Chiral active materials display odd dynamical effects in both their elastic and viscous responses. We show that the most symmetric mesophase with 2D odd elasticity in three dimensions is chiral, polar, and columnar, with 2D translational order in the plane perpendicular to the columns and no elastic restoring force for their relative sliding. We derive its hydrodynamic equations from those of a chiral active variant of model H.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe give a complete topological classification of defect lines in cholesteric liquid crystals using methods from contact topology. By focusing on the role played by the chirality of the material, we demonstrate a fundamental distinction between "tight" and "overtwisted" disclination lines not detected by standard homotopy theory arguments. The classification of overtwisted lines is the same as nematics, however, we show that tight disclinations possess a topological layer number that is conserved as long as the twist is nonvanishing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe develop a description of defect loops in three-dimensional active nematics based on a multipole expansion of the far-field director and show how this leads to a self-dynamics dependent on the loop's geometric type. The dipole term leads to active stresses that generate a global self-propulsion for splay and bend loops. The quadrupole moment is nonzero only for nonplanar loops and generates a net "active torque," such that defect loops are both self-motile and self-orienting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn equilibrium liquid crystals, chirality leads to a variety of spectacular three-dimensional structures, but chiral and achiral phases with the same broken continuous symmetries have identical long-time, large-scale dynamics. In this Letter, starting from active model H^{*}, the general hydrodynamics of a pseudoscalar in a momentum-conserving fluid, we demonstrate that chirality qualitatively modifies the dynamics of layered liquid crystals in active systems in both two and three dimensions due to an active "odder" elasticity. In three dimensions, we demonstrate that the hydrodynamics of active cholesterics differs fundamentally from smectic-A liquid crystals, unlike their equilibrium counterpart.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Math Phys Eng Sci
June 2020
We develop a general framework for the description of instabilities on soap films using the Björling representation of minimal surfaces. The construction is naturally geometric and the instability has the interpretation as being specified by its amplitude and transverse gradient along any curve lying in the minimal surface. When the amplitude vanishes, the curve forms part of the boundary to a critically stable domain, while when the gradient vanishes the Jacobi field is maximal along the curve.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the geometry of bend distortions in liquid crystals and their fundamental degeneracies, which we call β lines; these represent a new class of linelike topological defect in twist-bend nematics. We present constructions for smecticlike textures containing screw and edge dislocations and also for vortexlike structures of double twist and Skyrmions. We analyze their local geometry and global structure, showing that their intersection with any surface is twice the Skyrmion number.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the flows and morphological dynamics of topological defect lines and loops in three-dimensional active nematics and show, using theory and numerical modeling, that they are governed by the local profile of the orientational order surrounding the defects. Analyzing a continuous span of defect loop profiles, ranging from radial and tangential twist to wedge ±1/2 profiles, we show that the distinct geometries can drive material flow perpendicular or along the local defect loop segment, whose variation around a closed loop can lead to net loop motion, elongation, or compression of shape, or buckling of the loops. We demonstrate a correlation between local curvature and the local orientational profile of the defect loop, indicating dynamic coupling between geometry and topology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the dynamics of knotted vortices in a bulk excitable medium using the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. From a systematic survey of all knots of at most eight crossings we establish that the generic behavior is of unsteady, irregular dynamics, with prolonged periods of expansion of parts of the vortex. The mechanism for the length expansion is a long-range "wave-slapping" interaction, analogous to that responsible for the annihilation of small vortex rings by larger ones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that a fixed set of woven defect lines in a nematic liquid crystal supports a set of nonsingular topological states which can be mapped on to recurrent stable configurations in the Abelian sandpile model or chip-firing game. The physical correspondence between local skyrmion flux and sandpile height is made between the two models. Using a toy model of the elastic energy, we examine the structure of energy minima as a function of topological class and show that the system admits domain wall skyrmion solitons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFrustration is a powerful mechanism in condensed matter systems, driving both order and complexity. In smectics, the frustration between macroscopic chirality and equally spaced layers generates textures characterized by a proliferation of defects. In this article, we study several different ground states of the chiral Landau-de Gennes free energy for a smectic liquid crystal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Phys J E Soft Matter
April 2017
