Publications by authors named "Ganesh Selvaraj"

Microgrids (MGs) have gained significant attention over the past two decades due to their advantages in service reliability, easy integration of renewable energy sources, high efficiency, and enhanced power quality. In India, low-voltage side customers face significant challenges in terms of power supply continuity and voltage regulation. This paper presents a novel approach for optimal power scheduling in a microgrid, aiming to provide uninterrupted power supply with improved voltage regulation (VR).

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Purpose: Recently, there has been significant focus on extracellular matrix proteolysis due to its importance in the pathological progression of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD). The present study investigates the circulating levels of extracellular matrix proteins in the plasma of IVDD and determines their potential relevance as biomarkers in disc degeneration.

Methods: Global proteomic analysis was performed in the plasma samples of 10 healthy volunteers (HV) and 10 diseased subjects (DS) after depletion of highly abundant proteins such as albumin and IgG.

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Three isolates of Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) from the Czech Republic originating from gladiolus plants were examined according to their biological and molecular characteristics. Partial sequence of coat protein-nuclear inclusion protein b (CP-NIb) coding region (768 bp) of these isolates were determined and compared with the corresponding sequences of different BYMV isolates obtained from GeneBank. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Czech BYMV isolates were distributed across the three groups of phylogenetic tree.

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To overcome the problematic detection of Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) concentration in gladiolus corms or cormlets, we tested suitability of different diagnostic methods such as ELISA, one step RT-PCR and IC-RT-PCR. Among these methods, DAS-ELISA and one step RT-PCR method was able to detect virus in leaves and it failed to detect in corms or cormlets whereas IC-RT-PCR method was very sensitive and able to detect virus in both leaves and corms or cormlets of gladiolus plants this is due to during an RNA isolation step and viral particles are enriched by antibody or plastic affinity capture whilst PCR inhibitors are eliminated from the sample during the immunocpature stage of the test. Therefore, IC-RT-PCR was the most reliable method of diagnosing BYMV in gladiolus corms or cormlets.

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