Publications by authors named "Garrett W"

Multiplanar spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 54 patients with acute complete anterior cruciate ligament tears. Imaging was done within 45 days of index anterior cruciate ligament injury. Spin-echo T1- and T2-weighted images were used to determine the lesion morphology and location.

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There have been recent reports on a small number of cases which suggest that the detection of early growth retardation might allow recognition of the chromosomally abnormal fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. To amplify these observations, the crown-rump length (CRL) measurements between the 64th and 86th day of menstrual age were determined in (a) 500 control high risk patients in whom a normal karyotype was subsequently demonstrated by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and (b) 25 chromosomally abnormal fetuses. The data indicate that early growth retardation, as expressed by a small CRL measurement, is not a special characteristic of the chromosomally abnormal fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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Pseudomembranous colitis and toxic megacolon are rare complications of antineoplastic chemotherapy. Twelve cases of pseudomembranous colitis and four cases of toxic megacolon, both occurring as complications of chemotherapy, have been reported in the medical literature. These diseases occurred as separate and distinct entities.

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We conducted a retrospective study to identify the preoperative variables that correlated with a successful outcome for knee arthroscopy in patients over the age of 50. We mailed questionnaires to 94 patients (57 responded) and reviewed their medical records and radiographs. A modified Hospital for Special Surgery knee rating system was devised.

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This article serves as the introduction and historical perspective of anterior cruciate ligament surgery and rehabilitation. Several physician-therapist teams have been invited to share their "state of the art" techniques and to contrast their programs to that espoused by Shelbourne and Nitz in 1990. Our commentary/review of "Accelerated Rehabilitation After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction" (Shelbourne KD, Nitz P, Am J Sports Med 18:292-299, 1990) is provided to contextualize the reader to what most clinicians would recognize as an extremely aggressive rehabilitation approach that is being popularized in the 1990s.

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The present studies were conducted to define the pathway(s) by which androstenedione is metabolized in porcine granulosa cells (pGC) and determine whether metabolism of this steroid is affected by in vitro luteinization. pGC isolated from large preovulatory follicles were cultured for up to 2 days in the presence of 5 microM unlabeled or [4-14C]-labeled androstenedione. Metabolism of androstenedione was assessed by HPLC, using in-line liquid scintillation detection.

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The case of a 57-year-old man with chondrosarcoma of the laryngeal cartilage is presented, occurring 16 years after radiation treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the right true vocal cord. Chondrosarcoma of the larynx is an uncommon tumor. The location, grade, and time elapsed from initial treatment make it probably that this patient's chondrosarcoma is associated with his prior radiation treatment.

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We studied the long-term effects of two retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes on survival of dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGNs) and motoneurons (MNs). In adult female rats, we labeled DRGNs and MNs by soaking the cut sciatic nerve in Fluoro-Gold or True Blue. With True Blue, we found no difference in the number of labeled MNs or DRGNs in rats surviving 4 days or 20 weeks after nerve soak.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging in determining the presence of articular cartilage injuries of the knee with arthroscopy as the standard for comparison. Forty-nine articular cartilage lesions were documented in 28 knees (27 patients) by arthroscopy. There were 22 men and 5 women with an average age of 29 years.

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Two comparative slaughter experiments conducted with growing beef steers (300 kg to 480 kg BW) fed alfalfa cubes demonstrated that animal performance diminished as alfalfa matured. In each trial, ADG (empty BW basis) was 10 to 20% greater from pre-bloom than from early-bloom alfalfa. Net energy for maintenance (Mcal/kg) followed a pattern similar to that of ADG, but NEg (Mcal/kg) did not decrease (P greater than .

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There has been increasing interest within the European sports medicine community regarding the etiology and treatment of groin pain in the athlete. Groin pain is most commonly caused by musculotendinous strains of the adductors and other muscles crossing the hip joint, but may also be related to abdominal wall abnormalities. Cases may be termed "pubalgia" if physical examination does not reveal inguinal hernia and there is an absence of other etiology for groin pain.

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A study group composed of 25 shoulders in 24 patients underwent arthroscopic subacromial decompression for advanced impingement syndrome. There were no full thickness rotator cuff tears, biceps tendon ruptures, significant acromioclavicular arthrosis, or evidence of glenohumeral instability. Twenty men and four women ranging in age from 18 to 63 years (mean age 37) with dominant arm involvement in 17/24 were evaluated for an average follow-up of 20.

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The effects on anabolic steroid implantation on feedlot performance and carcass composition and quality were examined in control (CNTRL), ovariectomized (OVX) or melengestrol acetate-fed (MGA) beef heifers or heifers actively immunized against GnRH (Anti-GnRH). Heifers (n = 112) were assigned randomly to a 2 x 4 factorial experiment. The two classes were made up of heifers not implanted and those implanted with Synovex-H.

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Indirect or strain injury to muscle is a common cause of athletic disability. Strain injuries often occur during powerful muscle eccentric contractions. Clinical studies suggest that most injuries cause partial disruption of certain characteristic muscles.

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Acute hemarthrosis of the knee usually results from a significant injury. Preoperative assessment, examination under anesthesia, and arthroscopic examination were conducted on patients with a total of 132 acutely injured knees associated with hemarthrosis and minimal clinical laxity to determine the presence and extent of injury to ligamentous and/or intra-articular structures. Partial or complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament was found in 101 (77%) of the knees.

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Most muscle stretching studies have focused on defining the biomechanical properties of isolated elements of the muscle-tendon unit or on comparing different stretching techniques. We developed an experimental model that was designed to evaluate clinically relevant biomechanical stretching properties in an entire muscle-tendon unit. Our objectives were to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of the muscle-tendon unit and to consider the clinical applications of these viscoelastic properties.

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Thirty-three anterior staple capsulorrhaphies of the shoulder were reviewed at an average 49.7 months postoperatively (range 12 to 127 months); one postoperative dislocation occurred. The patients' quality of athletic participation improved with surgical therapy in 50%, remained the same in 38%, and was lowered in 12%.

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A report is presented of a male patient, 5 years, 10 months old, with a palatal cleft complicated by both a tooth and a foreign object in the nasal cavity. The presence of these concurrent conditions contributed to nasal obstruction with associated speech problems, accretions, and chronic rhinorrhea. The importance of a thorough diagnostic work-up and interdisciplinary treatment planning is emphasized.

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