We describe the basic properties and consequences of introducing active stresses, with principal direction along the local director, in cholesteric liquid crystals. The helical ground state is found to be linearly unstable to extensile stresses, without threshold in the limit of infinite system size, whereas contractile stresses are hydrodynamically screened by the cholesteric elasticity to give a finite threshold. This is confirmed numerically and the non-linear consequences of instability, in both extensile and contractile cases, are studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe give the global homotopy classification of nematic textures for a general domain with weak anchoring boundary conditions and arbitrary defect set in terms of twisted cohomology, and give an explicit computation for the case of knotted and linked defects in [Formula: see text], showing that the distinct homotopy classes have a 1-1 correspondence with the first homology group of the branched double cover, branched over the disclination loops. We show further that the subset of those classes corresponding to elements of order 2 in this group has representatives that are planar and characterize the obstruction for other classes in terms of merons. The planar textures are a feature of the global defect topology that is not reflected in any local characterization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that highly twisted minimal strips can undergo a nonsingular transition, unlike the singular transitions seen in the Möbius strip and the catenoid. If the strip is nonorientable, this transition is topologically frustrated, and the resulting surface contains a helicoidal defect. Through a controlled analytic approximation, the system can be mapped onto a scalar ϕ^{4} theory on a nonorientable line bundle over the circle, where the defect becomes a topologically protected kink soliton or domain wall, thus establishing their existence in minimal surfaces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDrops of active liquid crystal have recently shown the ability to self-propel, which was associated with topological defects in the orientation of active filaments [Sanchez et al., Nature 491, 431 (2013)]. Here, we study the onset and different aspects of motility of a three-dimensional drop of active fluid on a planar surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the first analytically tractable example of an instability of a nonorientable minimal surface under parametric variation of its boundary. A one-parameter family of incomplete Meeks Möbius surfaces is defined and shown to exhibit an instability threshold as the bounding curve is opened up from a double-covering of the circle. Numerical and analytical methods are used to determine the instability threshold by solution of the Jacobi equation on the double covering of the surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that the number of distinct topological states associated with a given knotted defect, L, in a nematic liquid crystal is equal to the determinant of the link L. We give an interpretation of these states, demonstrate how they may be identified in experiments, and describe the consequences for material behavior and interactions between multiple knots. We show that stable knots can be created in a bulk cholesteric and illustrate the topology by classifying a simulated Hopf link.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the dynamics of ring polymers confined to diffuse in a background gel at low concentrations. We do this in order to probe the inter-play between topology and dynamics in ring polymers. We develop an algorithm that takes into account the possibility that the rings hinder their own motion by passing through themselves, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe perform large scale three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of unlinked and unknotted ring polymers diffusing through a background gel, here a three-dimensional cubic lattice. Taking advantage of this architecture, we propose a new method to unambiguously identify and quantify inter-ring threadings (penetrations) and to relate these to the dynamics of the ring polymers. We find that both the number and the persistence time of the threadings increase with the length of the chains, ultimately leading to a percolating network of inter-ring penetrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnots and knotted fields enrich physical phenomena ranging from DNA and molecular chemistry to the vortices of fluid flows and textures of ordered media. Liquid crystals provide an ideal setting for exploring such topological phenomena through control of their characteristic defects. The use of colloids in generating defects and knotted configurations in liquid crystals has been demonstrated for spherical and toroidal particles and shows promise for the development of novel photonic devices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Hopf fibration is an example of a texture: a topologically stable, smooth, global configuration of a field. Here we demonstrate the controlled sculpting of the Hopf fibration in nematic liquid crystals through the control of point defects. We demonstrate how these are related to torons by use of a topological visualization technique derived from the Pontryagin-Thom construction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCarbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse has been shown to improve time trial performance. Although the exact mechanism remains un-established, research postulates that there are oral cavity receptors which increase neural drive. Increasing the duration of the mouth rinse could potentially increase stimulation of these receptors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe establish that equally spaced smectic configurations enjoy an infinite-dimensional conformal symmetry and show that there is a natural map between them and null hypersurfaces in maximally symmetric spacetimes. By choosing the appropriate conformal factor it is possible to restore additional symmetries of focal structures only found before for smectics on flat substrates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the limit where the bending modulus vanishes, we construct layer configurations with arbitrary dislocation textures by exploiting a connection between uniformly spaced layers in two dimensions and developable surfaces in three dimensions. We then show how these focal textures can be used to construct layer configurations with finite bending modulus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
March 2011
Applications for photonic crystals and metamaterials put stringent requirements on the characteristics of advanced optical materials, demanding tunability, high Q factors, applicability in visible range, and large-scale self-assembly. Exploiting the interplay between structural and optical properties, colloidal lattices embedded in liquid crystals (LCs) are promising candidates for such materials. Recently, stable two-dimensional colloidal configurations were demonstrated in nematic LCs.
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