SH6/M. hupehensis Rehd. from germination stage to new shoot growing stage.

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Bacilysin is one of the simplest antimicrobial peptides and has drawn great attention for its excellent performance against Candida albicans. In this study, the antifungal mechanism of bacilysin was investigated. The target enzyme glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (GFA) was expressed heterologously in Escherichia coli and its inhibition by bacilysin and derivatives was studied.

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To explore the effects of different nitrate nitrogen levels (N, N, N, N and N were equivalent to 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 mmol·LNO -N, respectively) on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics and N absorption, utilization and distribution, Malus hupehensis seedlings were grown in cultural liquid Hoagland by using the N-labeled tracer method. The results showed that the leaf chlorophyll content, leaf area and dry mass in different organs were the highest in N treatment.

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Refractory black carbon (rBC) aerosol is an important climate forcer, and its impacts are greatly influenced by the species associated with rBC cores. However, relevant knowledge is particularly lacking at the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here we report, for the first time, highly time-resolved measurement results of rBC and its coating species in central TP (4730 m a.

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Detailed chemical characterization of fine aerosols (PM) is important for reducing air pollution in densely populated areas, such as the Yangtze River Delta region in China. This study systematically analyzed PM samples collected during November 2015 to April 2016 in urban Yangzhou using a suite of techniques, in particular, an Aerodyne soot particle aerosol mass spectrometry (SP-AMS). The techniques used here reconstructed the majority of total PM measured where extracted species comprised on average 91.

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This paper aims to acquire the experimental data on the eco-toxicological effects of agricultural pollutants on the aquatic plants and the data can support the assessment of toxicity on the phytoplankton. The pesticide of Chlorpyrifos used as a good model to investigate its eco-toxicological effect on the different microalgae in freshwater. In order to address the pollutants derived from forestry and agricultural applications, freshwater microalgae were considered as a good sample to investigate the impact of pesticides such as Chlorpyrifos on aquatic life species.

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