Publications by authors named "Gargallo M"

The objective of this study was to assess the ability of camel spermatozoa to bind in the Hyaluronan Binding Assay (HBA), to determine if conventional sperm quality parameters, in vitro fertilization capacity, and precursor of A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 4 (proAKAP4) values correlate with HBA results. The potential to predict post-thaw fertilization performance from HBA for fresh dromedary camel sperm was also evaluated. Semen samples were collected and assessed both fresh and post thawing, at 0 h and 1.

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Childhood cancer incidence, especially in high-income countries, has led to a focus on preserving fertility in this vulnerable population. The common treatments, such as radiation and certain chemotherapeutic agents, though effective, pose a risk to fertility. For adult women, established techniques like embryo and egg freezing are standard, requiring ovarian stimulation.

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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the safety and long-term efficacy using the multiple overlapping ablation technique with a novel non-cooled microwave system in benign symptomatic thyroid nodules.

Methods: This prospective cohort single-center study collected complication data from the start of the procedure to 30 days postoperatively and evaluated the safety and effectiveness with a follow-up of 24 months. Ultrasound examinations were performed to determine the volume shrinkage during follow-up.

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Background: This consensus aims to clarify the role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 inhibitors (iDPP-4) in managing patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials And Methods: A PubMed bibliographic search was carried out (December 2019-February 2021). Oxford methodology was used for the evaluation of evidence and possible recommendations were established by consensus.

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Background: This consensus aims to clarify the role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 inhibitors (iDPP-4) in managing patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials And Methods: A PubMed bibliographic search was carried out (December 2019-February 2021). Oxford methodology was used for the evaluation of evidence and possible recommendations were established by consensus.

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Curtain walls are the façade of choice in high-rise buildings and an indispensable element of architecture for a contemporary city. In conventional curtain walls, the glass panels are simply supported by the metal framing which transfers any imposed load to the building structure. The absence of composite action between glass and metal results in deep frames, protruding to the inside, occupying valuable space and causing visual disruption.

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Background: To identify controlled clinical trials (CCTs) published in Spanish and in Latin American dental journals, and provide access to this body of evidence in a single source.

Methods: Handsearching, following Cochrane Collaboration guidelines, of CCTs published in Spanish dental journals from Spain and Latin America. For each eligible trial, we collected the dental specialty, the interventions evaluated, whether and how randomisation was achieved, and the corresponding bibliographic reference.

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Context: Ustekinumab is a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody that targets interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23, which may be useful in the treatment of autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's disease. Hypophysitis is an immune-derived inflammatory condition of the pituitary gland that may lead to pituitary dysfunction. With the increasing use of immunotherapy, it is possible that this and other new immune-related adverse events (IRAEs) arise, although the mechanisms involved are still incompletely defined.

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Objective: To determine whether procalcitonin discriminates between postcardiopulmonary bypass inflammatory syndrome and infectious complication in children better than does C-reactive protein.

Design: Prospective study of children admitted to the intensive care unit after cardiopulmonary bypass.

Patients: Classified according to a diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and bacterial infection or systemic inflammatory response syndrome but no bacterial infection.

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For any healthy individual, thirst is an appropriate sign to drink water, except for babies, sportsmen, and most of ill and elderly people. In these instances, it is convenient to schedule appropriate times to drink water since great demands and the physiological mechanisms that determine thirst in these situations may condition water unbalances with important consequences for health and the physical and intellectual performance. The human body has a number of mechanisms that allow keeping constant the water content by adjusting intakes and wastes.

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Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-α (HNF-1α) is a homeodomain transcription factor expressed in a variety of tissues (including liver and pancreas) that regulates a wide range of genes. Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding HNF-1α (HNF1A) cause familial young-onset diabetes, also known as maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 3 (MODY3). The variability of the MODY3 clinical phenotype can be due to environmental and genetic factors as well as to the type and position of mutations.

