Publications by authors named "Galhardo V"

Self-control underlies goal-directed behavior in both humans and rodents. The ability to balance immediate and delayed gratification is essential for fine-tuning decision-making processes to achieve optimal rewards. Although delayed gratification has been extensively studied using human neuropsychological assessments, brain imaging techniques, and preclinical research, the impact of chronic pain on these processes remains poorly understood.

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Dopamine (DA) is believed to play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the rodent orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) networks during risk-based decision-making processes. Chronic pain conditions can lead to impaired DAergic signaling, which, in turn, may affect the motivational control of risk-based responses. Nevertheless, the neural mechanisms underlying this instability are poorly understood.

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Dysfunctional hyperactivity of the lateral habenula nucleus (LHb) has emerged as a critical marker for pain-related mood impairments. Acting as a central hub, the LHb filters and disseminates pertinent information to other brain structures during learning. However, it is not well understood how intra-LHb activity is altered during cognitive demand under neuropathic pain conditions.

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Central robust network functional rearrangement is a characteristic of several neurological conditions, including chronic pain. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown the importance of pain-induced dysfunction in both orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAc) brain regions for the emergence of cognitive deficits. Outcome information processing recruits the orbitostriatal circuitry, a pivotal pathway regarding context-dependent reward value encoding.

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Chronic pain is a health problem that affects the ability to work and perform other activities, and it generally worsens over time. Understanding the complex pain interaction with brain circuits could help predict which patients are at risk of developing central dysfunctions. Increasing evidence from preclinical and clinical studies suggests that aberrant activity of the lateral habenula (LHb) is associated with depressive symptoms characterized by excessive negative focus, leading to high-level cognitive dysfunctions.

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The neural mechanisms for the persistence of pain after a technically successful arthroplasty in osteoarthritis (OA) remain minimally studied, and direct evidence of the brain as a predisposing factor for pain chronicity in this setting has not been investigated. We undertook this study as a first effort to identify presurgical brain and clinical markers of postarthroplasty pain in knee OA. Patients with knee OA (n = 81) awaiting total arthroplasty underwent clinical and psychological assessment and brain magnetic resonance imagining.

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The role of epigenetics in chronic pain at the supraspinal level is yet to be fully characterized. DNA histone methylation is crucially regulated by de novo methyltransferases (DNMT1-3) and ten-eleven translocation dioxygenases (TET1-3). Evidence has shown that methylation markers are altered in different CNS regions related to nociception, namely the dorsal root ganglia, the spinal cord, and different brain areas.

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The lateral habenula (LHb) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which form interconnected circuits, have important roles in the crucial control of sensory and cognitive motifs. Signaling in the LHb-VTA pathway can be exacerbated during pain conditions by a hyperactivity of LHb glutamatergic neurons to inhibit local VTA DAergic cells. However, it is still unclear whether and how this circuit is endogenously engaged in pain-related cognitive dysfunctions.

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Background: Prelimbic medial prefrontal cortex (PL-mPFC) and nucleus accumbens core region (NAcc) play an important role in supporting several executive cognitive mechanisms, such as spatial working memory (WM). Recently, this circuit has been also associated with both sensory and affective components of pain. However, it is still unclear whether this circuit is endogenously engaged in neuropathic pain-related cognitive dysfunctions.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) manifests with chronic pain, motor impairment, and proprioceptive changes. However, the role of the brain in the disease is largely unknown. Here, we studied brain networks using the mathematical properties of graphs in a large sample of knee and hip OA (KOA, n = 91; HOA, n = 23) patients.

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The interaction between osteoarthritis (OA) pain and brain properties remains minimally understood, although anatomical and functional neuroimaging studies suggest that OA, similar to other chronic pain conditions, may impact as well as partly be determined by brain properties. Here, we studied brain gray matter (GM) properties in OA patients scheduled to undergo total joint replacement surgery. We tested the hypothesis that brain regional GM volume is distinct between hip OA (HOA) and knee OA (KOA) patients, relative to healthy controls and moreover, that these properties are related to OA pain.

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A significant proportion of osteoarthritis (OA) patients continue to experience moderate to severe pain after total joint replacement (TJR). Preoperative factors related to pain persistence are mainly studied using individual predictor variables and distinct pain outcomes, thus leading to a lack of consensus regarding the influence of preoperative parameters on post-TJR pain. In this prospective observational study, we evaluated knee and hip OA patients before, 3 and 6 months post-TJR searching for clinical predictors of pain persistence.

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Dysfunction of the prefrontal-hippocampal circuit has been identified as a leading cause to pain-related working-memory (WM) deficits. However, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly determined. To address this issue, we implanted multichannel arrays of electrodes in the prelimbic cortex (PL-mPFC), and in the dorsal hippocampal CA1 field (dCA1) to record the neural activity during the performance of a delayed non-match to sample (DNMS) task.

