Purpose: To investigate the effects of a repeated-sprint training in hypoxia induced by voluntary hypoventilation at low lung volume (RSH-VHL) including end-expiratory breath holding (EEBH) of maximal duration.
Methods: Over a 4-week period, twenty elite judo athletes (10 women and 10 men) were randomly split into two groups to perform 8 sessions of rowing repeated-sprint exercise either with RSH-VHL (each sprint with maximal EEBH) or with unrestricted breathing (RSN, 10-s sprints). Before (Pre-), 5 days after (Post-1) and 12 days after (Post-2) the last training session, participants completed a repeated-sprint ability (RSA) test on a rowing ergometer (8 × 25-s "all-out" repetitions interspersed with 25 s of passive recovery).
Flowering time (FT), which determines when fruits or seeds can be harvested, is subject to phenotypic plasticity, that is, the ability of a genotype to display different phenotypes in response to environmental variation. Here, we investigated how the environment affects the genetic architecture of FT in cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and modifies its quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects. To this end, we used a bi-parental segregating population grown for 2 years at widely divergent latitudes (five European countries) and combined climatic variables with genomic data (Affymetrix SNP array).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of the present study was to confirm the convergent validity of information integration theory in the judgment of fatigue in sport, using information integration, subjective, and physiological data. Twenty healthy athletes were confronted with six cycling scenarios in two experimental conditions. In the laboratory condition, the athletes imagined the scenarios and had to cognitively combine the exercise intensity (30%, 50%, and 70% of the maximal intensity) and the exercise duration (15 and 30 min) when judging their expected level of fatigue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) and midline catheters are often placed by nurse-led vascular access teams (VATs). While some data regarding the effectiveness of these teams exists, less is known about their structure and function.
Objectives: To examine the roles, functions, and composition of VATs related to the use and management of PICC and midline catheters.
Aims: IgE type immunoglobulins and their specific effector cells, mast cells (MCs), are associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) progression. In parallel, immunoglobulin-producing B cells, organised in tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs) within the aortic wall, have also been linked to aneurysmal progression. We aimed at investigating the potential role and mechanism linking local MCs, TLO B cells, and IgE production in aneurysmal progression.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant architecture plays a major role in flowering and therefore in crop yield. Attempts to visualize and analyse strawberry plant architecture have been few to date. Here, we developed open-source software combining two- and three-dimensional representations of plant development over time along with statistical methods to explore the variability in spatio-temporal development of plant architecture in cultivated strawberry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSignificance Statement: Kidney-derived thrombopoietin (TPO) increases myeloid cell and platelet production during antibody-mediated chronic kidney disease (AMCKD) in a mouse model, exacerbating chronic thromobinflammation in microvessels. The effect is mirrored in patients with extracapillary glomerulonephritis associated with thromboinflammation, TGF β -dependent glomerulosclerosis, and increased bioavailability of TPO. Neutralization of TPO in mice normalized hematopoiesis, reduced chronic thromboinflammation, and ameliorated renal disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConcurrent administration of pembrolizumab with chemotherapy in untreated classic Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL) has not been studied previously. To investigate this combination, we conducted a single-arm study of concurrent pembrolizumab with AVD (doxorubicin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine; APVD) for untreated CHL. We enrolled 30 patients and met the primary safety end point with no observed significant treatment delays in the first 2 cycles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The aim of this review was to (1) characterize the time-course of markers of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) based on the level of maximal voluntary contraction torque loss at 24-48h post-exercise (MVCloss24-48h), (2) identify factors (e.g., exercise and population characteristics) affecting the level of MVCloss24-48h, and (3) evaluate the appropriateness of EIMD markers as indicators of MVCloss24-48h.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFruit colour is central to the sensorial and nutritional quality of strawberry fruit and is therefore a major target in breeding programmes of the octoploid cultivated strawberry (). The red colour of the fruit is caused by the accumulation of anthocyanins, which are water-soluble flavonoids. To facilitate molecular breeding, here we have mapped with high resolution fruit colour quantitative trait loci (QTLs) (COLOUR, scored visually as in selection programmes) and associated flavonoid metabolic QTLs (5 anthocyanins compounds together with 8 flavonols and flavan-3-ols) to specific subgenomes of cultivated strawberry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeabirds breeding in the high Arctic contend with variable annual sea ice conditions, with important consequences depending on a species' unique reproductive and foraging ecology. We assessed the influence of sea ice extent and phenology on seabird breeding biology using monitoring data collected for northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus), black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), and thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) breeding at Prince Leopold Island, Nunavut, Canada over 4 decades. We expected that years of later sea ice break-up and greater ice cover around the colony would create greater challenges to foraging and could result in delayed nest initiation, decreased colony attendance, and lower nesting success, but with distinct responses from each species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Early sexual debut among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescents has been associated with an increased risk of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, along with an increased risk of having multiple lifetime sexual partners, and engaging in greater frequency of sex, substance abuse, and lack of condom use. A major protective factor against early sexual debut among AI/AN youth is the familial system. Interventions aiming to improve parent-child communication and parental warmth toward adolescent sexual health topics were reported to contribute to positive youth sexual health outcomes, specifically among minority youth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: When assessing connectivity, it is crucial to rely on accurate modeling frameworks that consider species movement preferences and patterns. One important aspect is the level of randomness or unpredictability in the route selection. In this respect, traditional approaches (based on least-cost path or circuit theory) consider species movements unrealistically as totally deterministic or as totally random.