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Objective: To identify possible risk factors associated with persistent disease 5 years after total or near-total thyroidectomy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC).

Patients And Method: Retrospective study evaluating data from 63 patients 5 years after they were first diagnosed of DTC. At this time of the study, 46 subjects were considered disease-free (F group) whereas 17 had evidence of persistent disease or had died from DTC (P group).

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Background: Modification of lifestyle is the main therapeutical approach in the treatment of obesity, but use to fail on long terms of time. Addition of anti-obesity drugs allows keeping the weight loss during years and improving obesity-related comorbidities.

Methods: This review is an actualisation on efficacy, safety and tolerability of the approved drugs on the long-term treatment of obesity (orlistat and sibutramine).

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Aims/hypothesis: Glucokinase (GCK) acts as a glucose sensor in the pancreatic beta cell and regulates insulin secretion. In the gene encoding GCK the heterozygous mutations that result in enzyme inactivation cause MODY2. Functional studies of naturally occurring GCK mutations associated with hyperglycaemia provide further insight into the biochemical basis of glucose sensor regulation.

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A rearranged X chromosome Xqter-->q13::Xp11.4-->qter was found in a mother and her two daughters, who were affected with short stature, cubitus valgus and hypothyroidism. The mother's menstrual cycles were normal until the age of premenopause.

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Percutaneous compression of the trigeminal ganglion, which is currently being used for the control of trigeminal neuralgia, induces marked intraoperative elevations of the systemic blood pressure and heart rate changes, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular complications. We have analyzed the characteristics of the arterial hypertensive response and the cardiac rhythm changes induced by percutaneous compression of the trigeminal ganglion in 42 consecutive, unselected patients undergoing operations for essential trigeminal neuralgia under three different regimens of anesthesia. The first 22 patients (Group 1) underwent operations under brief general anesthesia without endotracheal intubation.

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Objective: To achieve a hemodynamic stability in neurosurgery during placement of the craniostate, we compared the effects of blocking frontal and occipital nerves with supplementary doses of fentanyl with the effects observed after subcutaneous infiltration of craniostate fixation points.

Material And Methods: We studied 34 patients with intracranial masses programmed for craniotomy who were randomly allocated into three groups. Group I received fentanyl 3-5 micrograms/kg, 5 minutes before implantation of craniostate; Group II was treated with subcutaneous infiltration of mepivacaine 2% at craniostate fixation points; and Group III underwent blockade of frontal and occipital nerves.

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With the objective to know precisely the qualitative and quantitative food intake of the infant population of a Health Care Area, the weekly intake of Energy, Proteins, Total and Saturated Fat, Food Fiber, Cholesterol, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium. Iron, Zinc and Vitamin A is studied in 187 pupils, representative of the whole (835 children) population of two schools of Fuenlabrada and Leganés (Madrid), following the Weekly Register technique. Total consumption is quantified, and stratified according to sex and age groups.

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An investigation was performed with regard to the effect of consuming energy and energetic nutrients, cholesterol and fibre in 187 children aged from 6 to 15 years in the Leganés-Fuenlabrada Health Area (Madrid) on the build and nutritional state of the children. An excessive global intake of calories, total and saturated fats, cholesterol and proteins was observed, and a deficit of carbohydrates, with a corresponding loss of nutritional balance. It should be mentioned that 74% of the children studied could be considered normal from the nutritional standpoint, with 18% of overweight children and 8% of children suffering from malnutrition.

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In order to perform an in-depth study on food standards among school children and evaluate the effect of a nutritional educational programme on eating habits, an analysis was made of the data on the intake of foods over a period of 1,890 days, in 187 school children from 2 schools in the Leganés-Fuenlabrada area. The consumption of global and stratified rations was quantified based on age, commercial foods (buns, fried foods and sweets) accounting for a large part of the children's diet, as well as dairy products, vegetables, fruit and fish, representing basic foodstuffs supposed to form part of their diet. The consumption of these was compared in two stages, before and after receiving the educational programme.

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