Publications by authors named "Gary D Niehaus"

The Crystal Diagnostics (CDx) Xpress™ LM kit is used for rapid screening of low concentrations of Listeria monocytogenes on environmental surfaces such as stainless steel, plastic, and ceramic tile. In addition to the Xpress LM kit, the CDx Xpress System comprises an automatic Xpress Reader, a BioCassette™ that incorporates antibody-coupled microspheres, and liquid crystal for selective identification of the intended microbe. All 56 of the 56 tested L.

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The Crystal Diagnostics (CDx) Xpress S Kit is a rapid-screening assay for Salmonella spp. in whole raw tomatoes, whole chicken carcasses, raw ground beef, raw beef trim, and whole liquid pasteurized eggs with citric acid when present at levels of 1 CFU/portion size. The Xpress S system comprises an automatic CDx Xpress Reader and a single-use CDx BioCassette that incorporates antibody-coupled microspheres and liquid crystal for the selective identification of the intended microbe.

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The Crystal Diagnostics (CDx) Xpress E7 STEC kit is a rapid and sensitive detection assay for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 and six non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (serogroups O26, O45, O1O3, O111, O121, and O145, collectively referred to as STEC) at 1 CFU/325 g of raw ground beef and raw beef trim, or 200 g of spinach. The system comprises an automatic Crystal Diagnostics Xpress System Reader that integrates immunochemical and optical processes for the liquid crystal-based detection of microorganisms, a CDx BioCassette that incorporates antibody-coupled microspheres and liquid crystal for selective identification of the intended microbe, and additional commercially available components.

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The Crystal Diagnostics MultiPath System™ provides rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157 in fresh raw ground beef, raw beeftrim, and spinach. The Crystal Diagnostics system combines patented Liquid Crystal technology with antibody-coated paramagnetic microspheres to selectively capture and detect E. coli O157 in food matrixes.

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Adhesion molecules located on the surface of blood-borne leukocytes permit adherence of leukocytes to the microvascular endothelium, diapedesis of leukocytes across vessel walls, formation of intimate multicell interactions, and enhanced transmembrane signal transduction. Since some leukocyte-mediated immune functions exhibit nocturnal intensification, the current study was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that expression of selected cell adhesion molecules (CAM) varies with circadian periodicity. Blood was collected from normal human donors over a 24-h period and CAM expression by monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes evaluated by monoclonal antibody binding and flow cytometry.

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