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Stability of local medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) network activity is believed to be critical for sustaining cognitive processes such as working memory (WM) and decision making. Dysfunction of the mPFC has been identified as a leading cause to WM deficits in several chronic pain conditions; however, the underlying mechanisms remain largely undetermined. Here, to address this issue, we implanted multichannel arrays of electrodes in the prelimbic region of the mPFC and recorded the neuronal activity during a food-reinforced delayed nonmatch to sample (DNMS) task of spatial WM.

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Over the last 20 years a large number of transgenic mouse models have been produced showing different degrees of congenital hypoalgesia; some of these models mimic known human conditions while others seemingly have no human counterpart. However, very little significant contributions to our understanding of pain neurobiology were obtained from this multitude of animal models; in most cases the study of these animals was limited to the characterization of its pain perception without addressing the long term consequences of their hypoalgesic condition. In this review we discuss the untapped potential that these animal models of congenital hypoalgesia hold for future studies addressing brain plasticity during permanent conditions of reduced pain perception, and that may result in important insights on the interplay between pain, emotion, and cognition.

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Background: Dopamine (DA) is thought to be important to local hippocampal networks integrity during spatial working memory (sWM) processing. Chronic pain may contribute to deficient dopaminergic signalling, which may in turn affect cognition. However, the neural mechanisms that determine this impairment are poorly understood.

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Despite the large number of studies addressing how prolonged painful stimulation affects brain functioning, there are only a handful of studies aimed at uncovering if persistent conditions of reduced pain perception would also result in brain plasticity. Permanent hypoalgesia induced by neonatal injection of capsaicin or carrageenan has already been shown to affect learning and memory and to induce alterations in brain gene expression. In this study, we used the Prrxl1 model of congenital mild hypoalgesia to conduct a detailed study of the neurophysiological and behavioral consequences of reduced pain experience.

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Testing the clinical efficacy of drugs that also have important side effects on locomotion needs to be properly designed in order to avoid erroneous identification of positive effects when the evaluation depends on motor-related tests. One such example is the evaluation of analgesic role of drugs that act on dopaminergic receptors, since the pain perception tests used in animal models are based on motor responses that can also be compromised by the same substances. The apparent analgesic effect obtained by modulation of the dopaminergic system is still a highly disputed topic.

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Dopamine plays an important role in several forms of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, a crucial brain structure for working memory (WM) functioning. In this study, we evaluated whether the working-memory impairment characteristic of animal models of chronic pain is dependent on hippocampal dopaminergic signaling. To address this issue, we implanted multichannel arrays of electrodes in the dorsal and ventral hippocampal CA1 region of rats and recorded the neuronal activity during a food-reinforced spatial WM task of trajectory alternation.

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The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the mediodorsal thalamus (MD) form interconnected neural circuits that are important for spatial cognition and memory, but it is not known whether the functional connectivity between these areas is affected by the onset of an animal model of inflammatory pain. To address this issue, we implanted 2 multichannel arrays of electrodes in the mPFC and MD of adult rats and recorded local field potential activity during a food-reinforced spatial working memory task. Recordings were performed for 3weeks, before and after the establishment of the pain model.

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Chronic pain patients commonly complain of working memory deficits, but the mechanisms and brain areas underlying this cognitive impairment remain elusive. The neuronal populations of the mPFC and dorsal CA1 (dCA1) are well known to form an interconnected neural circuit that is crucial for correct performance in spatial memory-dependent tasks. In this study, we investigated whether the functional connectivity between these two areas is affected by the onset of an animal model of peripheral neuropathic pain.

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It has been recently described that disruption of the neural mechanisms of emotion-based decision making occurs in both chronic pain patients and in animal models of pain; moreover, it also has been shown that chronic pain causes morphological and functional changes in the prefrontal cortex that may be crucial for this decision-making dysfunction. However, it is not known whether pain alone is capable of altering the neuronal encoding of decision exhibited by prefrontal neurons. We have previously shown that naïve animals have risk-averse performance in the rodent gambling task, whereas chronic pain animals reverse their choice preference and become risk prone.

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The insular cortex (IC) contains the primary sensory cortex for oral chemosensation including gustation, and its integrity is required for appropriate control of feeding behavior. However, it remains unknown whether the role of this brain area in food selection relies on the presence of peripheral taste input. Using multielectrode recordings, we found that the responses of populations of neurons in the IC of freely licking, sweet-blind Trpm5(-/-) mice are modulated by the rewarding postingestive effects of sucrose.

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Impaired decision-making is a core problem in several psychiatric disorders including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mania, drug addiction, eating disorders, and substance abuse as well as in chronic pain. To ensure progress in the understanding of the neuropathophysiology of these disorders, animal models with good construct and predictive validity are indispensable. Many human studies aimed at measuring decision-making capacities use the Iowa gambling task (IGT), a task designed to model everyday life choices through a conflict between immediate gratification and long-term outcomes.

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It is known that the thalamocortical loop plays a crucial role in the encoding of sensory-discriminative features of painful stimuli. However, only a few studies have addressed the changes in thalamocortical dynamics that may occur after the onset of chronic pain. Our goal was to evaluate how the induction of chronic neuropathic pain affected the flow of information within the thalamocortical loop throughout the brain states of the sleep-wake cycle.

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