Background: Improved outcomes with expanding treatment options for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension present the opportunity to consider additional end-points in approaching therapy, including factors that influence health-related quality of life. However, comparatively little is known about health-related quality of life and its determinants in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Methods: Health-related quality of life was evaluated in a cross sectional study of 155 outpatients with pulmonary arterial hypertension using generic and respiratory-disease specific measurement tools.
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol
June 2005
The objectives of this study were to document the extent and the correlates of common physical health symptoms in women two months after childbirth. Of special interest was determining whether violence and depression histories increase the risk for experiencing these symptoms. Participants were recruited in six Toronto-area hospitals and were interviewed by telephone 8-10 weeks later.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPower analysis constitutes an important component of modern clinical trials and research studies. Although a variety of methods and software packages are available, almost all of them are focused on regression models, with little attention paid to correlation analysis. However, the latter is arguably a simpler and more appropriate approach for modelling concurrent events, especially in psychosocial research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Antidepressant medication prevents the return of depressive symptoms, but only as long as treatment is continued.
Objectives: To determine whether cognitive therapy (CT) has an enduring effect and to compare this effect against the effect produced by continued antidepressant medication.
Design: Patients who responded to CT in a randomized controlled trial were withdrawn from treatment and compared during a 12-month period with medication responders who had been randomly assigned to either continuation medication or placebo withdrawal.
Background: There is substantial evidence that antidepressant medications treat moderate to severe depression effectively, but there is less data on cognitive therapy's effects in this population.
Objective: To compare the efficacy in moderate to severe depression of antidepressant medications with cognitive therapy in a placebo-controlled trial.
Design: Random assignment to one of the following: 16 weeks of medications (n = 120), 16 weeks of cognitive therapy (n = 60), or 8 weeks of pill placebo (n = 60).
Objective: The authors examined the feasibility of using olfactory receptor neurons from living patients to test whether calcium signaling is altered in a neuronal cell population in bipolar disorder.
Method: Ratiometric fluorescence photomicroscopy was used to assess basal and stimulus-induced changes in intracellular calcium levels in biopsy-derived olfactory receptor neurons from seven euthymic patients with bipolar disorder who were medication-free, 10 euthymic patients with bipolar disorder who were treated with mood stabilizers, and 17 age- and sex-matched comparison subjects without bipolar disorder.
Results: Olfactory receptor neurons from the seven medication-free patients responded to stimuli predominantly with decreases in intracellular calcium, unlike those from the seven matched healthy subjects.
Objective: Although cocaine-dependent patients are frequently referred to 12-step self-help groups, little research has examined the benefits of 12-step group attendance in this population. Moreover, the distinction between attending meetings and actively participating in 12-step activities has not typically been examined.
Method: In the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study, 487 cocaine-dependent outpatients were recruited at five sites for a randomized controlled trial of 24-week behavioral treatments.
Patient views of the helpful aspects of treatment were examined in the NIDA Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study, a multi-site trial comparing four psychosocial treatments: individual cognitive therapy (CT), individual supportive expressive dynamic therapy (SE), individual drug counseling, and group drug counseling only, for the treatment of cocaine dependence. Factor analysis of the items of Helpful Aspects of Treatment measure suggested a general therapy factor, a group treatment/education factor, and a treatment structure factor. No differences were found among the four treatments on the ratings of helpfulness of these three factors, common factors, or drug intervention components.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A continuation study of an extract of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) for depression was performed in follow-up to an acute study that found no significant difference between St. John's wort extract and placebo.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs
June 2004
In this paper, two mental health nurses who have experienced long academic careers reflect on the way their own thinking and teaching about the human condition has changed over the course of their careers. Three major paradigms that have attempted to explain the human condition, the biological sciences, psychodynamic theory, and socio-cultural theory, are discussed. It is argued that no single approach is sufficient to address the complexities of providing care within psychiatric and mental health nursing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Mood sensitivity to rapid tryptophan depletion (RTD) has been demonstrated in patients treated with antidepressants that act preferentially on the serotonergic system. Depressed patients treated with bright-light therapy also show sensitivity to RTD, but those treated with electroconvulsive therapy or total sleep deprivation do not. Patients treated with an empirically supported psychotherapy have not been investigated for sensitivity to tryptophan depletion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors disagree with M. Siemer and J. Joormann's assertion that therapist should be a fixed effect in psychotherapy treatment outcome studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Consult Clin Psychol
October 2003
This study examined endorsement of 12-step philosophy and engagement in recommended 12-step activities as a mediator of the outcomes of individual plus group counseling for cocaine dependence. Assessments of drug use outcomes and the mediator were made at baseline and monthly for 6 months. Engagement in recommended 12-step activities was found to be a partial statistical mediator of drug use outcomes of individual (plus group) drug counseling, but no evidence for change in the mediator preceding change in drug use was found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
May 2003
HIV risk was evaluated among 487 cocaine-dependent patients recruited from five treatment programs in a trial that examined the efficacy of four outpatient-based psychosocial treatments. Treatments were offered two to three times per week for 6 months and consisted of group drug counseling (GDC) or group counseling plus individual drug counseling (IDC), cognitive therapy (CT), or supportive-expressive therapy (SE). The average patient had used cocaine for 7 years, with 10 days of use in the last month.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the utility of thee craving instruments to predict drinking during treatment. The three assessments used were the Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS), the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire (AUQ) and Items 1-6 of the Obsessive subscale (OBS) of the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS).
