Publications by authors named "Ga I Ban"

Enchondromas are a common tumor in bone that can occur as multiple lesions in enchondromatosis, which is associated with deformity of the affected bone. These lesions harbor somatic mutations in IDH and driving expression of a mutant Idh1 in Col2 expressing cells in mice causes an enchondromatosis phenotype. Here we compared growth plates from E18.

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Intratumoral heterogeneity is common in cancer, particularly in sarcomas like undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS), where individual cells demonstrate a high degree of cytogenic diversity. Previous studies showed that a small subset of cells within UPS, known as the metastatic clone (MC), as responsible for metastasis. Using a CRISPR-based genomic screen , we identified the COMPASS complex member as a key regulator maintaining the metastatic phenotype of the MC in murine UPS.

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Article Synopsis
  • Enchondromas are bone tumors that can appear in multiple lesions due to a condition called enchondromatosis, which leads to bone deformities and is linked to specific genetic mutations.* -
  • In a study, researchers analyzed growth plates from E18.5 mice with a mutant gene compared to normal ones using advanced techniques like single-cell RNA sequencing and found significant differences in cell populations.* -
  • The study revealed that the mutant gene creates unique cell clusters associated with enchondromas while reducing populations that support normal bone growth, suggesting a shift in chondrocyte subpopulations due to the mutation.*
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Article Synopsis
  • Enchondromas are benign tumors, while chondrosarcomas are malignant, both associated with mutations in IDH1 or IDH2.
  • Glutamine metabolism significantly influences tumor behavior, with distinct effects on enchondromas and chondrosarcomas based on their IDH mutations.
  • Targeting glutamine metabolism through genetic manipulation or pharmacological methods could offer potential therapies, such as α-ketoglutarate supplementation for enchondromas and glutaminase inhibition for chondrosarcomas.
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Previously, we showed that embryonic deletion of TGF-β type 2 receptor in mouse sclerotome resulted in defects in fibrous connective tissues in the spine. Here we investigated how TGF-β regulates expression of fibrous markers: Scleraxis, Fibromodulin and Adamtsl2. We showed that TGF-β stimulated expression of Scleraxis mRNA by 2 h and Fibromodulin and Adamtsl2 mRNAs by 8 h of treatment.

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Cellular heterogeneity is frequently observed in cancer, but the biological significance of heterogeneous tumor clones is not well defined. Using multicolor reporters and CRISPR-Cas9 barcoding, we trace clonal dynamics in a mouse model of sarcoma. We show that primary tumor growth is associated with a reduction in clonal heterogeneity.

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Sclerotome is the embryonic progenitor of the axial skeleton. It was previously shown that Tgfbr2 is required in sclerotome for differentiation of fibrous skeletal tissues including the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. Alternatively, BMP signaling is required to form the vertebral body through chondrogenesis.

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Purpose Of Review: Intervertebral discs (IVD) are derived from embryonic notochord and sclerotome. The nucleus pulposus is derived from notochord while other connective tissues of the spine are derived from sclerotome. This manuscript will review the past 5 years of research into IVD development.

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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling plays an integral role in skeletal development. Conditional deletion of the TGF-β type II receptor (Tgfbr2) from type II Collagen (Col2a) expressing cells results in defects in development of the annulus fibrosus (AF) of the intervertebral disc (IVD). We previously used microarray analysis to search for marker genes of AF as well as transcription factors regulated by TGF-β during AF development.

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