Publications by authors named "Gasanov G"

The Omicron strain is currently the main dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2, with a large number of sublineages. In this article, we present our experience in tracing it in Russia using molecular diagnostic methods. For this purpose, different approaches were used; for example, we developed multiprimer panels for RT-PCR and Sanger and NGS sequencing methods.

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According to the temporary recommendations of the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO), in addition to whole-genome sequencing, laboratories in various countries can also screen for known mutations utilizing targeted RT-PCR-based mutation detection assays. The aim of this work was to generate a laboratory technique to differentiate the main circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants in 2021-2022, when a sharp increase in morbidity was observed with the appearance of the Omicron variant. Real-time PCR methodology is available for use in the majority of scientific and diagnostic institutions in Russia, which makes it possible to increase the coverage of monitoring of variants in the territories of all 85 regions in order to accumulate information for the Central Services and make epidemiological decisions.

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The data of the researches describes the were to establish the species composition of pasture cenoses and the productivity potential of light-chestnut and meadow-chestnut soils under different climatic conditions and in different periods of the year in the Terek-Kuma lowland of the North-Western Precaspian. Two peaks of productivity of phytocoenosis have been observed: the first is - ephemeral synusia in the middle of May- early June; second - motley grass and saltworts in the second half of September. The data on receipt of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on the soil surface and the coefficient of its use over the years and periods of the year depending on the hydrothermal conditions and dynamics of harmful salts in the soil are given.

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Influence of 6-OHDA (40 mcg) injection in the frontal neocortex on behaviour was studied in Wistar rats with different resistance to sound-induced stress. Reduction of exploratory activity in the open field, reactivity to stimuli of different modality and deterioration of food-procuring conditioning were observed after 6-OHDA treatment of stress-resistant rats. On the contrary, treatment of non-resistant rats with 6-OHDA increased the reactivity to stimuli of different modality and the learning capacity.

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Experiments have demonstrated that Wistar rats resistant (R) to acoustic stimulation differed from nonresistant (NR) rats by elevated exploratory activity under the condition of moderate stress in an open field test, by heightened reactivity to sensory stimuli of varying modality (somatosensory, visual, and olfactory), and by a reduced level of exploratory behavior in a burrow chamber. The rats of the R group differ from the NR animals by a greater capacity to learn a goal-directed reaction and by a lower capacity for discrimination of emotionally distinct influences. The results of a biochemical analysis of the content of biogenic amines in particular brain structures revealed in the resistant rats an increase in the level of norepinephrine, and in the non-resistant rats, a higher level of dopamine and serotonin.

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Neuronal activity of the ventromedial hypothalamus was studied in food- and water-deprived, saturated unrestrained rats and after i. p. administrations of alcohol, nembutal, 5-HT and disulphiram.

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The peculiarities of oriental research behavior and correlation between activities of catecholaminergic and serotoninergic brain systems dependently on their stress resistance degree were investigated in Wistar rats. The experiments showed that resistant (R) to a sound stimulus rats differed from nonresistant (NR) ones by increased research activity under moderate stress in the open field test and by decreased research behavior level in the cell chamber test. The biochemical analysis of biogenic amines in different brain structures revealed increased norepinephrine levels in stress R rats, and increased dopamine and serotonin levels in NR ones.

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In experiments on white outbred male rats the specificity was studied of the influence and mechanisms of action of acute alcoholization (30%-solution of ethanol, intraperitoneally, 0.7 g/kg) on the activity of functionally different neurones of the ventromedial hypothalamus. Experimental results showed that the neurones, the activity of which lowered after saturation (I-st type), increased the discharges frequency at administration of ethanol.

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Wistar rats stable (S) to sound stimulus differed from the unstable (NS) ones by a heightened investigatory activity in condition of moderate stress in the open field test, by heightened reactivity to sensory stimuli of various modalities (somatosensory, visual and olfactory), lowered level of investigatory behaviour in the test of burrow chamber. S-rats differed from NS-animals by a higher ability to learning of goal-directed reaction and a lower ability to discrimination of different emotional influences. The results of biochemical analysis of the content of biogenic amines in various brain structures revealed in stable rats an increase of noradrenaline level and in non-stable ones--a higher level of dopamine and serotonin.