Method: The three instruments were administered during the course of a 9-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 100 mg/day of naltrexone, and a manual-based psychosocial intervention using the BRENDA manual conducted at the University of Pennsylvania's Treatment Research Center.
Objective: This study examined whether women with a history of early-onset sexual abuse or those with late-onset sexual abuse were more likely to meet diagnostic criteria for both borderline personality disorder and complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Method: The Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Trauma Assessment Package were administered to 65 women from three outpatient clinics in a metropolitan area. Thirty-eight subjects met criteria for early-onset abuse, while 27 subjects met criteria for late-onset abuse.
Issues Ment Health Nurs
March 2003
Psychiatric nursing care is based on an interpersonal process that relies on the therapeutic use of self in the service of patient care. Despite acknowledgment of the importance of the relationship, there has been little attention paid to the knowledge embedded in psychodynamic theory that can provide a basis for understanding the nurse-patient relationship. This paper argues that nurses need to understand and apply such theory if they are to pursue the assertion that the relationship with the patient is the foundation of their practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined the relation between depression diagnoses and outcomes in 132 cocaine-dependent patients who were randomized to relapse prevention (RP) or standard 12-step focused group continuing care and followed for 2 years. Depressed patients attended more treatment sessions and had more cocaine-free urines during treatment than participants without depression, but they drank alcohol more frequently before treatment and during the 18-month posttreatment follow-up. Cocaine outcomes in depressed patients deteriorated to a greater degree after treatment than did cocaine outcomes in patients without depression, particularly in patients in RP who had a current depressive disorder at baseline.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The use of cardiopulmonary bypass in lung transplantation remains controversial. Previous studies have concluded that cardiopulmonary bypass is deleterious, but these studies were confounded by the inclusion of patients with different diagnoses undergoing single- and double-lung transplantation with elective or emergency use of bypass. The goal of this study was to determine whether cardiopulmonary bypass has deleterious effects on lung function or clinical outcome by analyzing the cases of patients with a single disease entity and elective use of bypass for bilateral sequential lung transplantation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen comparing the performance of a stochastic model of an epidemic at two points in a parameter space, a threshold is said to have been crossed when at one point an epidemic develops with positive probability; while at the other there is a tendency for an epidemic to become extinct. The approach used to find thresholds in this paper was to embed a system of ordinary non-linear differential equations in a stochastic process, accommodating the formation and dissolution of marital partnerships in a heterosexual population, extra-marital sexual contacts, and diseases such as HIV/AIDS with stages. A symbolic representation of the Jacobian matrix of this system was derived.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis report describes retention in treatment in the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study (CCTS), a multi-site trial of four psychosocial treatments for 487 cocaine dependent patients. Younger, African-American, and unemployed patients were retained in treatment for fewer days than their counterparts. African-American patients who lived with a partner were retained in treatment for less time than if they lived alone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) remains a significant clinical problem for which there is no uniformly effective treatment. Earlier trials with acetylcholine precursors may have been disappointing because of underlying damage to striatal cholinergic neurons in patients with TD. In contrast, new cholinesterase inhibitors, developed for the treatment of dementia, may improve TD by directly increasing cholinergic synaptic transmission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Most mothers stop breast-feeding before the recommended 6 months post partum. A systematic review showed that breast-feeding support programs by health care professionals did not substantially improve breast-feeding outcomes beyond 2 months post partum. We conducted a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of peer (mother-to-mother) support on breast-feeding duration among first-time breast-feeding mothers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNurses' knowledge and perceived barriers related to pain management have been examined extensively. Nurses have evaluated their pain knowledge and management practices positively despite continuing evidence of inadequate pain management for patients. However, the relationship between nurses' stated knowledge and their pain management practices with their assigned surgical cardiac patients has not been reported.
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