Publications by authors named "GRILL W"

The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Think Tank XII was held on August 21st to 23rd. This year we showcased groundbreaking advancements in neuromodulation technology, focusing heavily on the novel uses of existing technology as well as next-generation technology. Our keynote speaker shared the vision of using neuro artificial intelligence to predict depression using brain electrophysiology.

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Epilepsy surgery can eliminate seizures in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Surgical intervention requires proper identification of the epileptic network and often involves implanting stereo-EEG electrodes in patients where non-invasive methods are insufficient. However, only ∼60% of patients achieve seizure-freedom following surgery.

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. Sharing computational models offers many benefits, including increased scientific rigor during project execution, readership of the associated paper, resource usage efficiency, replicability, and reusability. In recognition of the growing practice and requirement of sharing models, code, and data, herein, we provide guidance to facilitate sharing of computational models by providing an accessible resource for regular reference throughout a project's stages.

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Computational models of electrical stimulation, block and recording of autonomic nerves enable analysis of mechanisms of action underlying neural responses and design of optimized stimulation parameters. We reviewed advances in computational modeling of autonomic nerve stimulation, block, and recording over the past five years, with a focus on vagus nerve stimulation, including both implanted and less invasive approaches. Few models achieved quantitative validation, but integrated computational pipelines increase the reproducibility, reusability, and accessibility of computational modeling.

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders with broad potential for new applications, but the neural circuits that are engaged during TMS are still poorly understood. Recordings of neural activity from the corticospinal tract provide a direct readout of the response of motor cortex to TMS, and therefore a new opportunity to model neural circuit dynamics. The study goal was to use epidural recordings from the cervical spine of human subjects to develop a computational model of a motor cortical macrocolumn through which the mechanisms underlying the response to TMS, including direct and indirect waves, could be investigated.

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Unmyelinated C-fibers constitute the vast majority of axons in peripheral nerves and play key roles in homeostasis and signaling pain. However, little is known about their ion channel expression, which controls their firing properties. Also, because of their small diameters (~ 1 μm), it has not been possible to characterize their membrane properties using voltage clamp.

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Peripheral neuromodulation has emerged as a powerful modality for controlling physiological functions and treating a variety of medical conditions including chronic pain and organ dysfunction. The underlying complexity of the nonlinear responses to electrical stimulation make it challenging to design precise and effective neuromodulation protocols. Computational models have thus become indispensable in advancing our understanding and control of neural responses to electrical stimulation.

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Article Synopsis
  • Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used to treat motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD), but how it works in the brain is still debated.
  • Researchers studied the effects of DBS on brain activity in female hemi-parkinsonian rats using advanced imaging techniques to pinpoint which neural targets are influenced.
  • Their findings showed that the effectiveness of DBS depends on the pulse rate used and that specific brain regions, particularly the globus pallidus (GP) and caudate putamen (CPu), play a crucial role in alleviating symptoms, unlike the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr).
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We define and explain the quasistatic approximation (QSA) as applied to field modeling for electrical and magnetic stimulation. Neuromodulation analysis pipelines include discrete stages, and QSA is applied specifically when calculating the electric and magnetic fields generated in tissues by a given stimulation dose. QSA simplifies the modeling equations to support tractable analysis, enhanced understanding, and computational efficiency.

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Advancing the mechanistic understanding of absence epilepsy is crucial for developing new therapeutics, especially for patients unresponsive to current treatments. Utilizing a recently developed mouse model of absence epilepsy carrying the BK gain-of-function channelopathy D434G, here we report that attenuating the burst firing of midline thalamus (MLT) neurons effectively prevents absence seizures. We found that enhanced BK channel activity in the BK-D434G MLT neurons promotes synchronized bursting during the ictal phase of absence seizures.

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Background: Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) is used to map neuronal circuitry in the brain and restore lost sensory function, including vision, hearing, and somatosensation. The temporal response of cortical neurons to single pulse ICMS is remarkably stereotyped and comprises short latency excitation followed by prolonged inhibition and, in some cases, rebound excitation. However, the neural origin of the different response components to ICMS are poorly understood, and the interactions between the three response components during trains of ICMS pulses remains unclear.

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Article Synopsis
  • * Found that different stimulation frequencies influenced blood flow and activity in critical areas like the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), globus pallidus (GP), and caudate putamen (CPu).
  • * Discovered that the therapeutic effects of STN DBS in reducing detrimental circling behavior relied more on changes in GP and CPu activity rather than SNr, highlighting their importance in PD treatment.
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Background: Peripheral nerve recordings can enhance the efficacy of neurostimulation therapies by providing a feedback signal to adjust stimulation settings for greater efficacy or reduced side effects. Computational models can accelerate the development of interfaces with high signal-to-noise ratio and selective recording. However, validation and tuning of model outputs against in vivo recordings remains computationally prohibitive due to the large number of fibers in a nerve.

