Publications by authors named "GaoMing Yu"

As global energy demand grows, the oil and gas industry faces increasing challenges in optimizing production while achieving sustainability. Accurate oil well production forecasting is essential for effective resource management and operational decision-making. However, traditional mathematical models struggle with the nonlinear and dynamic characteristics of production data, while existing hybrid neural networks often lack sensitivity to operational changes and suffer from overcomplexity due to numerous parameters.

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Forecasting oil production is crucially important in oilfield management. Currently, multifeature-based modeling methods are widely used, but such modeling methods are not universally applicable due to the different actual conditions of oilfields in different places. In this paper, a time series forecasting method based on an integrated learning model is proposed, which combines the advantages of linearity and nonlinearity and is only concerned with the internal characteristics of the production curve itself, without considering other factors.

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Influenced by water injection, a dominant flow channel is easily formed in the high water cut stage of a conglomerate reservoir, resulting in the inefficient or ineffective circulation of the injected water. With gel flooding as one of the effective development methods to solve the above problems, its parameter optimization determines its final development effect, which still faces great challenges. A new optimization method for gel flooding is proposed in this paper.

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Biosurfactants are expected to be a key factor for microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). In this study, we described the novel biosurfactant-producing strain YZ-2 isolated from a low permeability oil reservoir. We purified and characterized the biosurfactants produced by this YZ-2 strain thin-layer chromatography and MALDI-TOF-MS, revealing them to be fengycins.

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Due to the spatial network structure, heavy oil has a high threshold pressure gradient when it flows through porous media, and the threshold pressure gradient plays a crucial role in the distribution of remaining oil. In previous study, the common methods to measure the threshold pressure gradient include the microflow-established differential pressure (MFEDP) method, capillary equilibrium method, and the percolation curve fitting method. In this study, a sample from the SZ36-1 oilfield was analyzed for the basic physical properties based on the comparison of the previous measurement to study the influence of mobility on the threshold pressure gradient and then an independently developed numerical simulator was established to study the effect of the threshold pressure gradient on the remaining oil distribution considering the permeability range, crude oil viscosity, well network deployment, well spacing, and fluid recovery rate.

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Polymer flooding (PF) in heterogeneous heavy oil reservoirs is not only closely related to polymer degradation, but also to non-Newtonian flow. In this paper, both experimental and simulation methods are combined to investigate this type of flooding. Through experiments, the degradation of polymer, rheological properties of fluids, and flow of fluids in porous media were determined.

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The flow of polymer solution and heavy oil in porous media is critical for polymer flooding in heavy oil reservoirs because it significantly determines the polymer enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and polymer flooding efficiency in heavy oil reservoirs. In this paper, physical experiments and numerical simulations were both applied to investigate the flow of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) solution and heavy oil, and their effects on polymer flooding in heavy oil reservoirs. First, physical experiments determined the rheology of the polymer solution and heavy oil and their flow in porous media.

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Polymer degradation is critical for polymer flooding because it can significantly influence the viscosity of a polymer solution, which is a dominant property for polymer enhanced oil recovery (EOR). In this work, physical experiments and numerical simulations were both used to study partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) degradation and its effect on polymer flooding in heterogeneous reservoirs. First, physical experiments were conducted to determine basic physicochemical properties of the polymer, including viscosity and degradation.

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Rationale: Heteroatomic compounds are relatively abundant and believed to be bio-resistant in heavy crude oils. However, few studies have focused on the biodegradation of these heteroatomic compounds.

Methods: Heteroatoms, especially N species, in a blank crude oil and in three treated oils co-incubated with anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria, nitrate-reducing bacteria and fermentative consortia cultures were detected using negative-ion electrospray ionization coupled with high-field Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.

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Enterobacter mori strain 5-4 is a Gram-negative, motile, rod shaped, and facultatively anaerobic bacterium, which was isolated from a mixture of formation water (also known as oil-reservior water) and crude-oil in Karamay oilfield, China. To date, there is only one E. mori genome has been sequenced and very little knowledge about the mechanism of E.

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Previous studies suggest that antibiotic resistance genes have an ancient origin, which is not always linked to the use of antibiotics but can be enhanced by human activities. Bacillus flexus strain T6186-2 was isolated from the formation water sample of a deep-subsurface oil reservoir. Interestingly, antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed that this strain is susceptible to kanamycin, however, resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, gentamicin, vancomycin, fosfomycin, fosmidomycin, tetracycline and teicoplanin.

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Geobacillus thermocatenulatus strain GS-1 is a thermophilic bacillus having a growth optimum at 60°C, capable of degrading alkanes. It was isolated from the formation water of a high-temperature deep oil reservoir in Qinghai oilfield, China. Here, we report the draft genome sequence with an estimated assembly size of 3.

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Brevibacillus agri strain 5-2 was isolated from the formation water of a deep oil reservoir in Changqing Oilfield, China. This bacterium was found to have a capacity for degrading tetradecane, hexadecane and alkanesulfonate. To gain insights into its efficient metabolic pathway for degrading hydrocarbon and organosulfur compounds, here, we report the high quality draft genome of this strain.

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