Objectives: The aim of this study was to validate the Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) version 3.01 in the Turkish-speaking population.
Materials And Methods: Concatenated voice samples of the sustained vowel [a:] and continuous speech were collected from 127 dysphonic and 128 normophonic participants.
Objectives: The aim was to describe the acoustic, auditory-perceptive, and subjective voice changes under the Lombard effect (LE) in adductor laryngeal dystonia (AdLD) patients.
Methods: Subjective perception of vocal effort (OMNI Vocal Effort Scale OMNI-VES), Maximum Phonation Time (MPT), and the perceptual severity of dysphonia (GRBAS scale) were assessed in condition of stillness and under LE in 10 AdLD patients and in 10 patients with typical voice. Speakers were asked to produce the sustained vowel /a/ and to read a phonetically balanced text aloud.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the validity (both concurrent and diagnostic) and test-retest reliability of Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) version 2 (AVQI 02.06) in Turkish speaking population.
Materials And Methods: Two hundred and fifty five native Turkish subjects with normal voices (n = 128) and with voice disorders (n = 127) were asked to sustain the vowel [a:] and read aloud the Turkish phonetically balanced text.