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We define and explain the quasistatic approximation (QSA) as applied to field modeling for electrical and magnetic stimulation. Neuromodulation analysis pipelines include discrete stages, and QSA is applied specifically when calculating the electric and magnetic fields generated in tissues by a given stimulation dose. QSA simplifies the modeling equations to support tractable analysis, enhanced understanding, and computational efficiency.

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Continuous deep brain stimulation (cDBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or globus pallidus is an effective treatment for the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The relative benefit of one region over the other is of great interest but cannot usually be compared in the same patient. Simultaneous DBS of both regions may synergistically increase the therapeutic benefit.

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Our goal was to determine the conditions for which a more precise calculation of the electric potential than the quasi-static approximation may be needed in models of electrical neurostimulation, particularly for signals with kilohertz-frequency components.We conducted a comprehensive quantitative study of the differences in nerve fiber activation and conduction block when using the quasi-static and Helmholtz approximations for the electric potential in a model of electrical neurostimulation.We first show that the potentials generated by sources of unbalanced pulses exhibit different transients as compared to those of charge-balanced pulses, and this is disregarded by the quasi-static assumption.

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Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation modality that can alter cortical excitability. However, it remains unclear how the subcellular elements of different neuron types are polarized by specific electric field (E-field) distributions.

Objective: To quantify neuronal polarization generated by tDCS in a multi-scale computational model.

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Stereo-EEG is a minimally invasive technique used to localize the origin of epileptic activity (the epileptogenic zone) in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. However, current stereo-EEG trajectory planning methods are agnostic to the spatial recording sensitivity of implanted electrodes. In this study, we used image-based patient-specific computational models to design optimized stereo-EEG electrode configurations.

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Background: Traditional deep brain stimulation (DBS) at fixed regular frequencies (>100 Hz) is effective in treating motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Temporally non-regular patterns of DBS are a new parameter space that may help increase efficacy and efficiency.

Objective: To compare the effects of temporally non-regular patterns of DBS to traditional regularly-spaced pulses.

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The stimulation paradigm for sacral neuromodulation has remained largely unchanged since its inception. We sought to determine, in rats, whether stimulation-induced increases in bladder capacity correlated with the proportion of sensory pudendal (PudS) neurons at each stimulated location (L6, S1). If supported, this finding could guide the choice of stimulation side (left/right) and level (S2, S3, S4) in humans.

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The emerging field of bioelectronic medicine (BEM) is poised to make a significant impact on the treatment of several neurological and inflammatory disorders. With several BEM therapies being recently approved for clinical use and others in late-phase clinical trials, the 2022 BEM summit was a timely scientific meeting convening a wide range of experts to discuss the latest developments in the field. The BEM Summit was held over two days in New York with more than thirty-five invited speakers and panelists comprised of researchers and experts from both academia and industry.

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Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation modality that can alter cortical excitability. However, it remains unclear how the subcellular elements of different neuron types are polarized by specific electric field (E-field) distributions.

Objective: To quantify neuronal polarization generated by tDCS in a multi-scale computational model.

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Background: The neural control of gastrointestinal muscle relies on circuit activity whose underlying motifs remain limited by small-sample calcium imaging recordings confounded by motion artifact, paralytics, and muscle dissections. We present a sequence of resources to register images from moving preparations and identify out-of-focus events in widefield fluorescent microscopy.

Methods: Our algorithm uses piecewise rigid registration with pathfinding to correct movements associated with smooth muscle contractions.

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The spinal dorsal horn (DH) processes sensory information and plays a key role in transmitting nociception to supraspinal centers. Loss of DH inhibition during neuropathic pain unmasks a pathway from nonnociceptive Aβ-afferent inputs to superficial dorsal horn (SDH) nociceptive-specific (NS) projection neurons, and this change may contribute to hyperalgesia and allodynia. We developed and validated a computational model of SDH neuronal circuitry that links nonnociceptive Aβ-afferent inputs in lamina II/III to a NS projection neuron in lamina I via a network of excitatory interneurons.

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The therapeutic mechanisms of subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) may depend on antidromic activation of cortex via the hyperdirect pathway. However, hyperdirect pathway neurons cannot reliably follow high-stimulation frequencies, and the spike failure rate appears to correlate with symptom relief as a function of stimulation frequency. We hypothesized that antidromic spike failure contributes to the cortical desynchronization caused by DBS.

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