J Indian Prosthodont Soc
March 2016
Statement Of Problem: Surface of porcelain restoration is a matter of clinical concern because of its abrasive action on the opposing enamel.
Purpose: This study comparatively evaluated wear of enamel when opposed by three different surface finishes of ceramic.
Materials And Methods: A total of 60 metal-ceramic discs (10 mm × 2 mm) with different surface finishes were fabricated.
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
September 2013
Patients with microstomia who need to wear removable dental prosthesis often face difficulty of being unable to insert or remove the prosthesis because of restricted opening of the oral cavity. Prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with microstomia presents difficulties in all the clinical steps. In such patients, it is difficult to make impressions and fabricate dentures using conventional method.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Indian Prosthodont Soc
December 2011
Static and dynamic occlusal interferences frequently need to be corrected by selective grinding of the occlusal surface of conventional cast, porcelain fused to metal and all-ceramic restorations. Proper dimensional contours and occlusal morphologies of these restorations is an important consideration in overall success of the case. Various types of occlusal morphologies and contact relationships of posterior reconstructions are dependent on the occlusal schemes (Cusp-fossa or Cusp-marginal ridge) and the requirements of the patient's masticatory system.
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