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Serotonin (5-HT) added to washing solution has been studied for its effect on plastic properties of electrically excitable membranes of the parietal ganglion and identified PPa2 neurons in the isolated nerve system of snails. It is shown that neurons habituated to intracellular stimulation are able to restore action potential generation in the presence of 5-HT. Contrary, neurons possessing endogenous rhythmic activity (PPa2) generate train activity on the background of appearance of the membrane potential slow waves under the influence of 5-HT.

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59 neurons were recorded in 27 male white rats' ventromedial hypothalamus. In satiation after 1-2 day water and food deprivation, 24 neurons decreased (I type), 16 ones increased (II type) and 19 neurons did not change the frequency rate (III type). Single stimuli of lateral preoptic area and lateral hypothalamus induced mostly an activation in I type neurons whereas II and III types neurons revealed no definite pattern.

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The effect 10(-3) M serotonin and norepinephrine solutions application on the brain occipital cortex on discrete water soluble protein fractions content was investigated in narcotized rats. It was revealed that application of serotonin solution caused repeated decrease in N6 fraction content. Immunoglobulins against N6 fraction being injected into the lateral ventricle of rat brain increased the number of photocell crossing and the presence probability of rats at the dark compartment entrance region in passive avoidance schedule.

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The features of the exploratory behavior in the open field, of the learning of a conditioned-reflex food-procuring reaction, and of the shift in the level of biogenic amines of the brain was studied in Wistar rats with local injections of the specific neurotoxins 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OH-DA) and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). It was shown that damage to the structure of the serotoninergic or catecholaminergic systems of the frontal cortex and hippocampus caused by local injection of 6-OH-DA and 5,7-DHT into the neocortex is accompanied by multidirectional changes in the exploratory behavior and learning of the animals.

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By the method of factor analysis characteristics of functional brain states in children and juveniles of different age with neuroses were studied by EEG data. Similarity was established of the patients EEG structure at strained and emotional states. In the studied period of individual development (7-14 years) the most expressed changes of background EEG were observed at the age og 9-12 years.

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The influences of 6-OHDA (150 mcg intraventricular, bilaterally) on the behaviour of Wistar rats with different resistance to sound-stress were studied. Reduction of reactivity, exploratory activity and learning deterioration after 6-OHDA administration were observed. The behavioural disturbances were more demonstrative in stress-resistant rats.

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In has been established that intrahippocampal bilateral injection of NA did not influence common frequency of lateral hypothalamic self stimulation. After the destruction of hippocampal NA - terminals of 6-OHDA increased the frequency of self stimulation and rearing. It is suggested that NA hippocampus inhibit the recall trace of the memory of sensory reinforcement stimuli in the course of stimulation "reward".

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On alert rabbits it was shown that the stimulation of the superior colliculus inhibit visual evoked potential both of the ipsi- and contralateral geniculate body. Besides, the suppression of amplitude of the contralateral geniculate body's evoked potential was more significant than amplitude of the ipsilateral geniculate body's evoked potential. On the basis of the obtained results the authors suppose that superior colliculus is involved in organization of the effect of saccadic suppression of lateral geniculate body's visual responses.

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In unrestrained rats, neuronal activity of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) was studied in fasting, satiation and motivational-emotional states induced with electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and VMH. Three types of nervous cells were distinguished. The 1st-type neurons decreased their firing rate in satiation and revealed no obvious tendency in response to LH and VMH stimulation.

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On Wistar rats characteristics were studied of investigating behaviour in the open field, of learning of conditioned food-reinforced reaction and also of BA and their metabolites content in various brain structures under local intracerebral injections of specific neurotoxins; 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), abolishing correspondingly catecholaminergic and serotoninergic terminals. Bilateral injection of 6-OHDA in the neocortex led to a weakening of rats investigating activity in the open field and to an increase of the time of fulfillment of the forming of conditioned food-reinforced reaction. Administration of 5,7-DHT was accompanied by an increase of the investigating behaviour in the open field and a reduction of the duration of the forming of conditioned reaction.

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