Objectives: Sensi-IP®OG (SIP-OG) and Sensi-IP®FF (SIP-FF) are soluble bioactive glasses developed to treat dentin hypersensitivity and promote remineralization. Evaluation of their therapeutic potential to reduce dentin hypersensitivity and recover enamel strength was evaluated using standardized in vitro assessments based on simulated use.
Methods: To assess dentin occlusion a visual occlusion methodology was employed.
Objective: This exploratory, randomised, single-blind, crossover, study evaluated fluoride and calcium ion concentrations and pH following use of one of two 1450 ppm fluoride (NaF), 5% w/w KNO dentifrices: (1) test dentifrice (with cocamidopropyl betaine) with an orange juice (OJ) rinse; (2) test dentifrice with a deionized (DI) water rinse or (3) comparator dentifrice (with sodium lauryl sulphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate) with an OJ rinse.
Design: Eighteen participants used their assigned dentifrice, rinsed with DI water, then expectorate was collected. Sixty min post-brushing, participants rinsed with OJ or DI water then expectorate was collected.