Background: Cosyntropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH]) stimulation tests are used to evaluate adrenal function. Low-dose ACTH stimulation tests are the most accurate method for diagnosing relative adrenal insufficiency in critically ill humans but have not been evaluated in foals.
Hypothesis: Peak serum cortisol concentrations in healthy foals will not be significantly different after intravenous administration of 1, 10, 100, and 250 microg of cosyntropin.
Background: Lactoferrin is a colostral glycoprotein with antimicrobial properties.
Hypotheses: (1) Serum lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations are correlated and increase in healthy foals after ingestion of colostrum; (2) compared to healthy foals, ill foals will have lower lactoferrin concentrations that correlate with their IgG concentration, neutrophil count, the diagnosis of sepsis, and survival; and (3) plasma concentrations of lactoferrin will be less than serum concentrations.
Animals: Healthy foals (n = 16), mature horses (n = 10), and ill foals 1-4 days old (n = 111) that were examined for suspected sepsis were used for blood collection.