Arch Geschwulstforsch
October 1985
The results of a cross-sectional study carried out in seven districts of the GDR and Berlin, capital of the GDR, show a significantly increased number of tumors in male woodworkers. Compared to 13 expected tumors the number of those observed amounted to 62. The most frequent localisation was the ethmoidal sinus; adenocarcinomas dominated histologically.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Arztl Fortbild (Jena)
April 1979
In all countries from which reliable statistics are available, there has been a striking increase in lung cancer mortality in recent decades. At present lung tumours are the most frequent organ cancer in men. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies have clearly shown that the inhalation of cigarette smoke is a major risk factor in lung cancer.
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January 1977
Wistar rats evolved many malignant tumors of different localisation. The tumors grew in the time of 8-14 months after oral application of asbestos filters which contained 53% Chrysotile asbestos. The number of tumors was statistically significant different not only in comparison to a control group which got talc only, but also to an untreated control group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Qual Saf
February 1976
Environ Qual Saf Suppl
August 1976
Arch Geschwulstforsch
November 1975
By using Propanol-1, 2-Methylpropanol-1 cancerogenic, hepatotoxic and haematotoxic effects could pointed out by an experimental study with rats. These high alcoholics are frequently used in the chemical industry but they are also essential parts of most of the alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to define safety limit.
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August 1972
Arch Geschwulstforsch
February 1972
Arch Geschwulstforsch
July 1971