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant architecture is central in determining crop yield. In the short-day species strawberry, a crop vegetatively propagated by daughter-plants produced by stolons, fruit yield is further dependent on the trade-off between sexual reproduction (fruits) and asexual reproduction (daughter-plants). Both are largely dependent on meristem identity, which establishes the development of branches, stolons and inflorescences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res
October 2021
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) young adults are strong and resilient. Interventions designed to improve their mental health and help-seeking skills are especially needed, particularly those that include culturally relevant resources and relatable role models. This paper presents formative research from the BRAVE study, a five-year community based participatory research project led by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile homometallic (salen)Al catalysts display excellent performance in lactide ring-opening polymerization (ROP), heterometallic (salen)Al complexes have yet to be reported. Herein, we describe four heterobimetallic (salen)Al catalysts and show that the choice of the heterometal is key. Cooperative Al/Mg and Al/Zn combinations improved the catalyst activity by a factor of up to 11 compared to the mono-Al analogue, whereas the mono-Mg and mono-Zn analogues were completely inactive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). B cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of lupus, and anti-BAFF therapy has been approved for use in SLE. Since mature B cells also promote atherosclerosis, we undertook this study to evaluate, in a mouse model and in SLE patients, whether BAFF neutralization has an atheroprotective effect in SLE.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article comments on: . 2020. Alternate expression of CONSTANS-LIKE 4 in short days and CONSTANS in long days facilitates day-neutral response in .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlavonoids are products from specialized metabolism that contribute to fruit sensorial (color) and nutritional (antioxidant properties) quality. Here, using a pseudo full-sibling F progeny previously studied for fruit sensorial quality of cultivated strawberry (), we explored over two successive years the genetic architecture of flavonoid-related traits using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (13 compounds including anthocyanins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols) and colorimetric assays (anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenolics, and total antioxidant capacity (ferric reducing antioxidant power and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity)). Network correlation analysis highlighted the high connectivity of flavonoid compounds within each chemical class and low correlation with colorimetric traits except for anthocyanins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Pulmonary capillary stress failure is potentially involved in exercise-induced hypoxemia (ie, a significant fall in hemoglobin oxygen saturation [Spo]) during sea level exercise in endurance-trained athletes. It is unknown whether there are specific properties of pulmonary vascular function in athletes exhibiting oxygen desaturation.
Methods: Ten endurance-trained athletes with exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH), nine endurance-trained athletes with no exercise-induced hypoxemia (NEIH), and 10 untrained control subjects underwent an incremental exercise stress echocardiography coupled with lung diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (Dlco) and lung diffusion capacity for nitric oxide (Dlno) testing.
Strawberry is a fruit crop species of major horticultural importance, for which fruit quality and the control of flowering (for fruit yield), runnering (for vegetative propagation), and the trade-off between the two are main breeding targets. The octoploid cultivated strawberry has a limited genetic basis. This raises the question of how to identify important gene targets and successfully exploit them for strawberry improvement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe historic influence of interannual weather and climate variability on total mercury concentrations (THg) in the eggs of two species of Arctic seabird in the Canadian High Arctic was investigated. Time series of THg in the eggs of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) and thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) from Prince Leopold Island span 40 years (1975-2014), making these among the longest time series available for contaminants in Arctic wildlife and uniquely suitable for evaluation of long-term climate and weather influence. We compiled a suite of weather and climate time series reflecting atmospheric (air temperature, wind speed, sea level pressure) and oceanic (sea surface temperature, sea ice cover) conditions, atmosphere-ocean transfer (snow and rain), as well as broad-scale teleconnection indices such as the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn eukaryotes, membrane contact sites (MCS) allow direct communication between organelles. Plants have evolved a unique type of MCS, inside intercellular pores, the plasmodesmata, where endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-plasma membrane (PM) contacts coincide with regulation of cell-to-cell signalling. The molecular mechanism and function of membrane tethering within plasmodesmata remain unknown.
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